Debian Med phylogeny packages
This lists Debian packages related to phylogeny for use in life sciences.
The purpose of this compilation of packages is to have a handy subset of
from the med-bio metapackage which contains a lot more than only phylogeny
related software.
For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:
If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med
to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to
send a description of that project to the Debian Med mailing list
Links to other tasks
Debian Med Phylogeny packages
Official Debian packages with high relevance
Programm zur Phylogenie-basierten Assoziations- und Lokalisierungsanalyse
Versions of package altree |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.3.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.3.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.3.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.3.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.3.1-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.3.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.3.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package altree: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program, shared-lib |
scope | utility |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
ALTree wurde für entworfen, um Assoziationen zu entdecken und
Suszeptibilitäts-Lokuse (susceptibility loci) mittels phylogenetischen
Bäumen aus Haplotypen zu lokalisieren. Zum Einen ermöglicht sie die
Entdeckung einer Assoziation zwischen einem untersuchten Gen und einer
Krankheit, zum Anderen wird eine Hypothese über Suszeptibilitäts-Lokuse
Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic inference
Versions of package beast-mcmc |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.8.0-1 (contrib) | all |
buster | 1.10.4+dfsg-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.10.4+dfsg-2 | all |
bookworm | 1.10.4+dfsg-5 | all |
trixie | 1.10.4+dfsg-6 | all |
sid | 1.10.4+dfsg-6 | all |
stretch | 1.8.4+dfsg.1-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
BEAST is a cross-platform program for Bayesian MCMC analysis of molecular
sequences. It is entirely orientated towards rooted, time-measured
phylogenies inferred using strict or relaxed molecular clock models. It
can be used as a method of reconstructing phylogenies but is also a
framework for testing evolutionary hypotheses without conditioning on a
single tree topology. BEAST uses MCMC to average over tree space, so that
each tree is weighted proportional to its posterior probability. Included
is a simple to use user-interface program for setting up standard
analyses and a suit of programs for analysing the results.
Globale multiple Alignments von Nukleotid- oder Peptidsequenzen
Versions of package clustalw |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.1+lgpl-7 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.1+lgpl-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.1+lgpl-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.1+lgpl-6 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.1+lgpl-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.1+lgpl-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.1+lgpl-7 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package clustalw: |
biology | format:aln, nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline, text-mode |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
Clustal W führt ein Alignment mehrerer Nukleotid- oder
aus. Das Programm erkennt das Format der Eingabesequenzen und ob die
Sequenzen aus Nuklein- (DNA/RNA) oder Aminosäuren (Proteine) bestehen. Das
Ausgabeformat kann aus verschiedenen Formaten für multiple Alignments
ausgewählt werden, etwa Phylip oder FASTA. Clustal W ist allgemein
Die Ausgabe von Clustal W kann händisch editiert werden, jedoch wird ein
Alignment-Editor wie SeaView oder Clustal X empfohlen. Bei der Erstellung
eines Modells aus Ihrem Alignment, kann die Ausgabe für verbesserte
Datenbanksuchen verwendet werden. Das Debian-Paket hmmer erstellt dies
mittels eines Hidden-Markov-Modells (HMM).
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Please cite:
M. A. Larkin, G. Blackshields, N. P. Brown, R. Chenna, P. A. McGettigan, H. McWilliam, F. Valentin, I.M. Wallace, A. Wilm, R. Lopez, J. D. Thompson, T. J. Gibson and D. G. Higgins:
Clustal W and Clustal X version 2.0.
Topics: Sequence analysis
Multiples Alignment von Nukleotid- und Proteinsequenzen (grafische Oberfläche)
Versions of package clustalx |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.1+lgpl-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.1+lgpl-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.1+lgpl-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.1+lgpl-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 2.1+lgpl-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.1+lgpl-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.1+lgpl-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package clustalx: |
biology | format:aln, nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | utility |
uitoolkit | motif |
use | analysing, comparing, viewing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Dieses Paket enthält eine grafische Oberfläche für Clustal, ein Programm
für multiple Sequenzalignments. Das Paket enthält für die Analyse der
Resultate eine integrierte Umgebung für multiple Sequenz- und
Profilalignments. Das Sequenzalignment wird in einem Fenster angezeigt. Es
wurde ein vielseitiges Farbschema implementiert, um konservierte Teile des
Alignments hervorzuheben. Für professionelle Präsentationen ist das
LaTeX-Paket texshade oder boxshade besser geeignet.
Sie können alle Optionen für herkömmliche multiple Sequenz- und
Profilaligments über Pull-Down-Menüs am oberen Rand des Fensters
erreichen. Sie können Sequenzen ausschneiden und einfügen, um die
Alignment-Reihenfole zu ändern; Sie können eine Untermenge an Sequenzen
auswählen, die verglichen werden sollen; Sie können einen Teilbereich des
Alignments auswählen, neu anordnen und wieder in das ursprüngliche
Es kann eine Qualitätsanlayse des Alignments durchgeführt werden. Außerdem
können Segmente mit geringem Score oder ungewöhnlichen Resten
Please cite:
M.A. Larkin, G. Blackshields, N.P. Brown, R. Chenna, P.A. McGettigan, H. McWilliam, F. Valentin, I.M. Wallace, A. Wilm, R. Lopez, J.D. Thompson, T.J. Gibson and D.G. Higgins:
Clustal W and Clustal X version 2.0.
Topics: Sequence analysis
Segmentbasiertes multiples Sequenzalignment
Versions of package dialign |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.2.1-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 2.2.1-7 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.2.1-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.2.1-10 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 2.2.1-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.2.1-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.2.1-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package dialign: |
biology | format:aln, nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
Das Kommandozeilenwerkzeug DIALIGN2 führt ein multiples Alignment von
Protein- oder DNA-Sequenzen aus. Es erstellt Alignments aus gap-freien
Paaren von ähnlichen Sequenzsegmenten. Dieses Bewertungsverfahren ist der
grundlegende Unterschied zwischen DIALIGN und anderen globalen oder lokalen
Methoden für Sequenzalignments. Beachten Sie, dass DIALIGN bei Gaps das
Ergebnis nicht schlechter bewertet.
Segmentbasiertes multiples Sequenzalignment
Versions of package dialign-tx |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.0.2-7 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.0.2-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.2-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.2-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.2-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.2-12 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0.2-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package dialign-tx: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
DIALIGN-TX ist ein Kommandozeilenwerkzeug, um mehrere Protein- oder
DNA-Sequenzen aneinander auszurichten (»zu alignen«). Es handelt sich um
eine vollständige Reimplementation des segmentbasierten Ansatzes,
einschließlich einiger neuer Verbesserungen und Heuristiken und anderer
Verbesserungen, die im Vergleich mit DIALIGN 2.2 oder DIALIGN-T deutlich
die Qualität der ermittelten Alignments erhöht. Für paarweise Alignments
nutzt DIALIGN-TX einen Algorithmus zur Verkettung von Fragmenten, der
Ketten niedrig bewerteter lokaler Alignments den isolierten höher
bewerteten Fragmenten vorzieht. Für multiple Alignments nutzt DIALIGN-TX
eine verbesserte, erfolgshungrige Prozedur, die nicht auf falsche lokale
Sequenzähnlichkeiten hereinfällt.
Generisches Werkzeug zum paarweisen Sequenzvergleich
Versions of package exonerate |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 2.4.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 2.4.0-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.2.0-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.4.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.4.0-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.4.0-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.4.0-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package exonerate: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | searching |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
Mit Exonerate können Sie Sequenzen ab- und vergleichen. Das Programm
bietet Ihnen viele Alignment-Modelle, welche entweder vollständig
dynamische Programmierung oder eine Reihe von heuristischen Methoden
verwenden. Ein Großteil der Funktionalität der »Wise dynamic programming
suite« wurde zur Erhöhung der Effizienz in C neu geschrieben. Exonerate
ist eine wesentliche Komponente bei der Erstellung der »Ensembl
Genome«-Datenbanken, die Ähnlichkeitsmaße für RNA- und DNA-Sequenzen
bestimmt und so allgemein »splice variants« und Codesequenzen bestimmt.
Ein »In-silico PCR«-System zur Simulation von Experimenten (Siehe auch das
Handbuch von »ipcress«) wird zusammen mit »exonerate« verteilt.
Dieses Paket beinhaltet auch eine Auswahl an Werkzeugen zur Erstellung
einfacher, schneller Änderungen an »fasta«-Dateien mit über 2GB
Werkzeug zum Aufbau phylogenetischer Bäume von DNA-Sequenzen
Versions of package fastdnaml |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.2.2-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.2.2-15 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.2.2-14 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.2.2-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.2.2-18 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.2.2-18 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.2.2-10 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package fastdnaml: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
FastDNAml ist abgeleitet von Joseph Felsensteins DNAML Version 3.3 (Teil
seines Pakets PHYLIP). Bevor Sie fastDNAml verwenden, sollten Sie die
Dokumentation für DNAML heranziehen.
FastDNAml ist der Versuch, das gleiche Problem wie DNAML effektiver zu
lösen, damit größere Bäume und/oder »bootstrap«-Replikate behandelt
werden können. Bei großen Teilen von fastDNAml handelt es sich lediglich
eine Neuprogrammierung der in Pascal geschriebenen PHYLIP DNAML Version
in der Sprache C.
Beachten Sie, dass die Webseite dieses Programms nicht mehr verfügbar ist
und dieses Programm daher wahrscheinlich nicht mehr aktualisiert wird.
phylogenetic trees from alignments of nucleotide or protein sequences
Versions of package fasttree |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 2.1.10-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.1.11-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.1.11-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.1.11-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.1.11-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.1.7-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.1.9-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
FastTree infers approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from
alignments of nucleotide or protein sequences. It handles alignments
with up to a million of sequences in a reasonable amount of time and
memory. For large alignments, FastTree is 100-1,000 times faster than
PhyML 3.0 or RAxML 7.
FastTree is more accurate than PhyML 3 with default settings, and much
more accurate than the distance-matrix methods that are traditionally
used for large alignments. FastTree uses the Jukes-Cantor or generalized
time-reversible (GTR) models of nucleotide evolution and the JTT
(Jones-Taylor-Thornton 1992) model of amino acid evolution. To account
for the varying rates of evolution across sites, FastTree uses a single
rate for each site (the "CAT" approximation). To quickly estimate the
reliability of each split in the tree, FastTree computes local support
values with the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test (these are the same as PhyML 3's
"SH-like local supports").
This package contains a single threaded version (fasttree) and a
parallel version which uses OpenMP (fasttreMP).
Grafischer Betrachter für phylogenetische Bäume
Versions of package figtree |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.4-2 | all |
sid | 1.4.4-6 | all |
buster | 1.4.4-3 | all |
stretch | 1.4.2+dfsg-2 | all |
bullseye | 1.4.4-5 | all |
bookworm | 1.4.4-5 | all |
trixie | 1.4.4-6 | all |
License: DFSG free
FigTree ist gedacht als grafischer Betrachter für phylogenetische Bäume und
als ein Programm, das veröffentlichungsreife Abbildungen erstellt.
Insbesondere ist es für die Anzeige zusammengefasster und annotierter Bäume
geeignet, die von BEAST erstellt wurden.
spliced and SNP-tolerant alignment for mRNA and short reads
Versions of package gmap |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2024-11-20+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
jessie | 2014-10-22-1 (non-free) | amd64 |
stretch | 2017-01-14-1 (non-free) | amd64 |
buster | 2019-01-24-1 (non-free) | amd64 |
bullseye | 2021-02-22+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
bookworm | 2021-12-17+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
sid | 2024-11-20+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
Debtags of package gmap: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics, biology:structural |
role | program |
use | analysing |
License: DFSG free
This package contains the programs GMAP and GSNAP as well as
utilities to manage genome databases in GMAP/GSNAP format.
GMAP (Genomic Mapping and Alignment Program) is a tool for aligning
EST, mRNA and cDNA sequences.
GSNAP (Genomic Short-read Nucleotide Alignment Program) is a tool for
aligning single-end and paired-end transcriptome reads.
Both tools can use a database of
- known splice sites and identify novel splice sites.
- known single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
GSNAP can align bisulfite-treated DNA.
Profil-Hidden-Markov-Modelle für Protein-Sequenzanalyse
Versions of package hmmer |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 3.3.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,i386 |
buster | 3.2.1+dfsg-1 | amd64,i386 |
trixie | 3.4+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,i386 |
bullseye | 3.3.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,i386 |
sid | 3.4+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,i386 |
jessie | 3.1b1-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3.1b2+dfsg-5 | amd64,i386 |
Debtags of package hmmer: |
biology | format:aln, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | searching |
works-with | db |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
HMMER ist eine Implementierung der Profile-Hidden-Markov-Modelle für eine
sensitive Suche in biologischen Sequenzdatenbanken mit multiplen
Sequenzalignments als Anfragen.
Mit einem multiplen Sequenzalignment als Eingabe baut HMMER ein
statistisches Modell, genannt »Hidden-Markov-Modell«. Mit diesem kann in
Sequenzdatenbanken nach homologen Sequenzen gesucht werden. Dabei können
gleichzeitig, der gesuchten Proteinfamilie zugehörige, Sequenzen alignt werden.
efficient phylogenetic software by maximum likelihood
Versions of package iqtree |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.0.7+dfsg-1 | amd64,i386 |
stretch | 1.5.3+dfsg-2 | amd64,i386 |
buster | 1.6.9+dfsg-1 | amd64,i386 |
bullseye | 1.6.12+dfsg-1 | amd64,i386 |
bookworm | 2.0.7+dfsg-1 | amd64,i386 |
trixie | 2.0.7+dfsg-1 | amd64,i386 |
License: DFSG free
IQ-TREE is a very efficient maximum likelihood phylogenetic software
with following key features among others:
- A novel fast and effective stochastic algorithm to estimate maximum
likelihood trees. IQ-TREE outperforms both RAxML and PhyML in terms
of likelihood while requiring similar amount of computing time (see
Nguyen et al., 2015)
- An ultrafast bootstrap approximation to assess branch supports (see
Minh et al., 2013).
- A wide range of substitution models for binary, DNA, protein, codon,
and morphological alignments.
- Ultrafast model selection for all data types, 10 to 100 times faster
than jModelTest and ProtTest.
- Finding best partition scheme like PartitionFinder.
- Partitioned models with mixed data types for phylogenomic (multi-
gene) alignments, allowing for separate, proportional, or joint
branch lengths among genes.
- Supporting the phylogenetic likelihod library (PLL) (see Flouri et
al., 2014)
HPC selection of models of nucleotide substitution
Versions of package jmodeltest |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 2.1.10+dfsg-5 | all |
sid | 2.1.10+dfsg-12 | all |
trixie | 2.1.10+dfsg-12 | all |
bullseye | 2.1.10+dfsg-10 | all |
bookworm | 2.1.10+dfsg-12 | all |
buster | 2.1.10+dfsg-7 | all |
License: DFSG free
jModelTest is a tool to carry out statistical selection of best-fit
models of nucleotide substitution. It implements five different model
selection strategies: hierarchical and dynamical likelihood ratio tests
(hLRT and dLRT), Akaike and Bayesian information criteria (AIC and BIC),
and a decision theory method (DT). It also provides estimates of model
selection uncertainty, parameter importances and model-averaged
parameter estimates, including model-averaged tree topologies.
jModelTest 2 includes High Performance Computing (HPC) capabilities and
additional features like new strategies for tree optimization, model-
averaged phylogenetic trees (both topology and branch length), heuristic
filtering and automatic logging of user activity.
Globales und fortschreitendes multiples Sequenzalignment
Versions of package kalign |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 3.4.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 3.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 3.4.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.3.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.03+20110620-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.03+20110620-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.03+20110620-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package kalign: |
biology | format:aln, nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
Das Befehlszeilenwerkzeug Kalign gleicht mehrere biologische Sequenzen ab.
Für die Erhöhung von Präzision und Geschwindigkeit nutzt es den
Muth-Manber-Algorithmus, der in großen Datenmengen sich wiederholende
Muster ermittelt. Das Programm verwendet einen globalen, fortschreitenden
Alignment-Ansatz, ergänzt durch den Einsatz eines annähernden
Musterabgleich-Algorithmus zur Berechnung von Sequenzabständen und durch
die Einbeziehung lokaler Übereinstimmungen in ein ansonsten globales
Bayessche Inferenz der Phylogenie
Versions of package mrbayes |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 3.2.7a-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 3.2.6+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
buster | 3.2.6+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.2.7a-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 3.2.7a-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 3.2.7a-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 3.2.3+dfsg-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
Die Bayessche Inferenz der Phylogenie basiert auf einer Quantität -
A-posteriori-Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung von Bäumen genannt - die
die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Baumes bedingt durch die Beobachtungen
ist. Die Bedingung entsteht durch Verwendung des Bayestheorems. Die
A-posteriori-Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung von Bäumen kann unmöglich
analytisch berechnet werden. Stattdessen verwendet MrBayes eine
Simulation, das Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo-Verfahren (kurz MCMC),
um die A-posteriori-Wahrscheinlichkeiten der Bäume zu schätzen.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Multiple alignment program of protein sequences
Versions of package muscle |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 3.8.31-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 5.1.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 5.1.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 3.8.31+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.8.1551-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.8.1551-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 5.1.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 5.3 |
Debtags of package muscle: |
biology | format:aln, nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
MUSCLE is a multiple alignment program for protein sequences. MUSCLE
stands for multiple sequence comparison by log-expectation. In the
authors tests, MUSCLE achieved the highest scores of all tested
programs on several alignment accuracy benchmarks, and is also one of
the fastest programs out there.
Muscle v5 is a major re-write of MUSCLE based on new algorithms.
Users should be aware that command line arguments compared to version
3.x of MUSCLE have changed!
Highest accuracy, scalable to thousands of sequences
Compared to previous versions, Muscle v5 is much more accurate, is often
faster, and scales to much larger datasets. At the time of writing (late
2021), Muscle v5 has the highest scores on multiple alignment benchmarks
including Balibase, Bralibase, Prefab and Balifam. It can align tens of
thousands of sequences with high accuracy on a low-cost commodity computer
(say, an 8-core Intel CPU with 32 Gb RAM). On large datasets, Muscle v5
is 20-30% more accurate than MAFFT and Clustal-Omega.
Alignment ensembles
Muscle v5 can generate ensembles of high-accuracy alternative alignments.
All replicates have equal average accuracy on benchmark test, including
the MSA made with default parameters. By comparing results of downstream
analysis (trees, structure prediction...) on different replicates, you can
assess the effects of alignment errors on your study.
Topics: Sequence analysis
multiple alignment program of protein sequences
Versions of package muscle3 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 3.8.1551-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 3.8.1551-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.8.1551-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
MUSCLE is a multiple alignment program for protein sequences. MUSCLE
stands for multiple sequence comparison by log-expectation. In the
authors tests, MUSCLE achieved the highest scores of all tested
programs on several alignment accuracy benchmarks, and is also one of
the fastest programs out there.
This is version 3 of the muscle program. It is a different program
than muscle version 5 which is packaged as muscle in Debian.
Topics: Sequence analysis
Struktur-Alignment mehrerer Proteine
Versions of package mustang |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 3.2.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 3.2.2-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.2.3-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 3.2.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.2.3-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 3.2.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.2.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package mustang: |
biology | peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
Mustang ist ein Algorithmus, um mehrere Protein-Strukturen miteinander
abzugleichen. Aus einem Satz von PDB-Dateien (Protein Data Bank, PDB)
bestimmt das Programm unter Ausnutzung der räumlichen Informationen in den
Calpha-Atomen die einander zuzuordnenden Aminosäuren. Dies ist für
verschiedene Bereiche des Proteins auch unterschiedlich gut möglich.
Anschließend werden die Proteine paarweise miteinander verglichen, und so
in mehreren Durchgängen mit einer Heuristik das Ergebnis zunehmend
verfeinert. Schließlich gibt Mustang die Zuordnung der Protein-Sequenzen
(das Alignment) und auch die entsprechende räumliche Überlagerung von
Strukturen aus.
Programm zur Darstellung phylogenetischer Bäume
Versions of package njplot |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.4-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 2.4-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.4-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package njplot: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | utility |
uitoolkit | motif |
use | analysing, editing, organizing, printing, viewing |
works-with | biological-sequence |
works-with-format | plaintext |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
NJplot kann alle Dendrogramme zeichnen, die im Newick-Format notiert sind.
Dieses Format ist das Standardformat für phylogenetische Bäume (und wird
z.B. vom Phylip-Paket verwendet). NJplot ist besonders praktisch, um mit
den Baumerstellungsmethoden parsimony, distance oder maximum-likelihood
erzeugte ungewurzelte Bäume in gewurzelte Bäume zu überführen.
package of programs for inferring phylogenies
Versions of package phylip |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 3.697+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 3.697+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 3.697+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 3.696+dfsg-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3.696+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.697+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.697+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package phylip: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
The PHYLogeny Inference Package is a package of programs for inferring
phylogenies (evolutionary trees) from sequences.
Methods that are available in the package include parsimony, distance
matrix, and likelihood methods, including bootstrapping and consensus
trees. Data types that can be handled include molecular sequences, gene
frequencies, restriction sites, distance matrices, and 0/1 discrete
Phylogenetic estimation using Maximum Likelihood
Versions of package phyml |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 3.2.0+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 3.3.20220408-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 3.3.20220408-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.3.20220408-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 3.3.20200621-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.3.20180621-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 20120412-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package phyml: |
biology | peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with | biological-sequence |
License: DFSG free
PhyML is a software that estimates maximum likelihood phylogenies from
alignments of nucleotide or amino acid sequences. It provides a wide
range of options that were designed to facilitate standard phylogenetic
analyses. The main strengths of PhyML lies in the large number of
substitution models coupled to various options to search the space of
phylogenetic tree topologies, going from very fast and efficient methods
to slower but generally more accurate approaches. It also implements
two methods to evaluate branch supports in a sound statistical framework
(the non-parametric bootstrap and the approximate likelihood ratio test).
PhyML was designed to process moderate to large data sets. In theory,
alignments with up to 4,000 sequences 2,000,000 character-long can
be analyzed. In practice however, the amount of memory required to process
a data set is proportional of the product of the number of sequences by their
length. Hence, a large number of sequences can only be processed provided
that they are short. Also, PhyML can handle long sequences provided that
they are not numerous. With most standard personal computers, the “comfort
zone” for PhyML generally lies around 3 to 500 sequences less than 2,000
character long.
This package also includes PhyTime.
Partial Order Alignment for multiple sequence alignment
Versions of package poa |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 2.0+20060928-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.0+20060928-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.0+20060928-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 2.0+20060928-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.0+20060928-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.0+20060928-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.0+20060928-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package poa: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
POA is Partial Order Alignment, a fast program for multiple sequence
alignment (MSA) in bioinformatics. Its advantages are speed,
scalability, sensitivity, and the superior ability to handle branching
/ indels in the alignment. Partial order alignment is an approach to
MSA, which can be combined with existing methods such as progressive
alignment. POA optimally aligns a pair of MSAs and which therefore can
be applied directly to progressive alignment methods such as CLUSTAL.
For large alignments, Progressive POA is 10-30 times faster than
population genetic software
Versions of package populations |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.2.33+svn0120106-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.2.33+svn0120106+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.2.33+svn0120106-2.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.2.33+svn0120106+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.2.33+svn0120106+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.2.33+svn0120106+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.2.33+svn0120106+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package populations: |
role | program |
uitoolkit | qt |
License: DFSG free
Populations is a population genetic software. It computes genetic
distances between populations or individuals. It builds phylogenetic
trees (NJ or UPGMA) with bootstrap values.
phylogenetic placement and downstream analysis
Versions of package pplacer |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.1~alpha19-8 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.1~alpha19-4 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Pplacer places reads on a phylogenetic tree. guppy (Grand Unified
Phylogenetic Placement Yanalyzer) yanalyzes them. rppr is a helpful tool
for working with reference packages.
Pplacer places query sequences on a fixed reference phylogenetic tree to
maximize phylogenetic likelihood or posterior probability according to a
reference alignment. Pplacer is designed to be fast, to give useful
information about uncertainty, and to offer advanced visualization and
downstream analysis.
Probabilistic multiple alignment program
Versions of package proalign |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.603-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.603-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.603-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.603-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.603-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.603-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 0.603-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
ProAlign performs probabilistic sequence alignments using hidden Markov
models (HMM). It includes a graphical interface (GUI) allowing to (i)
perform alignments of nucleotide or amino-acid sequences, (ii) view the
quality of solutions, (iii) filter the unreliable alignment regions and
(iv) export alignments to other software.
ProAlign uses a progressive method, such that multiple alignment is
created stepwise by performing pairwise alignments in the nodes of a
guide tree. Sequences are described with vectors of character
probabilities, and each pairwise alignment reconstructs the ancestral
(parent) sequence by computing the probabilities of different
characters according to an evolutionary model.
multiple sequence alignment using partition function posterior probabilities
Versions of package probalign |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.4-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.4-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.4-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.4-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.4-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.4-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.4-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Probalign uses partition function posterior probability estimates to
compute maximum expected accuracy multiple sequence alignments. It
performs statistically significantly better than the leading alignment
programs Probcons v1.1, MAFFT v5.851, and MUSCLE v3.6 on BAliBASE 3.0,
HOMSTRAD, and OXBENCH benchmarks. Probalign improvements are largest on
datasets containing N/C terminal extensions and on datasets with long
and heterogeneous length sequences. On heteregeneous length datasets
containing repeats Probalign alignment accuracy is 10% and 15% higher
than the other three methods when standard deviation of length is at
least 300 and 400.
PROBabilistic CONSistency-based multiple sequence alignment
Versions of package probcons |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.12-9 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.12-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.12-12 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.12-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.12-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.12-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.12-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package probcons: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
Tool for generating multiple alignments of protein sequences. Using a
combination of probabilistic modeling and consistency-based alignment
techniques, PROBCONS has achieved the highest accuracies of all alignment
methods to date. On the BAliBASE benchmark alignment database, alignments
produced by PROBCONS show statistically significant improvement over current
programs, containing an average of 7% more correctly aligned columns than
those of T-Coffee, 11% more correctly aligned columns than those of CLUSTAL W,
and 14% more correctly aligned columns than those of DIALIGN.
Mulitple Alignments von Proteinsequenzen
Versions of package proda |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0-13 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0-12 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.0-10 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.0-8 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.0-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.0-14 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package proda: |
biology | nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
ProDA ist ein System zur automatischen Erkennung und Anordnung von
homologen Regionen in Proteinsammlungen mit beliebigen
Domain-Architekturen. Bei gegebenem Eingangssatz von nicht-angeordneten
Sequenzen identifiziert ProDA eine homologe Region, die in einer oder
mehrere Sequenzen auftaucht und liefert eine Sammlung von lokalen
multiplen Anordnungen für diese Regionen zurück.
selection of best-fit models of protein evolution
Versions of package prottest |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 3.4.2+dfsg-8 | all |
sid | 3.4.2+dfsg-8 | all |
stretch | 3.4.2+dfsg-2 | all |
bookworm | 3.4.2+dfsg-8 | all |
bullseye | 3.4.2+dfsg-5 | all |
buster | 3.4.2+dfsg-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
PROTTEST (ModelTest's relative) is a program for selecting the model of
protein evolution that best fits a given set of sequences (alignment).
This java program is based on the Phyml program (for maximum likelihood
calculations and optimization of parameters) and uses the PAL library as
well. Models included are empirical substitution matrices (such as WAG,
LG, mtREV, Dayhoff, DCMut, JTT, VT, Blosum62, CpREV, RtREV, MtMam,
MtArt, HIVb, and HIVw) that indicate relative rates of amino acid
replacement, and specific improvements (+I:invariable sites, +G: rate
heterogeneity among sites, +F: observed amino acid frequencies) to
account for the evolutionary constraints impossed by conservation of
protein structure and function. ProtTest uses the Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC) and other statistics (AICc and BIC) to find which of the
candidate models best fits the data at hand.
Neighbor-Joining algorithm for phylogenies
Versions of package quicktree |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.5-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.5-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.5-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.5-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
QuickTree is an efficient implementation of the Neighbor-Joining
algorithm (PMID: 3447015), capable of reconstructing phylogenies from
huge alignments in time less than the age of the universe.
QuickTree accepts both distance matrix and multiple-sequence-aligment
inputs. The former should be in PHYLIP format. The latter should be
in Stockholm format, which is the native alignment format for the Pfam
database. Alignments in various formats can be converted to Stockholm
format with the sreformat program, which is part of the HMMer package
The tress are written to stdout, in the Newick/New-Hampshire format
use by PHYLIP and many other programs
Multiplatform interface for sequence alignment and phylogeny
Versions of package seaview |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 4.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 5.0.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 5.0.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 5.0.5-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 5.0.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package seaview: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | x11 |
network | client |
role | program |
scope | utility |
uitoolkit | fltk |
use | comparing, editing, printing, viewing |
works-with | biological-sequence |
works-with-format | plaintext |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
SeaView is a viewer and editor of multiple sequence alignments, i.e.
DNA or protein sequences are positioned each in their own separate line,
such that the nucleotide/amino acid at a particular position (column) is
presumed to have the same biochemical property.
SeaView reads and writes various file formats (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA,
PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) of DNA and protein sequences and of phylogenetic trees.
Alignments can be manually edited. It drives the programs Muscle or Clustal
Omega for multiple sequence alignment, and also allows one to use any external
alignment algorithm able to read and write FASTA-formatted files. It computes
phylogenetic trees by parsimony using PHYLIP's dnapars/protpars algorithm, by
distance with NJ or BioNJ algorithms on a variety of evolutionary distances, or
by maximum likelihood using the program PhyML 3.0.
SeaView draws phylogenetic
trees on screen or PostScript files, and allows one to download sequences from
EMBL/GenBank/UniProt using the Internet.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Einfache multiple Alignments nicht-kodierender DNA-Sequenzen
Versions of package sigma-align |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.1.3-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.1.3-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.1.3-6 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.1.3-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.3-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.1.3-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.1.3-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package sigma-align: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
Sigma (»Simple greedy multiple alignment«) ist ein Alignment-Programm.
Der Algorithmus und das Scoring-Schema sind speziell für nicht-kodierende
DNA-Sequenzen entworfen.
Das Programm verwendet die Strategie des Suchens der bestmöglichen
lückenlosen lokalen Alignments. Dies passiert bei jedem Schritt indem
ein bestmögliches Alignment passend zu existierenden Alignments
ermittelt wird. Sigma bewertet die Signifikanz der Alignments basierend
auf den Längen der alignierten Fragmente und eines Hintergrundmodells.
Diese können über eine Hilfsdatei intergenischer DNA zur Verfügung
gestellt oder geschätzt werden.
analyze and visualize phylogeographic reconstructions
Versions of package spread-phy |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.0.7+dfsg-1 | all |
jessie | 1.0.5+dfsg-1 (contrib) | all |
buster | 1.0.7+dfsg-2 | all |
bullseye | 1.0.7+dfsg-3 | all |
bookworm | 1.0.7+dfsg-5 | all |
trixie | 1.0.7+dfsg-5 | all |
sid | 1.0.7+dfsg-5 | all |
License: DFSG free
SPREAD is a user-friendly application to analyze and visualize
phylogeographic reconstructions resulting from Bayesian inference of
spatio-temporal diffusion.
There is a tutorial for SPREAD online at
Originally this program is named "spread". However, there is just such a
package inside Debian and thus a 'phy' for phylogeny was prepended.
Multiple Sequence Alignment
Versions of package t-coffee |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 11.00.8cbe486-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 12.00.7fb08c2-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 11.00.8cbe486-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package t-coffee: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment package. Given a set of
sequences (Proteins or DNA), T-Coffee generates a multiple sequence
alignment. Version 2.00 and higher can mix sequences and structures.
T-Coffee allows the combination of a collection of multiple/pairwise,
global or local alignments into a single model. It can also
estimate the level of consistency of each position within the new
alignment with the rest of the alignments. See the pre-print for more
T-Coffee has a special called M-Coffee that makes it possible to combine the
output of many multiple sequence alignment packages. In its published version,
it uses MUSCLE, PROBCONS, POA, DiAlign-TS, MAFFT, Clustal W, PCMA and
T-Coffee. A special version has been made for Debian, DM-Coffee, that uses
only free software by replacing Clustal W by Kalign. Using the 8 Methods of
M-Coffee can sometimes be a bit heavy. You can use a subset of your favorite
methods if you prefer.
structural alignment of proteins
Versions of package tm-align |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 20190822+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 20140601+dfsg-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 20160521+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 20170708+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 20190822+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 20190822+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 20190822+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package tm-align: |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
TM-align is a computer algorithm for protein structure alignment using
dynamic programming. The scoring is performed by the TM-score rotation
matrix. This is similar to the RMSD in that unaligned portions of the
structure influence the scoring less than the more structurally conserved
Parallelisierte Rekonstruktion phylogenetischer Bäume durch »Maximum Likelihood«
Versions of package tree-ppuzzle |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 5.3~rc16+dfsg-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 5.2-11 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 5.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 5.2-7 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 5.3~rc16+dfsg-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 5.3~rc16+dfsg-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 5.3~rc16+dfsg-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package tree-ppuzzle: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
TREE-PUZZLE (früher PUZZLE) ist ein interaktives Konsolenprogramm, das
einen schnellen Suchalgorithmus über einen Baum, sogenanntes »Quartet
Puzzling«, implementiert. Es erlaubt die Analyse großer Datenmengen und
trifft automatisch Entscheidungen über die Anordnung der jeweiligen
Verzweigungen. Weiterhin berechnet TREE-PUZZLE mittels der paarweisen
Maximum-Likelihood-Methode Abstände und Längen von Verzweigungen für vom
Benutzer definierte Bäume. Die Längen der Verzweigungen können auch unter
der »Clock-Assumption« berechnet werden. Außerdem bietet TREE-PUZZLE eine
neue Methode, das »Likelihood Mapping«, um die Anordnung einer
hypothetischen internen Verzweigung zu untersuchen, ohne den gesamten
Baum zu berechnen und um den phylogenetischen Zusammenhang eines
Sequenzalignments anzuzeigen.
Dies ist eine parallelisierte Version von tree-puzzle.
Rekonstruktion phylogenetischer Bäume durch »Maximum Likelihood«
Versions of package tree-puzzle |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 5.3~rc16+dfsg-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 5.3~rc16+dfsg-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 5.3~rc16+dfsg-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 5.3~rc16+dfsg-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 5.2-7 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 5.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 5.2-11 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package tree-puzzle: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | analysing, comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
TREE-PUZZLE (früher PUZZLE) ist ein interaktives Konsolenprogramm, das
einen schnellen Suchalgorithmus über einen Baum, sogenanntes »Quartet
Puzzling«, implementiert. Es erlaubt die Analyse großer Datenmengen und
trifft automatisch Entscheidungen über die Anordnung der jeweiligen
Verzweigungen. Weiterhin berechnet TREE-PUZZLE mittels der paarweisen
Maximum-Likelihood-Methode Abstände und Längen von Verzweigungen für vom
Benutzer definierte Bäume. Die Längen der Verzweigungen können auch unter
der »Clock-Assumption« berechnet werden. Außerdem bietet TREE-PUZZLE eine
neue Methode, das »Likelihood Mapping«, um die Anordnung einer
hypothetischen internen Verzweigung zu untersuchen, ohne den gesamten
Baum zu berechnen und um den phylogenetischen Zusammenhang eines
Sequenzalignments anzuzeigen.
Java re-implementation of Michael Eisen's TreeView
Versions of package treeview |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | (contrib) | all |
sid | 1.2.0+dfsg-2 | all |
trixie | 1.2.0+dfsg-2 | all |
stretch | | all |
bullseye | 1.2.0+dfsg-1 | all |
buster | | all |
bookworm | 1.2.0+dfsg-1 | all |
upstream | 1.2.1 |
License: DFSG free
TreeView creates a matrix-like display of expression data, known as
Eisen clustering. The original implementation was a Windows program
named TreeView by Michael Eisen. This TreeView package, sometimes also
referred to as jTreeView, was rewritten in Java under a free license.
Java TreeView is an extensible viewer for microarray data in
PCL or CDT format.
Anzeige und Druck phylogenetischer Bäume
Versions of package treeviewx |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.5.1+20100823-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.5.1+20100823-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.5.1+git20100823.7e4d0e9-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.5.1+git20100823.7e4d0e9-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.5.1+git20100823.7e4d0e9-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.5.1+git20100823.7e4d0e9-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.5.1+git20100823.7e4d0e9-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package treeviewx: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | utility |
uitoolkit | wxwidgets |
use | viewing |
works-with-format | pdf, plaintext, postscript, svg |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
TreeViewX ist ein für mehrere Plattformen verfügbares Programm zur Darstellung
phylogenetischer Bäume. Es kann Bäume in den Formaten NEXUS und Newick lesen
und darstellen (so wie die, die von PAUP*, ClustalX, TREE-PUZZLE und anderen
Programmen ausgegeben werden). Es ermöglicht das Anordnen der Zweige der Bäume
und den Export der Bäume in das SVG-Format.
Speeding up the estimation of phylogenetic trees from sequences
Versions of package veryfasttree |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 4.0.4+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 4.0.4+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
VeryFastTree is a highly efficient implementation inspired by the FastTree-2
tool, designed to expedite the inference of approximately-maximum-likelihood
phylogenetic trees from nucleotide or protein sequence alignments. It is an
optimized implementation designed to accelerate the estimation of phylogenies
for large alignments. By leveraging parallelization and vectorization
strategies, VeryFastTree significantly improves the performance and
scalability of phylogenetic analysis, allowing it to construct phylogenetic
trees in a fraction of the time previously required.
Maintaining the integrity of FastTree-2, VeryFastTree retains the same phases,
methods, and heuristics used for estimating phylogenetic trees. This ensures
that the topological accuracy of the trees produced by VeryFastTree remains
equivalent to that of FastTree-2. Moreover, unlike the parallel version of
FastTree-2, VeryFastTree guarantees deterministic results, eliminating any
potential variations in the output.
To facilitate a seamless transition for users, VeryFastTree adopts the exact
same command line arguments as FastTree-2. This means that by simply
substituting FastTree-2 with VeryFastTree, and using the same set of options,
users can significantly enhance the overall performance of their phylogenetic
Official Debian packages with lower relevance
inference of time stamped phylogenies and ancestral reconstruction (Python 3)
Versions of package python3-treetime |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.11.4-1 | all |
buster | 0.5.3-1 | all |
bullseye | 0.8.1-1 | all |
bookworm | 0.9.4-1 | all |
trixie | 0.11.4-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
TreeTime provides routines for ancestral sequence reconstruction and the
maximum likelihoo inference of molecular-clock phylogenies, i.e., a tree
where all branches are scaled such that the locations of terminal nodes
correspond to their sampling times and internal nodes are placed at the
most likely time of divergence.
TreeTime aims at striking a compromise between sophisticated
probabilistic models of evolution and fast heuristics. It implements GTR
models of ancestral inference and branch length optimization, but takes
the tree topology as given. To optimize the likelihood of time-scaled
phylogenies, treetime uses an iterative approach that first infers
ancestral sequences given the branch length of the tree, then optimizes
the positions of unconstraine d nodes on the time axis, and then repeats
this cycle. The only topology optimization are (optional) resolution of
polytomies in a way that is most (approximately) consistent with the
sampling time constraints on the tree. The package is designed to be
used as a stand-alone tool or as a library used in larger phylogenetic
analysis workflows.
- ancestral sequence reconstruction (marginal and joint maximum
- molecular clock tree inference (marginal and joint maximum
- inference of GTR models
- rerooting to obtain best root-to-tip regression
- auto-correlated relaxed molecular clock (with normal prior)
This package provides the Python 3 module.
Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS
Graphical vizualiation tool Archaeopteryx
Versions of package forester |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.0+20180205-1 | all |
License: LGPL 2.1+
Debian package not available
Version: 0.0+20180205-1
Archaeopteryx is a software tool for the visualization, analysis,
and editing of potentially large and highly annotated phylogenetic trees.
It can be used both as applet (ArchaeopteryxA and ArchaeopteryxE) and
as a standalone application.
Calculate patristic distances and comparing the components of genetic change
Versions of package patristic |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.0.20100817-2 | all |
License: free
Debian package not available
Version: 0.0.20100817-2
Patristic overcomes some logistic barriers to analysing signals in
sequences. In additional to calculating patristic distances, it provides
plots for any combination of matrices, calculates commonly used
statistics, allows data such as isolation dates to be entered and
reorders matrices with matching species or gene labels. It will be used
to analyse rates of mutation and substitutional saturation and the
evolution of viruses.
No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)
Graphical interface for molecular phylogenetic inference
License: unknown
Debian package not available
Phylo_win is a graphical colour interface for molecular phylogenetic
inference. It performs neighbor-joining, parsimony and maximum
likelihood methods and bootstrap with any of them. Many distances can be
used including Jukes & Cantor, Kimura, Tajima & Nei, HKY, Galtier & Gouy
(1995), LogDet for nucleotidic sequences, Poisson correction for protein
sequences, Ka and Ks for codon sequences. Species and sites to include
in the analysis are selected by mouse. Reconstructed trees can be drawn,
edited, printed, stored and evaluated according to numerous criteria.
This program uses sources files from the Phylip program, which forbids
its use for profit. Therfore, Phylo_win will unfortunately have to be
distributed in contrib or non-free.
No known packages available
DNA sequence editor for Linux
License: GPL
Debian package not available
gBioSeq is in an early stage of development, but it is already running.
The goal is to provide an easy to use software to edit DNA sequences under
Linux, Windows, MacOsX, using GTK C# (Mono).
Editor for Phylogenetic Trees
License: MIT/X11
Debian package not available
Language: JavaScript
A concise viewer/editor for phylogenetic trees in the Newick format.
The core functions are written in JavaScript, using the canvas tag
proposed by HTML 5. No server side support is needed for rendering the
picture and therefore you can grab this page together with knhx.js and
canvastext.js to locally view your trees in a supported web browser.
The source can be downloaded at
License: GPL
Debian package not available
PhpPhylotree is a web application that is able to draw phylogenetic trees.
It produces an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) file from phylip/newick tree files.
Bayesian sampling of phylogenetic trees from molecular data
License: GPL
Debian package not available
TreeTime is controlled by input files in nexus format and does
bayesian sampling of phylogenetic trees from these data.