Debian Med Project
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Hospital Information Systems
suggerimenti Debian Med per sistemi di informazione ospedaliera

Questo metapacchetto contiene dipendenze per software e che potrebbero essere utili per eseguire un sistema di informazione ospedaliera (HIS - Hospital Information System). Benché sia in corso un lavoro continuo per pacchettizzare un sistema pronto da installare, attualmente sono state terminate solo le precondizioni ma si spera siano utili comunque negli ospedali.


For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:

If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a description of that project to the Debian Med mailing list

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Debian Med Hospital Information Systems packages

Official Debian packages with high relevance

metapacchetto per la versione più recente del database FIS-GT.M
Versions of package fis-gtm
Popcon: 0 users (0 upd.)*
Newer upstream!
License: DFSG free

GT.M è un motore per database con scalabilità provata in grandi sistemi di elaborazione di transazioni in tempo reale che hanno migliaia di utenti concorrenti, dimensione dei singoli file dei database nell'ordine dei terabyte (con dimensioni dei database aggregati virtualmente illimitate). Eppure l'impatto leggero di GT.M gli permette di essere scalato in piccolo per l'uso in piccole applicazioni e appliance software (macchine virtuali).

Il modello dei dati di GT.M è una memoria associativa gerarchica (cioè array multidimensionali) che non impone alcuna restrizione sui tipi di dati degli indici o dei contenuti: la logica dell'applicazione può imporre qualsiasi schema, dizionario o organizzazione dei dati adatti al dominio dei suoi problemi. (I motori di database che non impongono schemi, ma che permettono al livello del software applicativo di imporre e usare qualsiasi schema sia appropriato per l'applicazione sono comunemente indicati come database "orientati ai documenti", "senza schema" o "liberi da schemi".)

Il compilatore di GT.M per il linguaggio di scripting M standard (noto anche come MUMPS) implementa la gestione completa delle transazioni ACID (Atomiche, Coerenti, Isolate, Durabili), usando il controllo della concorrenza ottimistico e STM (software transactional memory) che risolve la comune mancanza di corrispondenza tra i database e i linguaggi di programmazione. La sua capacità unica di creare e mettere in opera configurazioni logiche multi-sito di applicazioni fornisce una continuità operativa senza rivali di fronte non solo ad eventi non pianificati, ma anche ad eventi pianificati, compresi quelli che includono modifiche alla logica e agli schemi dell'applicazione.

Questo metapacchetto dipende sempre dalla versione predefinita di fis-gtm.

Whole-slide imaging support for Orthanc (digital pathology)
Versions of package orthanc-wsi
Popcon: 68 users (5 upd.)*
Versions and Archs
License: DFSG free

Orthanc-WSI brings support of whole-slide imaging for digital pathology into Orthanc, the lightweight, RESTful Vendor Neutral Archive for medical imaging.

This package contains two command-line tools to convert whole-slide images to and from DICOM. Support for proprietary file formats is available through OpenSlide. The package also contains an Orthanc plugin to display such DICOM images by any standard Web browser. The implementation follows DICOM Supplement 145.

Please cite: Sebastien Jodogne: The Orthanc Ecosystem for Medical Imaging. J Digit Imaging (2018)

Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS

integrated hospital information system
Versions of package care2x
Versions and Archs
License: GPL
Version: 2.5~rc2-1

Functions: surgery, nursing, outpatient, wards, labs, security, admission, schedulers, repair, communication & more. Multilanguage, userconfig, embedded AI & work bots. Modular & scalable.

This package contains the server software. For clients you will only need a modern browser.

enterprise electronic medical record system framework
Versions of package openmrs
Versions and Archs
License: OpenMRS
Version: 2.5-1

OpenMRS was built to enable creation of customized medical record system forms with no programming knowledge (although medical and systems analysis knowledge is required). It was built specifically to respond to those actively building and managing health systems in the developing world, where AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria afflict the lives of millions. The system is based on a conceptual database structure which is not dependent on the actual types of medical information required to be collected or on particular data collection forms and so can be customized for different uses.

The package is both just a library of API calls and a database and a default implementation of those API calls in the form of a web application.

OpenMRS is mature software. It is based upon a program which has been used effectively for over 30 years at Regenstrief Institute. It is currently implemented in Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Pakistan, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Malawi, Phillipines,Peru, Haiti, and other countries.

Features include:

  • Backed by a data model driven by a concept dictionary
  • Includes tools for data export and reporting
  • Versions exist for HIV/AIDS, Drug resistant TB, primary care and oncology
  • Supports open standards for medical data exchange including HL7, LOINC and IXF
  • Modular construction
Tryton Application Platform (Health Module)
Versions of package tryton-modules-health
Versions and Archs
License: GPL-3+
Version: 3.0.8-1

Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth).

This package provides the base module of the GNUHealth modules suite.

GNU Health is a multi-user, highly scalable, centralized Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Hospital Information System (HIS) for Tryton, so doctors and institutions all over the world, independently of their economic status, will benefit from a centralized, high quality, secure and scalable system.

GNU Health at a glance:

  • Strong focus in family medicine and Primary Health Care
  • Major interest in Socio-economics (housing conditions, substance abuse, education...)
  • Diseases and Medical procedures standards (ICD-10 / ICD-10-PCS)
  • Prescription writing
  • Billing
  • Patient Genetic and Hereditary risks: over 4200 genes related to diseases (NCBI / Genecards)
  • Epidemiological and other statistical reports
  • 100% paperless patient examination and history taking
  • Patient Administration (creation, evaluations / consultations, history...)
  • Doctor Administration
  • Lab Administration
  • Medicine / Drugs information (vademécum)
  • Medical stock and supply chain management
  • Hospital Financial Administration
  • GNU Health allows one to attach documents (X-rays, Biopsy results, ...) to the Patient chart.
  • Designed with industry standards in mind
Remark of Debian Med team: Docker instance and apt repository

GNUHealth is packaged by the Debian Tryton Maintainers. Here you can find some important information about these packages

To install the Tryton packages it is suggested to drop a file

 deb <debian-dist>-<tryton-series> main
metapackage for the latest version of vista-foia.
Versions of package vista-foia
Versions and Archs
License: Apache-2.0
Debian package not available
Version: 0.20130405-1

VistA: the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture. This is an integrated health information system that was developed by employees of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Therefore, the large majority of the source code in VistA is in the Public Domain. In 2011, the VA set up an Open Source custodial organization (OSEHRA) to develop an open source environment for VistA. OSEHRA adopted the Apache 2.0 License for all subsequent contributions to be integrated with the VisA code base.

VistA is implemented in M/MUMPS, and on Linux it depends on the GT.M compiler and database being available (this is provided by the package fis-gtm).

Unofficial packages built by somebody else

Oscar (Web) A medical web application for electronic medical records
License: to be clarified

OSCAR supports all the necessary functions to run a clinic large and small:

  • Patient registration for capitation or fee for service practices and roster management
  • Scheduling with highly customizable view of provider groups and individualized booking preference
  • Billing also features super-code for smart and simplified billing and third party billing
  • Complete electronic charting of all encounters with an up to date Cumulative Patient Profile
  • Prescriptions with drug-drug interaction and renal dosage adjustment
  • Chronic disease management
  • A sophisticated antenatal care record with antenatal care planner
  • Disease Registry is provided to support population health analyses
  • All laboratory results from private laboratories will be imported directly into the EMR
  • Diagnostic imaging results and consultation notes can be scanned into the EMR where required

No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)

world-vista - wnpp
repackage and extended version of VistA produced by WorldVistA
Responsible: K.S. Bhaskar
License: GPL v2
Debian package not available

Developed by WorldVistA ( and released under GPL v2, WorldVistA EHR is a repackaged and extended version of the VistA health care information system (HIS) developed by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, and in the public domain through the US Freedom of Information Act.

WorldVistA successfully submitted WorldVistA EHR for certification by CCHIT ( in 2007. WorldVistA EHR VOE/ 1.0 was tested and passed inspection of 100 percent of a set of criteria for functionality (ability to create and manage electronic records for all patients, as well as automating workflow in a physician's office), interoperability (a first step in the ability to receive and send electronic data to other entities such as laboratories), and security (ability to keep patients' information safe).

No known packages available

clinic management system
License: free
Debian package not available

HKMA CMS is an open-source clinical management system project jointly implemented by the Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) and the Information and Software Industry Association (ISIA), with funding support from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) under the Sector-specific Programme (SSP) for the Medical and Health Sector, and was developed by Mobigator Technology Group.

telemedicine platform
License: GPL
Debian package not available

iPath is an open source platform for telemedicine applications such as consulations, case disucssions, virtual staff meetings, etc. It was originally developed at University of Basel where a public iPath server for projects with developing countries is hosted.

ophthalmology electronic patient record system
License: GPLv3
Debian package not available

OpenEyes is a collaborative project led by Moorfields Eye Hospital. The goal is to produce a framework which will allow the rapid, and continuous development of electronic patient records (EPR) with contributions from Hospitals, Institutions, Academic departments, Companies, and Individuals.

The initial focus is on Ophthalmology, but the design is sufficiently flexible to be used for any clinical specialty.

Ophthalmic units of any size, from a single practitioner to a large eye hospital, should be able to make use of the structure, design, and code to produce a functional, easy to use EPR at minimal cost. By sharing experience, pooling ideas, and distributing development effort, it is expected that the range and capability of OpenEyes will evolve rapidly.

OpenEyes is supported by a rapidly increasing number of Ophthalmic Units including Moorfields Eye Hospital, St Thomas' Hospital, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Maidstone, Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital.

patient administration system and electronic patient record
License: AGPL
Debian package not available

The PAS and EPR system openMAXIMS has a rich functionality including:

A full Patient Administration System designed for the NHS, including support for:

  • Choose and Book v3 (Full rollout approval from HSCIC)
  • Commissioning Data Sets
  • Referral To Treatment management (RTT)
  • Graphical Bed Management
  • Outpatient Appointment Management
  • CQUIN targets

An Electronic Patient Record including:

  • Order Communications and Results Reporting
  • Integrated Care Pathways
  • Observations and Notes
  • Emergency Department (A&E) including Tracking
  • Clinical Assessments
  • Clinical specialties (e.g. Oncology, Spinal Cord Injuries, etc.)
  • eDischarge process

HL7 interfaces (bi-directional) and open APIs for comprehensive integration with third-party systems.

Healthcare Information System (HIS) for small hospitals and clinics
License: GPL v3
Debian package not available
Language: Java

The software can be used as an Electronic Medical Record, Electronic Health Record or as a Personal Medical System. It provides a wide range of functionality including scheduling, orders, medications, pharmacy, clinical doc, HL7, billing and more. The software architecture, design patterns and framework has been built for the complexities and challenges of an enterprise wide information system.

Features include:

  • WYIWYG view of the registration forms through the ordering and extensive properties of a control list
  • Makes extensive use of organizing reference data into tree structure
  • WebReach Inc. advanced Open Source interface engine
  • Clinical Documentation - Nursing assessments, therapy, progress notes
  • Standards - LOINC lab results, ICD9/10, CPT, OpenEHR, CCR, CDA
  • Orders - medications, lab tests, nursing care
  • Registration and Scheduling - multi-facility, EMPI
  • Interfaces - HL7 2.2, 2.3 ADT, Billing, Orders, Results
  • Billing - Charges, Invoices, Claims
  • Medication Management - Med orders, administration, eMAR
  • Physician - H&P, Progress Notes
  • Add-ons are available to add new features or functionality including plugins, custom forms, themes, and translations
  • Supports multiple languages
*Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of people who upgraded this package recently) out of 245343