This task exists only for tagging COVID-19 relevant cases
The Debian Med team intends to take part at the
COVID-19 Biohackathon (April 5-11, 2020)
This task was created only for the purpose to list relevant packages.
For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:
If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med
to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to
send a description of that project to the Debian Med mailing list
Links to other tasks
Debian Med Covid-19 packages
Official Debian packages with high relevance
fermeture d'espaces dans des alignements génomiques depuis des lectures courtes
Versions of package abacas |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.3.1-2 | all |
stretch | 1.3.1-3 | all |
bookworm | 1.3.1-9 | all |
trixie | 1.3.1-9 | all |
sid | 1.3.1-9 | all |
buster | 1.3.1-5 | all |
bullseye | 1.3.1-9 | all |
Debtags of package abacas: |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
ABACAS (« Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences »)
est un programme qui permet de rapidement « contiguer » (aligner,
trier, orienter), visualiser et concevoir des « primers » avec des espaces
restreints ou des « contigs » assemblés au fusil à pompe, basé sur des
séquences de référence.
ABACAS utilise MUMmer pour trouver les positions d'alignements et pour
identifier dans les références les synténies de contigs assemblés. La
sortie est ensuite analysée pour générer une pseudomolécule, en prenant en
compte le recouvrement et les espaces entre contigs. ABACAS génère un
fichier de comparaison qui peut être utilisé pour visualiser les contigs
triés et orientés en ACT. La synthénie est représentée par des barres
rouges dans lesquelles l'intensité décroit avec le pourcentage de
similitude entre les blocs comparables. Les informations sur les contigs
comme l'orientation, le pourcentage d'identité, la couverture et le
recouvrement d'autres contigs peuvent également être visualisées en
chargeant le fichier de fonctionnalité de sortie sur ACT.
Topics: Probes and primers
assembleur de séquences de novo parallèles pour les lectures courtes
Versions of package abyss |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.2.5+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.3.10-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
sid | 2.3.10-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 2.3.5+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 2.0.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch-backports | 2.1.5-7~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.1.5-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.5.2-1 (non-free) | amd64 |
Debtags of package abyss: |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
ABySS est un assembleur de séquences de novo parallèles conçu pour les
lectures courtes. Il peut servir à assembler des données de séquences de
génome ou de transcriptome. La parallélisation est permise par MPI, OpenMP
et pthread.
Please cite:
Shaun D. Jackman, Benjamin P. Vandervalk, Hamid Mohamadi, Justin Chu, Sarah Yeo, S. Austin Hammond, Golnaz Jahesh, Hamza Khan, Lauren Coombe, Rene L. Warren and İnanç Birol:
"ABySS 2.0: resource-efficient assembly of large genomes using a Bloom filter".
Genome Research
Topics: Sequence assembly
algorithmes pour le compte de copies NGS
Versions of package allelecount |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 4.3.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 4.3.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 4.3.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 4.2.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Ce paquet prend en charge le code des algorithmes de décompte de copies NGS. Il reçoit un fichier d'emplacements et un fichier [cr|b]am, puis génère un décompte de la couverture de chaque allèle (ACGT) à cet emplacement (avec des configurations de filtre données).
Le paquet allelecount existe essentiellement pour éviter la duplication de code entre certains autres projets, en particulier AscatNGS et Battenberg.
obtention des statistiques d'assemblage à partir de fichiers FASTA et FASTQ
Versions of package assembly-stats |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.0.1+ds-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.1+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.1+ds-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0.1+ds-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Ce paquet permet l'obtention de statistiques à partir d'une liste de fichiers.
La détection du format FASTA ou FASTQ de chaque fichier est automatique à partir du contenu des fichiers, ainsi les noms et les extensions des fichiers ne sont pas pertinents.
Le format de sortie par défaut est intelligible. Il est possible de changer le format de sortie et d'ignorer les séquences plus courtes qu'une longueur définie.
composants pipeline pour l'analyse de virus en temps réel
Versions of package augur |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster-backports | 6.4.2-2~bpo10+1 | all |
bullseye | 11.0.0-1 | all |
trixie | 24.4.0-1 | all |
sid | 24.4.0-1 | all |
bookworm | 20.0.0-1 | all |
upstream | 29.0.0 |
License: DFSG free
Le projet nextstrain est une tentative de faire des pipelines informatiques flexibles et des outils de visualisation pour suivre l'évolution en cours de pathogènes à mesure que les données de séquences surviennent. Le projet nextstrain dérive de nextflu qui était spécifique à l'évolution de la grippe.
nextrain est formé de trois composantes :
– fauna : base de données et scripts d'E/S pour les séquences et
les données sérologiques ;
– augur : pipelines informatiques pour conduire des inférences
à partir de données brutes ;
– auspice : application web pour visualiser les inférences
Remove gene-specific primer sequences from SAM/BAM alignments
Versions of package bamclipper |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0.0-3 | all |
sid | 1.0.0-3 | all |
trixie | 1.0.0-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
Remove gene-specific primer sequences from SAM/BAM alignments of PCR
amplicons by soft-clipping. soft-clips gene-specific primers from BAM alignment file based
on genomic coordinates of primer pairs in BEDPE format.
tools for common BAM file manipulations
Versions of package bamkit |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.0.1+git20170413.ccd079d-3 | all |
sid | 0.0.1+git20170413.ccd079d-3 | all |
bookworm | 0.0.1+git20170413.ccd079d-3 | all |
bullseye | 0.0.1+git20170413.ccd079d-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
This package provides some Python3 tools for common BAM file
BBTools genomic aligner and other tools for short sequences
Versions of package bbmap |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 39.18+dfsg-1 | all |
trixie | 39.18+dfsg-1 | all |
bookworm | 39.01+dfsg-2 | all |
buster-backports | 38.63+dfsg-1~bpo10+1 | all |
bullseye | 38.90+dfsg-1 | all |
upstream | 39.19 |
License: DFSG free
The BBTools are a collection of small programs to solve recurrent
tasks for the creative handling of short biological RNA/DNA sequences.
This suite may be best known for its mapper, which is also the name of
the project on sourceforge, but several tools have been added over time.
All tools are multi-threaded, implemented platform-independently in Java:
BBMap: Short read aligner for DNA and RNA-seq data. Capable of handling
arbitrarily large genomes with millions of scaffolds. Handles Illumina,
PacBio, 454, and other reads; very high sensitivity and tolerant of
errors and numerous large indels.
BBNorm: Kmer-based error-correction and normalization tool.
Dedupe: Simplifies assemblies by removing duplicate or contained
subsequences that share a target percent identity.
Reformat: Reformats reads between fasta/fastq/scarf/fasta+qual/sam,
interleaved/paired, and ASCII-33/64, at over 500 MB/s.
BBDuk: Filters, trims, or masks reads with kmer matches to an
artifact/contaminant file.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
de Bruijn compaction in low memory
Versions of package bcalm |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.2.3-5 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 2.2.3-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.2.3-4 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
sid | 2.2.3-5 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
License: DFSG free
A bioinformatics tool for constructing the compacted de Bruijn graph
from sequencing data.
This is the parallel version of the BCALM software using gatb-core
appel de variantes génomiques et manipulation de fichiers VCF et BCF
Versions of package bcftools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.21-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.16-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
stretch-backports | 1.8-1~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
bullseye | 1.11-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
stretch | 1.3.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
sid | 1.21-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.9-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf |
License: DFSG free
BCFtools est un ensemble d'outils qui manipulent des appels de variation
dans le format « Variant Call Format » (VCF) et son équivalent binaire BCF.
Toutes les commandes fonctionnent de façon transparente avec VCF et BCF,
qu'ils soient compressés avec BGZF ou non.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
suite d'utilitaires pour la comparaison des caractéristiques de génomes
Versions of package bedtools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 2.27.1+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf |
sid | 2.31.1+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 2.21.0-1 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 2.30.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.30.0+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.31.1+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 2.26.0+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
Debtags of package bedtools: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | suite |
use | analysing, comparing, converting, filtering |
works-with | biological-sequence |
License: DFSG free
Les utilitaires BEDTools permettent de traiter les tâches génomiques ordinaires
telles que trouver les chevauchements de caractéristiques et informatiser les
données. Les utilitaires sont en grande partie basés sur quatre formats de
fichier très utilisés : BED, GFF/GTF, VCF et SAM/BAM. En utilisant BEDTools, il
est possible de développer des enchainements sophistiqués qui répondent à des
questions de recherche en utilisant plusieurs outils séquentiellement.
L'outil groupBy est fourni par le paquet filo.
tools for early stage alignment file processing
Versions of package biobambam2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.0.185+ds-2 | amd64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
trixie | 2.0.185+ds-2 | amd64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 2.0.185+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,ppc64el |
bullseye | 2.0.179+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,ppc64el |
upstream | 2.0.185-release-20221211202123 |
License: DFSG free
This package contains some tools for processing BAM files, including
bamsormadup: parallel sorting and duplicate marking
bamcollate2: reads BAM and writes BAM reordered such that alignment
or collated by query name
bammarkduplicates: reads BAM and writes BAM with duplicate alignments
marked using the BAM flags field
bammaskflags: reads BAM and writes BAM while masking (removing) bits
from the flags column
bamrecompress: reads BAM and writes BAM with a defined compression
setting. This tool is capable of multi-threading.
bamsort: reads BAM and writes BAM resorted by coordinates or
query name
bamtofastq: reads BAM and writes FastQ; output can be collated
or uncollated by query name
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
aligneur ultra-rapide de lectures courtes avec une faible empreinte mémoire
Versions of package bowtie2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.5.4-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
trixie | 2.5.4-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 2.5.0-3 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
bullseye | 2.4.2-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
buster | | amd64 |
stretch | 2.3.0-2 | amd64 |
jessie | 2.2.4-1 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
Ce paquet est un outil à faible empreinte mémoire et ultra-rapide pour
l'alignement de lectures de séquençage à séquences longues de référence. Il
est particulièrement performant pour l'alignement de lectures d'environ 50
symboles et
jusqu'à des centaines ou des milliers de symboles, et particulièrement
performant pour l'alignement de génomes relativement longs (par exemple, le
génome de mammifères).
Bowtie 2 indexe le génome avec un FM-index pour garder une faible empreinte
mémoire : pour le génome humain, son empreinte en mémoire vive
est typiquement d'environ 3,2 Go. Bowtie 2 gère les modes
d'alignement écarté, local, et par paire.
benchmarking sets of universal single-copy orthologs
Versions of package busco |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 5.5.0-3 | amd64,arm64,i386 |
sid | 5.5.0-3 | amd64,arm64,i386 |
bullseye | 5.0.0-1 | all |
bookworm | 5.4.4-1 | amd64,i386 |
License: DFSG free
Assessing genome assembly and annotation completeness with Benchmarking
Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO).
- Automated selection of lineages issued from
- Automated download of all necessary files and datasets to conduct a run
- Use prodigal for non-eukaryotic genomes
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
manipulation de fichiers BUS pour des ensembles de données de séquençage d’ADN de cellule unique
Versions of package bustools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.40.0-4 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.43.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.43.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.42.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 0.44.1 |
License: DFSG free
Ce paquet fournit le programme BUStools qui peut être utilisé pour
corriger des erreurs de barcoding moléculaire, réduire les UMI, calculer
le nombre de gènes ou des matrices de comptages de compatibilité de
dispositif d'alignement Burrows-Wheeler
Versions of package bwa |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 0.7.10-1 | amd64 |
stretch | 0.7.15-2+deb9u1 | amd64 |
stretch-backports | 0.7.17-1~bpo9+1 | amd64 |
buster | 0.7.17-3 | amd64 |
bullseye | 0.7.17-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.7.17-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.7.18-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.7.18-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package bwa: |
biology | nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline, text-mode |
role | program |
use | analysing, comparing |
License: DFSG free
BWA est un paquet logiciel pour mettre en correspondance des séquences à
faible divergence avec un grand génome de référence tel que le génome
humain. Il est constitué de trois algorithmes : BWA-backtrack, BWA-SW et
BWA-MEM. Le premier algorithme est conçu pour les lectures de séquences
Illumina jusqu'à 100 paires de bases, alors que les deux autres sont conçus
pour des lectures de séquences allant de 70 à 1 000 paires de bases.
BWA-MEM et BWA-SW partagent des fonctionnalités communes telles que la
prise en charge des lectures longues et des alignements de découpages
(« split alignment »), mais BWA-MEM, plus récent, est généralement
recommandé pour les requêtes de haute qualité, car il est plus rapide et
plus précis. BWA-MEM a également de meilleures performances que
BWA-backtrack pour les lectures Illumina de 70 à 100 paires de bases.
taxonomic classification of contigs and metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs)
Versions of package cat-bat |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 5.2.3-2 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 5.2.2-1 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 5.3-2 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 5.3-2 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | 6.0.1 |
License: DFSG free
Contig Annotation Tool (CAT) and Bin Annotation Tool (BAT) are pipelines
for the taxonomic classification of long DNA sequences and metagenome
assembled genomes (MAGs/bins) of both known and (highly) unknown
microorganisms, as generated by contemporary metagenomics studies. The
core algorithm of both programs involves gene calling, mapping of
predicted ORFs against the nr protein database, and voting-based
classification of the entire contig / MAG based on classification of the
individual ORFs. CAT and BAT can be run from intermediate steps if files
are formatted appropriately.
système rapide et économe en mémoire de classification de séquences ADN
Versions of package centrifuge |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
trixie | | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 1.0.3-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el |
bookworm | 1.0.3-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el |
buster | 1.0.3-2 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
Centrifuge est un système très rapide et économe en mémoire de
classification de séquences ADN d’échantillons microbiens, avec une
meilleure sensibilité et une précision similaire que d’autres systèmes
éminents. Le système utilise an nouveau schéma d’indexation basé sur la
transformation de Burrows-Wheeler (BWT) et l’index de Ferragina-Manzini
(FM), optimisés spécifiquement pour le problème de classification
métagénomique. Centrifuge nécessite un index relativement petit (par
exemple, 4,3 Go pour environ 4100 génomes de bactéries), mais propose une
vitesse de classification très rapide lui permettant de procéder à une
séquençage ADN classique en une heure. Ces avancées permettent une analyse
rapide et précise de grands ensembles de données métagénomiques sur des
ordinateurs de bureau conventionnels.
boîte à outils d’affectation clonale de répertoire – Python 3
Versions of package changeo |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.3.0-1 | all |
buster | 0.4.5-1 | all |
sid | 1.3.0-3 | all |
trixie | 1.3.0-3 | all |
bullseye | 1.0.2-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Change-O est un ensemble d’outils pour traiter la sortie d’outils
d’alignement V(D)J, affecter des groupes clonaux à des séquences
d’immunoglobuline (Ig) et reconstruire des séquences de lignées germinales.
D’importantes améliorations dans les technologies de séquençage à haut
débit permettent maintenant de caractériser à grande échelle des
répertoires Ig, définis comme l’ensemble de protéines réceptrices
d’antigènes transmembranaires situées à la surface des cellules B et des
cellules T. Change-O est une suite d’outils permettant de faciliter
l’analyse avancée de séquences Ig et TCR suivant l’affectation de segments
de lignées germinales. Change-O gère la sortie de IMGT/HighV-QUEST et
d’IgBLAST et fournit une grande variété de méthodes de regroupement
(clustering) pour affecter des groupes clonaux à des séquences Ig. Le tri
d’enregistrements, le groupement et diverses opérations de manipulations de
bases de données sont également inclus.
Ce paquet installe la bibliothèque pour Python 3.
Please cite:
Namita T. Gupta, Jason A. Vander Heiden, Mohamed Uduman, Daniel Gadala-Maria, Gur Yaari and Steven H. Kleinstein:
to publication
outils pour des tâches d’analyse des données ordinaires de ChIP-Seq
Versions of package chip-seq |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.5.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.5.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.5.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.5.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster-backports | 1.5.5-3~bpo10+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Le logiciel ChIP-Seq fournit un ensemble d’outils pour des tâches d’analyse de séquençage ChIP pour tout le génome, incluant l’analyse de corrélation de positions, la détection de pics, et la séparation du génome entre des régions riches ou pauvres en signaux. Ces outils existent sous forme de programme C autonomes et réalisent les tâches suivantes :
1. Analyse de corrélation de positions et création d’un tracé d’agrégation
(AP) (chipcor) ;
2. Extraction des caractères d’annotation de génome spécifique autour de
points d’ancrage de référence (chipextract) ;
3. Lecture du centrage et du décalage (chipcenter) ;
4. Appel de pic étroit en utilisant une taille fixe de largeur (chippeak) ;
5. Appel de pic large utilisé pour de vastes régions d’enrichissement (chippart) ;
6. Outil de sélection de particularité basé sur un seuil de compte (chipscore).
Parce que les outils de ChIP-Seq sont principalement optimisés pour la rapidité, ils utilisent leur propre format compact pour la représentation des données de ChIP-seq appelé SGA (Simplified Genome Annotation). SGA est un format en texte pur, orienté ligne avec des tabulations comme délimitations.
inférence efficace de recombinaison de génomes de bactéries entières
Versions of package clonalframeml |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.13-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.13-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.11-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.12-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.12-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
ClonalFrameML est un paquet logiciel qui réalise une inférence efficace de recombinaison
dans les génomes bactériens. ClonalFrameML a été créé par Xavier Didelot et Daniel Wilson.
ClonalFrameML peut être appliqué à tout type de données de séquence alignée, mais est
particulièrement prévu pour l’analyse de séquences de génomes entiers. Il est capable de
comparer des centaines de génomes entiers en quelques heures sur un machine de bureau
standard. ClonalFrameML produit trois sorties principales : une phylogénie avec des
longueurs de branches corrigées pour tenir compte des recombinaisons, une estimation des
paramètres clé du processus de recombinaison et une carte génomique d’où les
recombinaisons se sont produites pour chaque branche de la phylogénie.
ClonalFrameML est une implémentation de vraisemblance maximale du logiciel bayésien
ClonalFrame précédemment décrit par Didelot et Falush (2007). Le modèle de recombinaison
servant de base à ClonalFrameML est exactement le même que pour ClonalFrame, mais cette
nouvelle implémentation est beaucoup plus rapide, est capable de gérer des ensembles de
données génomiques bien plus grands, et ne souffre pas de problèmes de convergence MCMC.
Clean biological sequences from high-throughput sequencing reads
Versions of package cutadapt |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 4.7-2 | all |
sid | 4.7-2 | all |
stretch | 1.12-2 | all |
bullseye | 3.2-2 | all |
bookworm | 4.2-1 | all |
buster | 1.18-1 | all |
upstream | 5.0 |
License: DFSG free
Cutadapt helps with biological sequence clean tasks by finding the adapter
or primer sequences in an error-tolerant way.
It can also modify and filter reads in various ways.
Adapter sequences can contain IUPAC wildcard characters.
Also, paired-end reads and even colorspace data is supported.
If you want, you can also just demultiplex your input data, without removing
adapter sequences at all.
This package contains the user interface.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
implémentation de la référence du langage Common Workflow
Versions of package cwltool |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 3.0.20210124104916-3+deb11u1 | all |
buster | 1.0.20181217162649+dfsg-10 | all |
stretch | 1.0.20170114120503-1 | all |
trixie | 3.1.20250110105449-3 | all |
sid | 3.1.20250110105449-3 | all |
bookworm | 3.1.20230209161050-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
C'est l'implémentation de référence des standards de
Common Workflow Language.
Les standards ouverts CWL servent à décrire des analyses de flux de travail
et des outils afin de les rendre portables et déployabls sur une grande
diversité d'environnements logiciels et matériels, des stations de travail aux
clustrs en passant par le cloud et le calcul haute performance (HPC). CWL
a été conçu pour satisfaire les besoins des scientifiques manipulant beaucoup
de données comme la bioinformatique, l'imagerie médicaale, l'astronomie, la
physique et la chimie.
L'implémentation de la référence CWL (cwltool) vise à être entièrement
personnalisée et à offrir une validation exhaustive de fichiers CWL, mais aussi
d'autres outils de travail avec des descriptions CWL.
utilitaires en ligne de commande de la boîte à outils OFFIS DICOM
Versions of package dcmtk |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 3.6.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster-security | 3.6.4-2.1+deb10u1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3.6.1~20160216-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie-security | 3.6.0-15+deb8u1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 3.6.7-9~deb12u1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye-security | 3.6.5-1+deb11u3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye-backports | 3.6.7-6~bpo11+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.6.4-2.1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 3.6.9-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 3.6.0-15+deb8u1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 3.6.9-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm-proposed-updates | 3.6.7-9~deb12u2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package dcmtk: |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | converting, downloading |
works-with | image, image:raster |
License: DFSG free
DCMTK contient une collection de bibliothèques et d'applications pour
examiner, construire et convertir des images DICOM, gérer les média hors
ligne, envoyer et recevoir des images à travers le réseau ainsi que
stocker les images et gérer des listes de travaux.
Ce paquet contient les utilitaires DCMTK.
Note : cette version a été compilée avec la prise en charge de libssl.
découverte de variantes structurelles par analyse des lectures
Versions of package delly |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.8.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf |
sid | 1.1.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.8.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.1.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 1.3.3 |
License: DFSG free
Delly est une méthode de prédiction de variantes structurelles (SV) intégrée qui peut découvrir, génotyper et visualiser des délétions, des duplications en tandem, des inversions et des translocations à une résolution mononucléotidique dans des données de séquençage massivement parallèles à lecture courte et longue. Il utilise des extrémités appariées, des lectures fractionnées et une profondeur de lecture pour délimiter avec sensibilité et précision les réarrangements génomiques dans tout le génome.
(d)extractor and compression command library
License: DFSG free
Dextractor commands allow one to pull exactly and only the
information needed for assembly and reconstruction from the source HDF5
files produced by the PacBio RS II sequencer, or from the source BAM
files produced by the PacBio Sequel sequencer.
For each of the three extracted file types -- fasta, quiva, and
arrow -- the library contains commands to compress the given file
type, and to decompress it, which is a reversible process delivering
the original uncompressed file. The compressed .fasta files, with the
extension .dexta, consume 1/4 byte per base. The compressed .quiva
files, with the extension .dexqv, consume 1.5 bytes per base on
average, and the compressed .arrow files, with the extension .dexar,
consume 1/4 byte per base
For more information, please view the available documentation at
aligneur de séquence locale accéléré compatible avec BLAST
Versions of package diamond-aligner |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.1.9-2 | ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.1.11-1 | amd64,arm64 |
trixie | 2.1.9-2 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.1.3-1 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.9.24+dfsg-1 | amd64 |
stretch-backports | 0.9.22+dfsg-2~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.0.7-1 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
DIAMOND est un aligneur de séquence pour les recherches et les séquences
de protéines et d'ADN traduit conçu comme un remplacement direct des outils
logiciels de NCBI BLAST. Il est utilisable pour les recherches
protéine-protéine aussi bien que pour les recherches ADN-protéine
portant sur des séquences courtes ou longues incluant des contigs et des
assemblages, et fournit une accélération jusqu'à x 20,000
par rapport à BLAST.
détection du polymorphisme d'un seul nucléotide pour des ensembles bruts de lectures
Versions of package discosnp |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 4.4.4-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.2.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.3.0-2 | amd64,arm64,i386 |
bookworm | 2.6.2-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
sid | 2.6.2-4 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
trixie | 2.6.2-4 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
jessie | 1.2.5-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
Software discoSnp is designed for discovering Single Nucleotide
Polymorphism (SNP) from raw set(s) of reads obtained with Next Generation
Sequencers (NGS).
Note that number of input read sets is not constrained, it can be one, two,
or more. Note also that no other data as reference genome or annotations
are needed.
The software is composed by two modules. First module, kissnp2, detects SNPs
from read sets. A second module, kissreads, enhance the kissnp2 results by
computing per read set and for each found SNP:
1) its mean read coverage
2) the (phred) quality of reads generating the polymorphism.
This program is superseded by DiscoSnp++.
Versions of package drop-seq-tools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 3.0.2+dfsg-1 | all |
trixie | 3.0.2+dfsg-1 | all |
bullseye | 2.4.0+dfsg-6 | all |
bookworm | 2.5.2+dfsg-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
This software provide for core computational analysis of Drop-seq data,
which shows you how to transform raw sequence data into an expression
measurement for each gene in each individual cell.
tools for searching collections of biological sequences
Versions of package fasta3 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 36.3.8i.14-Nov-2020-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 36.3.8g-1 (non-free) | amd64 |
bookworm | 36.3.8i.14-Nov-2020-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 36.3.8h.2020-02-11-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 36.3.8i.14-Nov-2020-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
The FASTA programs find regions of local or global similarity between
Protein or DNA sequences, either by searching Protein or DNA databases,
or by identifying local duplications within a sequence. Other
programs provide information on the statistical significance of an
alignment. Like BLAST, FASTA can be used to infer functional and
evolutionary relationships between sequences as well as help identify
members of gene families.
- Protein
- Protein-protein FASTA
- Protein-protein Smith-Waterman (ssearch)
- Global Protein-protein (Needleman-Wunsch) (ggsearch)
- Global/Local protein-protein (glsearch)
- Protein-protein with unordered peptides (fasts)
Protein-protein with mixed peptide sequences (fastf)
- Nucleotide-Nucleotide (DNA/RNA fasta)
- Ordered Nucleotides vs Nucleotide (fastm)
Un-ordered Nucleotides vs Nucleotide (fasts)
- Translated DNA (with frameshifts, e.g. ESTs)
vs Proteins (fastx/fasty)
- Protein vs Translated DNA (with frameshifts)
Peptides vs Translated DNA (tfasts)
Statistical Significance
- Protein vs Protein shuffle (prss)
- DNA vs DNA shuffle (prss)
Translated DNA vs Protein shuffle (prfx)
Local Duplications
- Local Protein alignments (lalign)
- Plot Protein alignment "dot-plot" (plalign)
- Local DNA alignments (lalign)
- Plot DNA alignment "dot-plot" (plalign)
This software is often used via a web service at the
EBI with readily indexed reference databases at
Fast alignment-free computation of whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity
Versions of package fastani |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.33-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.33-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.33-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
ANI is defined as mean nucleotide identity of orthologous gene pairs
shared between two microbial genomes. FastANI supports pairwise comparison
of both complete and draft genome assemblies.
Ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor
Versions of package fastp |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.19.6+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 0.24.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.20.1+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.23.2+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.24.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
All-in-one FASTQ preprocessor, fastp provides functions including quality
profiling, adapter trimming, read filtering and base correction. It supports
both single-end and paired-end short read data and also provides basic support
for long-read data.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
contrôle qualité pour les données de séquences à haut débit
Versions of package fastqc |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.11.9+dfsg-6 | all |
trixie | 0.12.1+dfsg-4 | all |
jessie | 0.11.2+dfsg-3 | all |
sid | 0.12.1+dfsg-4 | all |
buster | 0.11.8+dfsg-2 | all |
stretch | 0.11.5+dfsg-6 | all |
bullseye | 0.11.9+dfsg-4 | all |
License: DFSG free
FastQC a pour objectif de fournir un moyen simple de faire des contrôles
de qualité sur des données de séquences brutes provenant de pipelines de
séquençage à haut débit. Il propose un ensemble modulaire d'analyses
pouvant être utilisées pour donner une impression rapide des problèmes dont
l'utilisateur devrait être au courant avant de faire
une analyse plus poussée.
Les principales fonctions de FastQC sont :
- import des données des fichiers BAM (version binaire compressée de SAM),
SAM (« Sequence Alignment/Map ») ou FastQ (n'importe quelle variante) ;
- fournir un aperçu rapide pour indiquer les zones dans lesquelles il
peut y avoir des problèmes ;
- des graphes de résumé et des tables pour évaluer rapidement les
données ;
- export des résultats vers un rapport permanent en HTML ;
- fonctionnement hors ligne afin de permettre la génération de rapports
automatiques sans exécuter l'application interactive.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
quality filtering tool for long reads of genome sequences
Versions of package filtlong |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.2.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.2.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.2.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.2.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Filtlong is a tool for filtering long reads by quality. It can take a
set of long reads and produce a smaller, better subset. It uses both
read length (longer is better) and read identity (higher is better) when
choosing which reads pass the filter.
Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads
Versions of package flash |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.2.11-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.2.11-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.2.11-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.2.11-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
FLASH (Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads) est un outil logiciel très
rapide et précis pour fusionner des lectures de séquences appariées
(paired-end reads) à partir de tests de séquençage à haut débit. FLASH
est conçu pour fusionner des paires de lectures où les fragments de
l’ADN originel sont deux fois plus petits que la longueur des lectures.
Les lectures résultantes plus longues améliore l’assemblage du génome.
Elles peuvent aussi améliorer significativement l’assemblage du
transcriptome quand FLASH est utilisé pour fusionner les données de RNA-
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
assembleur de novo pour les lectures de séquençage de molécule unique utilisant un graphe de répétitions
Versions of package flye |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.9.5+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.9.5+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.9.1+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Flye est un assembleur de novo pour les lectures de séquençage de molécule
unique, telles que celles produites par PacBio et « Oxford Nanopore
Technologies ». Il est conçu pour une large diversité d’ensembles de
données, du petit projet concernant des bactéries aux assemblages à
l’échelle de mammifères. Ce paquet constitue une chaine complète : il
prend en entrée des chaines brutes de PacBio ou ONT et produit des contigs
propres. Flye possède aussi un mode spécial pour les assemblages de
détection bayésienne de polymorphismes basée sur les haplotypes et génotypage
Versions of package freebayes |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.2.0-2 | amd64 |
stretch-backports | 1.2.0-1~bpo9+1 | amd64 |
bookworm | 1.3.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.3.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
experimental | 1.3.7-1~exp | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.3.9-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
trixie | 1.3.9-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
License: DFSG free
FreeBayes est un détecteur de variant génétique bayésien conçu pour détecter des petits polymorphismes, plus spécialement les polymorphismes d'un seul nucléotide (SNP), les indels (insertions et suppressions), les polymorphismes de nucléotides multiples (MNP) et les évènements complexes (évènements d’insertion et de substitution composites), plus petits que la longueur d’un alignement de séquençage de lecture courte.
boîte à outils polyvalente d'analyse du génome
Versions of package genometools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm-backports | 1.6.5+ds-2~bpo12+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster-backports | 1.6.1+ds-3~bpo10+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.6.1+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.6.5+ds-2.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.5.9+ds-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.5.10+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.6.2+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.5.3-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.6.5+ds-2.2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye-backports-sloppy | 1.6.5+ds-2~bpo11+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package genometools: |
biology | nuceleic-acids |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
uitoolkit | ncurses |
License: DFSG free
Le paquet GenomeTools contient une collection d'outils utiles pour l'analyse
de séquences biologiques et la présentation regroupés en un simple
La boîte à outils contient les programmes exécutables pour les séquences et
la manipulation des annotations, la compression de séquences, la génération
de la structure de l'index et de l'accès, la visualisation de l'annotation,
et bien plus.
GFF/GTF format conversions, region filtering, FASTA sequence extraction
Versions of package gffread |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.12.7-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.12.7-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.12.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.12.7-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Gffread is a GFF/GTF parsing utility providing format conversions,
region filtering, FASTA sequence extraction and more.
logiciel d’imagerie médicale et visualisateur DICOM complet
Versions of package ginkgocadx |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 3.8.8-1 | amd64,i386 |
bullseye | 3.8.8-5 | amd64,i386 |
jessie | | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3.8.4-1 | amd64,i386 |
Debtags of package ginkgocadx: |
field | medicine, medicine:imaging |
role | program |
uitoolkit | gtk, wxwidgets |
use | viewing |
License: DFSG free
Ginkgo CADx fournit une solution de visualisation DICOM avec des capacités
performantes et la prise en charge d’extensions :
– interface simple et personnalisable à l’aide de profils ;
– visualisation pleine de fonctionnalités d’image DICOM ;
– ensemble d’outils complet (mesure, marquage, texte…) ;
– prise en charge de plusieurs secteurs médicaux (neurologie, radiologie,
dermatologie, ophtalmologie, échographie, endoscopie…) ;
– prise en charge de la normalisation DICOM à partir de JPEG, PNG, GIF
et TIFF ;
– prise en charge entière de l’intégration du matériel (EMH) : flux
produits conformes aux normes HL7 et IHE ;
– station de travail PACS (système d'archivage et de transmission
d'images), (C-FIND, C-MOVE, C-STORE…) ;
– extensibilité à l’aide d’ajouts personnalisables :
– composition mosaïquée d’image rétinienne,
– diagnostic automatique à partir d’analyse rétinienne,
– diagnostic automatique du psoriasis.
gestion de cabinet médical – client
Versions of package gnumed-client |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.8.5+dfsg-2 | all |
stretch | 1.6.11+dfsg-3 | all |
buster | 1.7.5+dfsg-3 | all |
sid | 1.8.19+dfsg-1 | all |
trixie | 1.8.19+dfsg-1 | all |
jessie | 1.4.12+dfsg-1 | all |
bookworm | 1.8.9+dfsg-1 | all |
Debtags of package gnumed-client: |
field | medicine |
interface | x11 |
network | client |
role | program |
scope | application |
uitoolkit | wxwidgets |
use | organizing |
works-with | db, people |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit de GNUmed Electronic Medical Record dont le but est de permettre
aux médecins de tenir un dossier médical solide sur la santé de leurs
patients. Actuellement, il n'est pas complet. Les fonctionnalités offertes
sont, cependant, testées, en cours d'utilisation et considérées comme
stables. Ce paquet ne fournit PAS encore de fonctionnalités de facturation
et de gestion de stocks.
Même si l'équipe de GNUmed a mis le plus grand soin pour s'assurer de
l'intégrité des dossiers médicaux à tout instant, l’utilisateur doit
toujours s’assurer de prendre les mesures appropriées pour sauvegarder les
données médicales en un lieu sûr à des intervalles appropriés. Les
sauvegardes et procédures de récupération en cas de désastre doivent aussi
être testées !
Protéger les données ! GNUmed lui-même est fourni sans aucune garantie
quelle qu'elle soit. L’utilisateur est prévenu.
Ce paquet fournit le client wxpython.
gestion de cabinet médical – serveur
Versions of package gnumed-server |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 22.19-1 | all |
bullseye | 22.15-1 | all |
buster | 22.5-1 | all |
stretch | 21.11-1 | all |
jessie | 19.12-1 | all |
trixie | 22.28-1 | all |
sid | 22.28-1 | all |
upstream | 22.29 |
Debtags of package gnumed-server: |
field | medicine |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit de GNUmed Electronic Medical Record dont le but est de permettre
aux médecins de tenir un dossier médical solide sur la santé de leurs
patients. Actuellement, il n'est pas complet. Les fonctionnalités offertes
sont, cependant, testées, en cours d'utilisation et considérées comme
stables. Ce paquet ne fournit PAS encore de fonctionnalités de facturation
et de gestion de stocks.
Même si l'équipe de GNUmed a mis le plus grand soin pour s'assurer de
l'intégrité des dossiers médicaux à tout instant, l’utilisateur doit
toujours s’assurer de prendre les mesures appropriées pour sauvegarder les
données médicales en un lieu sûr à des intervalles appropriés. Les
sauvegardes et procédures de récupération en cas de désastre doivent aussi
être testées !
Protéger les données ! GNUmed lui-même est fourni sans aucune garantie
quelle qu'elle soit. L’utilisateur est prévenu.
Ce paquet contient la partie serveur PostgreSQL.
Remarque⋅: Actuellement, le paquet ne construit PAS la base de données
GNUmed mais installe uniquement les fichiers SQL nécessaires. Veuillez
lire README.Debian.
Simulateur de dynamique moléculaire avec outils d'analyse et de préparation
Versions of package gromacs |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2025.0-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2022.5-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 2016.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2019.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 2020.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 5.0.2-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2025.0-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package gromacs: |
field | biology, biology:structural, chemistry |
interface | commandline, x11 |
role | program |
uitoolkit | xlib |
x11 | application |
License: DFSG free
GROMACS est un paquet polyvalent pour faire de la dynamique moléculaire,
comme la simulation d'équations newtoniennes du mouvement de systèmes de
millions de particules.
Il a été créé en premier lieu pour les molécules biochimiques comme les
protéines et les lipides qui ont beaucoup d'interactions covalentes
compliquées, mais comme GROMACS est extrêmement rapide pour calculer les
interactions non covalentes (qui souvent dominent les simulations),
beaucoup de groupes l'utilisent aussi pour la recherche sur des systèmes
non biologiques, comme les polymères.
Ce paquet fournit des variantes pour l’exécution sur une seule machine et
pour utiliser l’interface MPI sur plusieurs machines.
phylogenetic analysis of genome sequences
Versions of package gubbins |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 2.3.4-1 | amd64,i386 |
bullseye | 2.4.1-4 | amd64,i386 |
stretch | 2.2.0-1 | amd64,i386 |
bookworm | 2.4.1-5 | amd64,i386 |
sid | 3.4-2 | amd64,i386 |
trixie | 3.4-2 | amd64,i386 |
License: DFSG free
Gubbins supports rapid phylogenetic analysis of large samples of
recombinant bacterial whole genome sequences.
Gubbins (Genealogies Unbiased By recomBinations In Nucleotide
Sequences) is an algorithm that iteratively identifies loci containing
elevated densities of base substitutions while concurrently constructing
a phylogeny based on the putative point mutations outside of these
regions. Simulations demonstrate the algorithm generates highly accurate
reconstructions under realistic models of short-term bacterial
evolution, and can be run in only a few hours on alignments of hundreds
of bacterial genome sequences.
programme de traitement d’image ciblant les images de microscopie
Versions of package imagej |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.51i+dfsg-2 | all |
jessie | 1.49i+dfsg-1 | all |
sid | 1.54g-1 | all |
trixie | 1.54g-1 | all |
bookworm | 1.53t-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.53g-2 | all |
buster | 1.52j-1 | all |
Debtags of package imagej: |
role | program |
use | analysing, editing, viewing |
works-with | image, image:raster |
works-with-format | gif, jpg, tiff |
License: DFSG free
Ce programme peut afficher, éditer, analyser, traiter, enregistrer et
imprimer des images 8, 16 et 32 bits. Il peut lire de nombreux formats
d'image, dont TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS et RAW. Il prend en charge
les « stacks », une série d'images partageant une même fenêtre.
ImageJ peut calculer des statistiques de zones et pixels à partir de
sélections de l'utilisateur. Il peut mesurer les distances et les angles.
Il peut créer des histogrammes de densité et des affichages de profils
linéaires. Il prend en charge les fonctions standard de traitement d'images
telles que la manipulation du contraste, l'accentuation, l'adoucissement,
la détection d'arêtes et le filtrage médian.
La calibration spatiale est disponible pour fournir des mesures de
dimensions réelles dans des unités comme le millimètre. La calibration de
la densité ou des niveaux de gris est également disponible.
ImageJ est développé par Wayne Rasband ( dans la
Research Services Branch du National Institute of Mental Health à Bethesda,
Maryland, USA.
fonctions largement utiles pour le séquençage de virus basé sur les amplicons
Versions of package ivar |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.3.1+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,i386,mips64el,mipsel |
bullseye | 1.3+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,mips64el,mipsel |
trixie | 1.4.4+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,mips64el,riscv64 |
sid | 1.4.4+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,mips64el,riscv64 |
License: DFSG free
iVar is a computational package that contains functions broadly useful
for viral amplicon-based sequencing. Additional tools for metagenomic
sequencing are actively being incorporated into iVar. While each of
these functions can be accomplished using existing tools, iVar contains
an intersection of functionality from multiple tools that are required
to call iSNVs and consensus sequences from viral sequencing data across
multiple replicates. iVar provided the following functions:
1. trimming of primers and low-quality bases,
2. consensus calling,
3. variant calling - both iSNVs and insertions/deletions, and
4. identifying mismatches to primer sequences and excluding the
corresponding reads from alignment files.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Please cite:
Nathan D. Grubaugh, Karthik Gangavarapu, Joshua Quick, Nathaniel L. Matteson, Jaqueline Goes De Jesus, Bradley J. Main, Amanda L. Tan, Lauren M. Paul, Doug E. Brackney, Saran Grewal, Nikos Gurfield, Koen K. A. Van Rompay, Sharon Isern, Scott F. Michael, Lark L. Coffey, Nicholas J. Loman and Kristian G. Andersen:
An amplicon-based sequencing framework for accurately measuring intrahost virus diversity using PrimalSeq and iVar.
Genome Biology
Alignement séquentiel multiple global et progressif
Versions of package kalign |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 2.03+20110620-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 3.3.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 3.4.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 3.4.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 3.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 2.03+20110620-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.03+20110620-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
Debtags of package kalign: |
biology | format:aln, nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
Kalign est un outil en ligne de commande pour l'alignement de séquences
biologiques (ADN, ARN, proteïnes). Il utilise l'algorithme de concordance
de chaînes Muth-Manber pour améliorer la précision et la vitesse de
l'alignement. Il utilise une démarche d'alignement globale, progressive,
enrichie par l'usage d'un algorithme de concordance de chaînes approché
pour calculer les différences de séquence et par l'incorporation des
correspondances locales dans tout autre alignement global.
quantification RNA-seq presque optimale
Versions of package kallisto |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.46.2+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.48.0+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.48.0+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.48.0+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 0.51.1 |
License: DFSG free
Kallisto est un programme pour quantifier l’abondance de transcriptions
de données de RNA-Seq, ou, plus généralement, de séquences cibles en
utilisant le séquençage de lectures à haut débit. Il est basé sur l’idée
nouvelle de pseudoalignement pour déterminer la compatibilité de lectures
avec des cibles sans avoir besoin de l’alignement. Sur des bancs d’essai
avec des données de RNA-Seq standard, kallisto peut quantifier 30 millions
de lectures d’humain en moins de 3 minutes sur un ordinateur de bureau Mac
en utilisant les séquences de lectures et un index de transcriptome qui
lui-même se construit en moins de 10 minutes. Le pseudoalignement de
lectures préserve l’information clé nécessaire pour la quantification, et
par conséquent kallisto n’est pas seulement rapide, mais également aussi
précis que les outils de quantification existants. En fait, parce que la
procédure de pseudoalignement est peu sensible aux erreurs dans les
lectures, dans plusieurs bancs d’essai kallisto surpasse de manière
significative les outils existants.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
taxonomic classification system using exact k-mer matches
Versions of package kraken2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.1.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.1.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.1.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.1.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 2.14 |
License: DFSG free
Kraken 2 is the newest version of Kraken, a taxonomic classification
system using exact k-mer matches to achieve high accuracy and fast
classification speeds. This classifier matches each k-mer within a query
sequence to the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of all genomes containing
the given k-mer. The k-mer assignments inform the classification
algorithm. [see: Kraken 1's Webpage for more details].
Kraken 2 provides significant improvements to Kraken 1, with faster
database build times, smaller database sizes, and faster classification
speeds. These improvements were achieved by the following updates to the
Kraken classification program:
1. Storage of Minimizers: Instead of storing/querying entire k-mers,
Kraken 2 stores minimizers (l-mers) of each k-mer. The length of
each l-mer must be ≤ the k-mer length. Each k-mer is treated by
Kraken 2 as if its LCA is the same as its minimizer's LCA.
2. Introduction of Spaced Seeds: Kraken 2 also uses spaced seeds to
store and query minimizers to improve classification accuracy.
3. Database Structure: While Kraken 1 saved an indexed and sorted list
of k-mer/LCA pairs, Kraken 2 uses a compact hash table. This hash
table is a probabilistic data structure that allows for faster
queries and lower memory requirements. However, this data structure
does have a <1% chance of returning the incorrect LCA or returning
an LCA for a non-inserted minimizer. Users can compensate for this
possibility by using Kraken's confidence scoring thresholds.
4. Protein Databases: Kraken 2 allows for databases built from amino
acid sequences. When queried, Kraken 2 performs a six-frame
translated search of the query sequences against the database.
5. 16S Databases: Kraken 2 also provides support for databases not
based on NCBI's taxonomy. Currently, these include the 16S
databases: Greengenes, SILVA, and RDP.
pairwise aligning DNA sequences
Versions of package lastz |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.04.22-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.04.03-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.04.22-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.04.22-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | 1.04.45 |
License: DFSG free
LASTZ is a drop-in replacement for BLASTZ, and is backward compatible with
BLASTZ’s command-line syntax. That is, it supports all of BLASTZ’s options
but also has additional ones, and may produce slightly different alignment
bloom-filter based minimal perfect hash function library
Versions of package libbbhash-dev |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.0.0-6 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.0.0-6 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.0-3 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.0-5 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
BBHash is a simple library for building minimal perfect hash
function. It is designed to handle large scale datasets. The function
is just a little bit larger than other state-of-the-art libraries, it
takes approximately 3 bits / elements (compared to 2.62 bits/elem for
the emphf lib), but construction is faster and does not require
additional memory.
API pour lecteurs de cartes à puce
Versions of package libchipcard-dev |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 5.1.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
experimental | 5.99.1beta-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 5.1.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 5.1.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 5.1.0beta-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 5.1.5rc2-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster-backports | 5.1.5rc2-7~bpo10+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 5.0.3beta-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 5.0.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 5.99.1beta |
Debtags of package libchipcard-dev: |
devel | lang:c, library |
role | devel-lib |
License: DFSG free
Libchipcard fournit une API pour accéder aux cartes à puce. On peut citer
comme exemple, les cartes mémoires, les cartes HBCI (banque à domicile),
les GeldKarte allemandes (porte-monnaie électroniques) et les cartes KVK
(cartes d'assurance maladie).
Ce paquet fournit les fichiers de développement pour libchipcard.
header files for Genome Code Lib (GCLib)
Versions of package libgclib-dev |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.12.7+ds-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.12.7+ds-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.12.7+ds-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.11.10+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
This is an eclectic gathering of (mostly) C++ code which upstream used
for some bioinformatics projects. The main idea is to provide
lean code and efficient data structures, trying to avoid too many code
dependencies of heavy libraries while minimizing production cycles (and
this also implies a decent compile/build time -- looking at you,
bloated configure scripts and lengthy compile times of Boost code or
other heavy C++ template code..).
This code was gathered even before the C++ STL had been fully adopted as
a cross-platform "standard". Since STL by itself is a bit heavier for
most of the C++ needs, it is preferred to use simpler&leaner C++ classes
or templates for basic strings, containers, basic algorithms etc.
Header files of Genome Code Lib. It is mainly known for being
used by StringTie but with its own release cycle.
Grassroots DICOM tools and utilities
Versions of package libgdcm-tools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 3.0.8-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 2.6.6-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 2.4.4-3+deb8u1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 3.0.24-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 3.0.24-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.0.21-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye-backports | 3.0.17-4~bpo11+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.8.8-9 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
upstream | 3.0.25 |
Debtags of package libgdcm-tools: |
field | medicine:imaging |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | converting |
works-with | image, image:raster |
License: DFSG free
Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library for DICOM medical files. It is
automatically wrapped to python/C#/Java (using swig). It supports
RAW,JPEG (lossy/lossless),J2K,JPEG-LS, RLE and deflated.
Install this package for the gdcmanon, gdcmclean, gdcmconv, gdcmdiff,
gdcmdump, gdcmpap3, gdcmgendir, gdcmimg, gdcminfo, gdcmpdf, gdcmraw,
gdcmscanner, gdcmscu, gdcmtar, gdcmxml programs.
Development headers for custom compression for CRAM and others
Versions of package libhtscodecs-dev |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.3.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.5-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.6.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.6.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
This library implements the custom CRAM codecs used for "EXTERNAL" block
types. These consist of two variants of the rANS codec (8-bit and 16-bit
renormalisation, with run-length encoding and bit-packing also supported
in the latter), a dynamic arithmetic coder, and custom codecs for name/ID
compression and quality score compression derived from fqzcomp.
They come with small command line test tools to act as both compression
exploration programs and as part of the test harness.
This package contains the development headers
Image Cytometry Standard file reading and writing (devel)
Versions of package libics-dev |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.6.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.6.6-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.5.2-6 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.5.2-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.6.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.6.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.6.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package libics-dev: |
devel | library |
role | devel-lib |
License: DFSG free
This is the reference library for ICS (Image Cytometry Standard), an open
standard for writing images of any dimensionality and data type to file,
together with associated information regarding the recording equipment or
recorded subject.
This package contains the libraries needed to build ICS applications.
collection of data structures and algorithms for biobambam (devel)
Versions of package libmaus2-dev |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.0.813+ds-4 | amd64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 2.0.768+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,i386,ppc64el |
bookworm | 2.0.813+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,ppc64el |
trixie | 2.0.813+ds-4 | amd64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
License: DFSG free
Libmaus2 is a collection of data structures and algorithms. It contains
- I/O classes (single byte and UTF-8)
- bitio classes (input, output and various forms of bit level manipulation)
- text indexing classes (suffix and LCP array, fulltext and minute (FM), ...)
- BAM sequence alignment files input/output (simple and collating)
and many lower level support classes.
This package contains header files and static libraries.
library for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data processing
Versions of package libmilib-java |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.10-2 | all |
bookworm | 2.2.0+dfsg-1 | all |
trixie | 2.2.0+dfsg-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.13-1 | all |
sid | 2.2.0+dfsg-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
A helping Java package adopted by a range of Open Source tools for the
analysis of B and T cell repertoires.
C++ library for the analysis of biological sequences v3 (development)
Versions of package libseqan3-dev |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 3.0.2+ds-9 | all |
buster-backports | 3.0.1+ds-3~bpo10+1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 3.4.0~rc.3+ds-3 | all |
sid | 3.4.0~rc.3+ds-3 | all |
bookworm | 3.2.0+ds-6 | all |
bookworm-proposed-updates | 3.2.0+ds-6+deb12u1 | all |
License: DFSG free
SeqAn is a C++ template library of efficient algorithms and data
structures for the analysis of sequences with the focus on
biological data. This library applies a unique generic design that
guarantees high performance, generality, extensibility, and
integration with other libraries. SeqAn is easy to use and
simplifies the development of new software tools with a minimal loss
of performance.
This package contains the developer files.
fast and memory-efficient sequencing error corrector
Versions of package lighter |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.1.2-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.1.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1.2-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.1.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Lighter is a fast, memory-efficient tool for correcting sequencing
errors. Lighter avoids counting k-mers. Instead, it uses a pair of Bloom
filters, one holding a sample of the input k-mers and the other holding
k-mers likely to be correct. As long as the sampling fraction is
adjusted in inverse proportion to the depth of sequencing, Bloom filter
size can be held constant while maintaining near-constant accuracy.
Lighter is parallelized, uses no secondary storage, and is both faster
and more memory-efficient than competing approaches while achieving
comparable accuracy.
general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery
Versions of package lumpy-sv |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.3.1+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
sid | 0.3.1+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 0.3.1+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
bookworm | 0.3.1+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
License: DFSG free
LUMPY, a novel SV discovery framework that naturally integrates multiple
SV signals jointly across multiple samples. LUMPY yields improved
sensitivity, especially when SV signal is reduced owing to either low
coverage data or low intra-sample variant allele frequency.
ultra-fast and accurate de novo assembly tools for SMRT reads
Versions of package mecat2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.0+git20200428.f54c542+ds-4 | amd64 |
bullseye | 0.0+git20200428.f54c542+ds-3 | amd64 |
sid | 0.0+git20200428.f54c542+ds-4 | amd64 |
bookworm | 0.0+git20200428.f54c542+ds-3 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
An improved version of MECAT. It is an ultra-fast and accurate mapping
and error correcting de novo assembly tools for single molecula
sequencing (SMRT) reads. MECAT2 consists of the following three modules:
1. mecat2map: a fast and accurate alignment tool for SMRT reads.
2. mecat2cns: correct noisy reads based on their pairwise overlaps.
3. fsa: a string graph based assembly tool.
ultra-fast and memory-efficient meta-genome assembler
Versions of package megahit |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.2.9-4 | amd64 |
sid | 1.2.9-5 | amd64 |
trixie | 1.2.9-5 | amd64 |
bullseye | 1.2.9-2 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
Megahit is an ultra-fast and memory-efficient NGS assembler. It is
optimized for metagenomes, but also works well on generic single genome
assembly (small or mammalian size) and single-cell assembly.
The software was praised in a Briefings in Bioinformatics 5/2020
review (DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbaa085).
robust statistical framework for reconstructing genomes from metagenomic data
Versions of package metabat |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.15-4 | amd64,i386 |
trixie | 2.15-4 | amd64,i386 |
sid | 2.15-4 | amd64,i386 |
bullseye | 2.15-3 | amd64,i386 |
upstream | 2.17 |
License: DFSG free
MetaBAT integrates empirical probabilistic distances of genome abundance
and tetranucleotide frequency for accurate metagenome binning. MetaBAT
outperforms alternative methods in accuracy and computational efficiency
on both synthetic and real metagenome datasets. It automatically forms
hundreds of high quality genome bins on a very large assembly consisting
millions of contigs in a matter of hours on a single node.
assembleur de lectures courtes de séquences biologiques
Versions of package minia |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 3.2.6-4 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
trixie | 3.2.6-4 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
stretch | 1.6906-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.6088-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
buster | 1.6906-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.2.1+git20200522.4960a99-1 | amd64,arm64,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 3.2.6-3 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
License: DFSG free
Ce qui était mentionné comme séquençage « nouvelle génération » d’ADN
jusqu’à 2020 produisait seulement des lectures « courtes » jusqu’à environ
600 paires de base en longueur qui devaient être entremêlées selon des
chevauchements aléatoires dans leur séquence pour obtenir un génome
complet. C’est l’assemblage de génome, mais il existe de nombreux écueils
biologiques sur de longs tronçons de régions sans grande complexité et de
variations de nombre de copies et d’autres sortes de redondance qui rendent
cela difficile.
Ce paquet fournit un assembleur de lectures courtes de séquences d’ADN basé
sur le graphe de Bruijn, capable d’assembler le génome humain sur un
ordinateur de bureau en un jour.
La sortie de Minia est un ensemble de contigs, c’est-à-dire de tronçons de
chevauchements linéaires sans trou de lectures courtes. Dans le meilleur
des cas, il s’agit du chromosome entier.
Minia produit des résultats de contiguïté et de précision similaires à ceux
des autres assembleurs de Bruijn (par exemple, Velvet).
Topics: Sequence assembly
versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences
Versions of package minimap2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.27+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch-backports | 2.15+dfsg-1~bpo9+1 | amd64,i386 |
buster | 2.15+dfsg-1 | amd64,i386 |
bullseye | 2.17+dfsg-12 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.24+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.27+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | 2.28 |
License: DFSG free
Minimap2 is a versatile sequence alignment program that aligns DNA or
mRNA sequences against a large reference database. Typical use cases
include: (1) mapping PacBio or Oxford Nanopore genomic reads to the
human genome; (2) finding overlaps between long reads with error rate up
to ~15%; (3) splice-aware alignment of PacBio Iso-Seq or Nanopore cDNA
or Direct RNA reads against a reference genome; (4) aligning Illumina
single- or paired-end reads; (5) assembly-to-assembly alignment; (6) full-
genome alignment between two closely related species with divergence
below ~15%.
For ~10kb noisy reads sequences, minimap2 is tens of times faster than
mainstream long-read mappers such as BLASR, BWA-MEM, NGMLR and GMAP. It
is more accurate on simulated long reads and produces biologically
meaningful alignment ready for downstream analyses. For >100bp Illumina
short reads, minimap2 is three times as fast as BWA-MEM and Bowtie2, and
as accurate on simulated data. Detailed evaluations are available from
the minimap2 paper or the preprint.
model the structure and dynamics of macromolecules
Versions of package mmb |
Release | Version | Architectures |
experimental | 4.0.0+dfsg-3.1~exp1 | amd64,arm64,armhf |
trixie | 4.0.0+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 4.0.0+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64 |
sid | 4.0.0+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 3.2+dfsg-2+deb11u1 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el |
upstream | 4.2 |
License: DFSG free
MacroMoleculeBuilder, previously known as RNABuilder, can be used for morphing,
homology modeling, folding (e.g. using base pairing contacts), redesigning
complexes, fitting to low-resolution density maps, predicting local
rearrangements upon mutation, and many other applications.
recherche et partitionnement de protéines ultra rapide et sensible
Versions of package mmseqs2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 15-6f452+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
sid | 15-6f452+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 14-7e284+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
bullseye | 12-113e3+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
upstream | 17-b804f |
License: DFSG free
MMseqs2 (Many-against-Many sequence searching) est une suite logicielle
pour rechercher et partitionner des grands ensembles de séquences de
protéines ou de nucléotides. MMseqs2 est un logiciel au code source ouvert
(licence GPL) implémenté en C++ pour Linux, macOS et (en version bêta à
travers cygwin) Windows. Le logiciel est conçu pour fonctionner sur
plusieurs cœurs et plusieurs serveurs et se révèle très extensible.
MMseqs2 fonctionne 10 000 fois plus rapidement que BLAST. À 100 fois sa vitesse il
atteint presque la même sensibilité. Il peut réaliser des recherches de
profil avec la même sensibilité que PSI-BLAST à plus de 400 fois sa
output integration for RNA sequencing across tools and samples
Versions of package multiqc |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.21+dfsg-2 | all |
trixie | 1.21+dfsg-2 | all |
bullseye | 1.9+dfsg-3 | all |
bookworm | 1.14+dfsg-1 | all |
upstream | 1.27.1 |
License: DFSG free
The sequencing of DNA or RNA with current high-throughput technologies
involves an array of tools and these are applied over a range of samples.
It is easy to loose oversight. And gathering the data and forwarding
them in a readable manner to the individuals who took the samples is
a challenge for a tool in itself. Well. Here it is.
MultiQC aggregates the output of multiple tools into a single report.
Reports are generated by scanning given directories for recognised log
files. These are parsed and a single HTML report is generated summarising
the statistics for all logs found. MultiQC reports can describe multiple
analysis steps and large numbers of samples within a single plot, and
multiple analysis tools making it ideal for routine fast quality control.
programme d'alignements multiples de séquences de protéine
Versions of package muscle |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 3.8.31-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 5.1.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 5.1.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 5.1.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 3.8.1551-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 3.8.1551-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 3.8.31+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 5.3 |
Debtags of package muscle: |
biology | format:aln, nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | comparing |
works-with-format | plaintext |
License: DFSG free
MUSCLE est un programme d'alignements multiples de séquences de protéine. L'acronyme MUSCLE signifie « MUltiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation ». D'après les tests des auteurs, MUSCLE réalise les meilleurs résultats de tous les programmes testés sur plusieurs bancs de mesure concernant la précision d'alignement et est aussi un des plus rapides.
Muscle v5 est une réécriture majeure de MUSCLE basée sur de nouveaux algorithmes.
Les utilisateurs doivent faire attention à ce que les arguments de ligne de commande ne sont plus les mêmes que ceux des versions 3.x de MUSCLE.
Meilleure précision, extensible à des milliers de séquences
Comparé aux version précédentes, Muscle v5 est plus précis, souvent plus rapide et extensible à des ensembles de données plus grands. Au moment de son écriture (fin 2021), Muscle v5 réalise les meilleurs scores sur plusieurs bancs d’essai dont Balibase, Bralibase, Prefab et Balifam. Il peut aligner des milliers de séquences avec une grande précision sur un ordinateur de bas prix (par exemple, un CPU 8 cœurs d’Intel avec 32 Gb de RAM). Pour de grands ensembles de données, Muscle v5 est 20 à 30 % plus précis que MAFFT et Clustal-Omega.
Ensembles d’alignements
Muscle v5 peut générer des ensembles d’alignements alternatifs de haute précision. Toutes les réplications ont une précision moyenne égale lors de test sur banc d’essai, y compris les alignements multiples de séquences avec les paramètres par défaut. En comparant les résultats d’analyse en aval (arbres, prédiction de structure…) de différentes réplications, il est possible d’évaluer les effets des erreurs d’alignements lors d’études.
Topics: Sequence analysis
multiple alignment program of protein sequences
Versions of package muscle3 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 3.8.1551-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 3.8.1551-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 3.8.1551-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
MUSCLE is a multiple alignment program for protein sequences. MUSCLE
stands for multiple sequence comparison by log-expectation. In the
authors tests, MUSCLE achieved the highest scores of all tested
programs on several alignment accuracy benchmarks, and is also one of
the fastest programs out there.
This is version 3 of the muscle program. It is a different program
than muscle version 5 which is packaged as muscle in Debian.
Topics: Sequence analysis
filtrage et ajustement de données de séquençage de longues lectures
Versions of package nanofilt |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.8.0-1 | all |
bookworm | 2.8.0-1 | all |
bullseye | 2.6.0-3 | all |
sid | 2.8.0-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Filtrage et ajustement de données de séquençage de longues lectures. Filtrage selon la qualité ou la longueur de lecture et, facultativement, ajustage après application de filtres. Lectures à partir de stdin, écritures sur stdout. De manière facultative, lecture directement à partir d’un fichier non compressé indiqué sur la ligne de commande.
Conception destinée à une utilisation :
1. Directement après une extraction fastq ;
2. Avant un mappage ;
3. Dans un flux entre extraction et mappage.
remove lambda phage reads from a fastq file
Versions of package nanolyse |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.2.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.2.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.2.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.2.0-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
NanoLyse is a tool for rapid removal of contaminant DNA, using the
Minimap2 aligner through the mappy Python binding. A typical application
would be the removal of the lambda phage control DNA fragment supplied
by ONT, for which the reference sequence is included in the package.
However, this approach may lead to unwanted loss of reads from regions
highly homologous to the lambda phage genome.
pre- and post-alignment analysis of nanopore sequencing data
Versions of package nanook |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.33+dfsg-6 | all |
sid | 1.33+dfsg-6 | all |
bookworm | 1.33+dfsg-5 | all |
buster | 1.33+dfsg-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.33+dfsg-2.1 | all |
stretch-backports | 1.33+dfsg-1~bpo9+1 | all |
License: DFSG free
NanoOK is a flexible, multi-reference software for pre- and post-
alignment analysis of nanopore sequencing data, quality and error
NanoOK (pronounced na-nook) is a tool for extraction, alignment and
analysis of Nanopore reads. NanoOK will extract reads as FASTA or FASTQ
files, align them (with a choice of alignment tools), then generate a
comprehensive multi-page PDF report containing yield, accuracy and
quality analysis. Along the way, it generates plain text files which can
be used for further analysis, as well as graphs suitable for inclusion
in presentations and papers.
identification de consensus pour les données de séquençage par nanopore
Versions of package nanopolish |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.5.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
sid | 0.14.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
trixie | 0.14.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 0.13.2-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.14.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
stretch-backports | 0.10.2-1~bpo9+1 | amd64 |
buster | 0.11.0-2 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
Nanopolish uses a signal-level hidden Markov model for consensus calling
of nanopore genome sequencing data. It can perform signal-level analysis
of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. Nanopolish can calculate an improved
consensus sequence for a draft genome assembly, detect base
modifications, call SNPs and indels with respect to a reference genome
and more.
structural variant caller for nanopore data
Versions of package nanosv |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.2.4+git20190409.c1ae30c-3 | all |
bookworm | 1.2.4+git20190409.c1ae30c-6 | all |
trixie | 1.2.4+git20190409.c1ae30c-7 | all |
sid | 1.2.4+git20190409.c1ae30c-7 | all |
License: DFSG free
NanoSV is a software package that can be used to identify structural
genomic variations in long-read sequencing data, such as data produced
by Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ MinION, GridION or PromethION
instruments, or Pacific Biosciences RSII or Sequel sequencers. NanoSV
has been extensively tested using Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencing data.
Please cite:
Mircea Cretu Stancu, Markus J. van Roosmalen, Ivo Renkens, Marleen M. Nieboer, Sjors Middelkamp, Joep de Ligt, Giulia Pregno, Daniela Giachino, Giorgia Mandrile, Jose Espejo Valle-Inclan, Jerome Korzelius, Ewart de Bruijn, Edwin Cuppen, Michael E. Talkowski, Tobias Marschall, Jeroen de Ridder and Wigard P. Kloosterman:
Mapping and phasing of structural variation in patient genomes using nanopore sequencing..
Nature Communications
suite d'outils de recherche de séquences BLAST de dernière génération
Versions of package ncbi-blast+ |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch-backports-sloppy | 2.9.0-3~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.11.0+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye-backports | 2.12.0+ds-3~bpo11+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.12.0+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.16.0+ds-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.16.0+ds-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster-backports | 2.9.0-4~bpo10+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.8.1-1+deb10u1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 2.2.29-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 2.6.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package ncbi-blast+: |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
use | analysing |
works-with | biological-sequence |
License: DFSG free
BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) est l'outil de similarité de
séquences le plus répandu. Il existe des versions de BLAST qui comparent
des séquences-test de protéine à des bases de données de protéines, des
séquences-test de nucléotide à des bases de données de nucléotides, ainsi
que des versions qui traduisent des séquences-test ou des bases de données
de nucléotides dans tous les six cadres de lecture et les comparent à des
bases de données de protéines ou à des séquences-test. PSI-BLAST produit
une matrice de similarité d’alignement (PSSM — position-specific-scoring-
matrix) à partir d’une séquence-test de protéine, puis utilise cette PSSM
pour effectuer des recherches complémentaires. Il est aussi possible de
comparer une séquence-test de protéine ou de nucléotide à une base de
données de PSSM. NCBI gère une page web pour BLAST sur ainsi qu'un service réseau.
CoNvex Gap-cost alignMents for Long Reads
Versions of package ngmlr |
Release | Version | Architectures |
experimental | 0.2.7+git20210816.a2a31fb+dfsg-4~0exp0simde | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.2.7+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 0.2.7+git20210816.a2a31fb+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.2.7+git20210816.a2a31fb+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.2.7+git20210816.a2a31fb+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Ngmlr is a long-read mapper designed to sensitively align PacBilo or
Oxford Nanopore to (large) reference genomes. It was designed to quickly
and correctly align the reads, including those spanning (complex)
structural variations. Ngmlr uses an SV aware k-mer search to find
approximate mapping locations for a read and then a banded Smith-
Waterman alignment algorithm to compute the final alignment. Ngmlr uses
a convex gap cost model that penalizes gap extensions for longer gaps
less than for shorter ones to compute precise alignments.
Methods to evaluate runtime and uniformity tests for hashing methods
Versions of package nthash |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.3.0+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 2.3.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
sid | 2.3.0+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
License: DFSG free
This contains nttest binary which has options for evaluating
runtimes and uniformity for different hashing methods.
C++11 library for the DICOM standard (application)
Versions of package odil |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.12.2-2 | all |
trixie | 0.12.2-5 | all |
stretch | 0.7.3-1 | all |
buster | 0.10.0-3 | all |
bullseye | 0.12.1-1 | all |
sid | 0.12.2-5 | all |
upstream | 0.13.0 |
License: DFSG free
Odil leverages C++ constructs to provide a user-friendly API of the
different parts of the DICOM standard. Included in Odil are exception-based
error handling, generic access to datasets elements, standard JSON and XML
representation of datasets, and generic implementation of messages, clients
and servers for the various DICOM protocols.
This package contains the command-line application.
Lightweight, RESTful DICOM server for medical imaging
Versions of package orthanc |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1+deb11u1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.2.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.5.6+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
buster-security | 1.5.6+dfsg-1+deb10u1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye-security | 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1+deb11u1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm-security | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 0.8.4+dfsg-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.12.6+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.12.6+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Orthanc aims at providing a simple, yet powerful DICOM server for
medical imaging. Orthanc can turn any computer running Windows or
Linux into a Vendor Neutral Archive (in other words, a mini-PACS
system). Its architecture is lightweight, meaning that no complex
database administration is required, nor the installation of
third-party dependencies.
What makes Orthanc unique is the fact that it provides a RESTful
API. Thanks to this major feature, it is possible to drive Orthanc
from any computer language. The DICOM tags of the stored medical
images can be downloaded in the JSON file format. Furthermore,
standard PNG images can be generated on-the-fly from the DICOM
instances by Orthanc.
Orthanc lets its users focus on the content of the DICOM files,
hiding the complexity of the DICOM format and of the DICOM protocol.
greffon d’extension d’Orthanc avec prise en charge de WADO et DICOMweb
Versions of package orthanc-dicomweb |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.18+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.5+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.18+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.6+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 0.3+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.7+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Orthanc DICOMweb est un greffon d’Orthanc, un VNA léger de type REST
(Vendor Neutral Archive – Archivage neutre indépendant du fournisseur)
pour les images médicales. Il étend le noyau d’Orthanc avec la prise en
charge des normes WADO (désormais appelée WADO-URI) et DICOMweb (QIDO-RS,
Develop plugins for Orthanc using the Python programming language
Versions of package orthanc-python |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 5.0+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 3.1+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 4.0+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 5.0+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
This plugin can be used to write Orthanc plugins using the Python programming
language instead of the more complex C/C++ programming languages. It can be
used to gain access to Python modules directly in Orthanc.
This plugin can be of great help to anyone wishing to automate her imaging
workflow, to design/train new machine learning algorithms, or to deploy AI
systems directly in clinical setups.
Whole-slide imaging support for Orthanc (digital pathology)
Versions of package orthanc-wsi |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 3.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 3.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Orthanc-WSI brings support of whole-slide imaging for digital
pathology into Orthanc, the lightweight, RESTful Vendor Neutral
Archive for medical imaging.
This package contains two command-line tools to convert whole-slide
images to and from DICOM. Support for proprietary file formats is
available through OpenSlide. The package also contains an Orthanc
plugin to display such DICOM images by any standard Web browser. The
implementation follows DICOM Supplement 145.
pipelines and tools for the processing of ancient and modern HTS data
Versions of package paleomix |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.3.2-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
trixie | 1.3.8-2 | amd64,arm64 |
bookworm | 1.3.7-3 | amd64,arm64 |
buster | | amd64 |
sid | 1.3.8-2 | amd64,arm64 |
License: DFSG free
The PALEOMIX pipelines are a set of pipelines and tools designed to aid
the rapid processing of High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) data: The BAM
pipeline processes de-multiplexed reads from one or more samples,
through sequence processing and alignment, to generate BAM alignment
files useful in downstream analyses; the Phylogenetic pipeline carries
out genotyping and phylogenetic inference on BAM alignment files, either
produced using the BAM pipeline or generated elsewhere; and the Zonkey
pipeline carries out a suite of analyses on low coverage equine
alignments, in order to detect the presence of F1-hybrids in
archaeological assemblages. In addition, PALEOMIX aids in metagenomic
analysis of the extracts.
The pipelines have been designed with ancient DNA (aDNA) in mind, and
includes several features especially useful for the analyses of ancient
samples, but can all be for the processing of modern samples, in order
to ensure consistent data processing.
Please cite:
Mikkel Schubert, Luca Ermini, Clio Der Sarkissian, Hákon Jónsson, Aurélien Ginolhac, Robert Schaefer, Michael D Martin, Ruth Fernández, Martin Kircher, Molly McCue, Eske Willerslev and Ludovic Orlando:
Characterization of ancient and modern genomes by SNP detection and phylogenomic and metagenomic analysis using PALEOMIX.
Nature Protocols
parallel fastq-dump wrapper
Versions of package parallel-fastq-dump |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.6.7-3 | amd64,arm64 |
bullseye | 0.6.6-3 | amd64 |
bookworm | 0.6.7-3 | amd64,arm64 |
trixie | 0.6.7-3 | amd64,arm64 |
License: DFSG free
NCBI fastq-dump can be very slow sometimes, even if you have the resources
(network, IO, CPU) to go faster, even if you already downloaded the sra
file. This tool speeds up the process by dividing the work into multiple
This is possible because fastq-dump have options (-N and -X) to query
specific ranges of the sra file, this tool works by dividing the work
into the requested number of threads, running multiple fastq-dump in
parallel and concatenating the results back together, as if you had just
executed a plain fastq-dump call.
Aligner based on libparasail
Versions of package parasail |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.6.2+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.6.2+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.4.3+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.6+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
This package contains a command-line aligner based on
libparasail. Parasail is a SIMD C library containing
implementations of the Smith-Waterman, Needleman-Wunsch,
and various semi-global pairwise sequence alignment algorithm.
outils en ligne de commande pour manipuler les fichiers SAM et BAM
Versions of package picard-tools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 3.3.0+dfsg-2 | all |
bullseye | 2.24.1+dfsg-1 | all |
buster | 2.18.25+dfsg-2 | amd64 |
bookworm | 2.27.5+dfsg-2 | all |
stretch | 2.8.1+dfsg-1 | all |
jessie | 1.113-1 | all |
sid | 3.3.0+dfsg-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
Le format « Sequence Alignment/Map » (SAM) est un format générique pour le
stockage d'alignements de grandes séquences de nucléotides. Le logiciel Picard
Tools fournit ces utilitaires pour manipuler les fichiers SAM et BAM (Binary
Alignment/Map) :
AddCommentsToBam FifoBuffer
AddOrReplaceReadGroups FilterSamReads
BaitDesigner FilterVcf
BamIndexStats FixMateInformation
BedToIntervalList GatherVcfs
BuildBamIndex GenotypeConcordance
CalculateHsMetrics IlluminaBasecallsToFastq
CalculateReadGroupChecksum IlluminaBasecallsToSam
CheckIlluminaDirectory LiftOverIntervalList
CheckTerminatorBlock LiftoverVcf
CleanSam MakeSitesOnlyVcf
CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics MarkDuplicates
CollectBaseDistributionByCycle MarkDuplicatesWithMateCigar
CollectGcBiasMetrics MarkIlluminaAdapters
CollectHiSeqXPfFailMetrics MeanQualityByCycle
CollectIlluminaBasecallingMetrics MergeBamAlignment
CollectIlluminaLaneMetrics MergeSamFiles
CollectInsertSizeMetrics MergeVcfs
CollectJumpingLibraryMetrics NormalizeFasta
CollectMultipleMetrics PositionBasedDownsampleSam
CollectOxoGMetrics QualityScoreDistribution
CollectQualityYieldMetrics RenameSampleInVcf
CollectRawWgsMetrics ReorderSam
CollectRnaSeqMetrics ReplaceSamHeader
CollectRrbsMetrics RevertOriginalBaseQualitiesAndAddMateCigar
CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics RevertSam
CollectTargetedPcrMetrics SamFormatConverter
CollectVariantCallingMetrics SamToFastq
CollectWgsMetrics ScatterIntervalsByNs
CompareMetrics SortSam
CompareSAMs SortVcf
ConvertSequencingArtifactToOxoG SplitSamByLibrary
CreateSequenceDictionary SplitVcfs
DownsampleSam UpdateVcfSequenceDictionary
EstimateLibraryComplexity ValidateSamFile
ExtractIlluminaBarcodes VcfFormatConverter
ExtractSequences VcfToIntervalList
FastqToSam ViewSam
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Please cite:
Broad Institute:
Picard toolkit.
Broad Institute, GitHub repository
Topics: Sequencing; Document, record and content management
lossless compression of Nanopore files
Versions of package picopore |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.2.0-2 | all |
bookworm | 1.2.0-2 | all |
trixie | 1.2.0-3 | all |
sid | 1.2.0-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
The Nanopore is a device to determine the sequences of single moleculres
of DNA. No amplification. The output is gigantic and tools like this
one help to reduce it.
Over time, other means have substitute the need for this one. Upstream
has halted development. Some tutorials and pipelines of the Nanopore still
refer to it, though.
pipeline pour des analyses de séquençage d’ARN distribuées et avec des points de contrôle
Versions of package pigx-rnaseq |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.1.1-1 | all |
sid | 0.1.1-1 | all |
bullseye | 0.0.10+ds-2 | all |
bookworm | 0.1.0-1.1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Ce paquet fournit un déroulement automatique pour l’analyse automatisée
d’expérimentations de séquençage d’ARN. Une série d’outils bien adaptés sont
connectés dans des scripts de Python et contrôlés à travers snakemake. Ce paquet
gère l’exécution parallèle de flux de travaux et fournit des points de contrôle
de telle façon que les flux interrompus puissent continuer à être exécutés.
outils pour l’annotation de génomes en utilisant des données transcriptomiques de lectures longues
Versions of package pinfish |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.1.0+ds-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.1.0+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.1.0+ds-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.1.0+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
The toolchain is composed of the following tools:
1. spliced_bam2gff – a tool for converting sorted BAM
files containing spliced alignments
into GFF2 format. Each read will be represented as a distinct
transcript. This tool comes handy when visualizing spliced
reads at particular loci and to provide input to the rest
of the toolchain.
cluster_gff – this tool takes a sorted GFF2 file as
input and clusters together reads having similar
exon/intron structure and creates a rough consensus
of the clusters by taking the median of exon
boundaries from all transcripts in the cluster.
polish_clusters – this tool takes the cluster
definitions generated by cluster_gff and for each
cluster creates an error corrected read by mapping
all reads on the read with the median length
and polishing it using racon. The polished reads
can be mapped to the genome using minimap2 or GMAP.
collapse_partials – this tool takes GFFs generated
by either cluster_gff or polish_clusters and filters
out transcripts which are likely to be based on RNA
degradation products from the 5' end. The tool clusters
the input transcripts into "loci" by the 3' ends and
discards transcripts which have a compatible transcripts
in the loci with more exons.
mapping-based, assembly-assisted plasmid identification tool
Versions of package plasmidid |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.6.5+dfsg-2 | amd64 |
trixie | 1.6.5+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64 |
sid | 1.6.5+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64 |
bullseye | 1.6.3+dfsg-3 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
PlasmidID is a mapping-based, assembly-assisted plasmid identification
tool that analyzes and gives graphic solution for plasmid
PlasmidID is a computational pipeline that maps Illumina reads over
plasmid database sequences. The k-mer filtered, most covered
sequences are clustered by identity to avoid redundancy and the
longest are used as scaffold for plasmid reconstruction. Reads are
assembled and annotated by automatic and specific annotation. All
information generated from mapping, assembly, annotation and local
alignment analyses is gathered and accurately represented in a
circular image which allow user to determine plasmidic composition in
any bacterial sample.
outils d'analyse d'associations sur le génome entier
Versions of package plink1.9 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.90~b6.6-181012-1 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.90~b3.45-170113-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386,mipsel |
sid | 1.90~b7.7-241022-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.90~b7.7-241022-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.90~b6.26-220402-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386,mipsel |
bullseye | 1.90~b6.21-201019-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386,mipsel |
License: DFSG free
Plink traite les données provenant de fragments SNP (single nucleotide
polymorphism — polymorphisme d'un seul nucléotide) de nombreux individus
et leur description d'un phénotype pathologique. Il trouve les
associations entre un phénotype et les variations d'ADN simple ou double
brin et il peut récupérer les annotations SNP depuis une ressource en
Les SNP peuvent être analysés individuellement ou en tant que paires pour
leur association avec les phénotypes pathologiques. L'étude conjointe des
variations du nombre de copies est prise en charge. Divers tests
statistiques ont été implémentés.
Plink1.9 est une mise à jour complète de plink avec de nouveaux
algorithmes et de nouvelles méthodes et une utilisation de la mémoire plus
faible et rapide que le premier plink.
Il est à noter que l'exécutable a été renommé en plink1.9 en raison d'un
conflit de noms. Consulter /usr/share/doc/plink1.9/README.Debian pour plus
whole-genome association analysis toolset
Versions of package plink2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.00~a3-210203+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.00~a3.5-220809+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.00~a6.9-250129+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.00~a6.9-250129+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
plink expects as input the data from SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)
chips of many individuals and their phenotypical description of a disease.
It finds associations of single or pairs of DNA variations with a phenotype
and can retrieve SNP annotation from an online source.
SNPs can evaluated individually or as pairs for their association with the
disease phenotypes. The joint investigation of copy number variations is
supported. A variety of statistical tests have been implemented.
plink2 is a comprehensive update of plink and plink1.9 with new algorithms
and new methods, faster and less memory consumer than the first plink.
fully automated protein-ligand interaction profiler
Versions of package plip |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.4.0+dfsg-2 | all |
stretch | 1.3.3+dfsg-1 | all |
bullseye | 2.1.7+dfsg-1 | all |
buster | 1.4.3~b+dfsg-2 | all |
trixie | 2.4.0+dfsg-2 | all |
bookworm | 2.2.2+dfsg-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
The Protein-Ligand Interaction Profiler (PLIP) is a tool to analyze
and visualize protein-ligand interactions in PDB files.
Features include:
- Detection of eight different types of noncovalent interactions
- Automatic detection of relevant ligands in a PDB file
- Direct download of PDB structures from wwPDB server if valid
PDB ID is given
- Processing of custom PDB files containing protein-ligand complexes
(e.g. from docking)
- No need for special preparation of a PDB file, works out of the box
- Atom-level interaction reports in rST and XML formats for easy parsing
- Generation of PyMOL session files (.pse) for each pairing, enabling easy
preparation of images for publications and talks
- Rendering of preview image for each ligand and its interactions
with the protein
adapter trimmer for Oxford Nanopore reads
Versions of package porechop |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.2.4+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.2.4+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.2.4+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.2.4+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
experimental | 0.2.4+dfsg-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.2.4+dfsg-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Porechop is a tool for finding and removing adapters from Oxford
Nanopore reads. Adapters on the ends of reads are trimmed off, and
when a read has an adapter in its middle, it is treated as chimeric
and chopped into separate reads. Porechop performs thorough
alignments to effectively find adapters, even at low sequence
Porechop also supports demultiplexing of Nanopore reads that were
barcoded with the Native Barcoding Kit, PCR Barcoding Kit or Rapid
Barcoding Kit.
toolkit for nanopore nucleotide sequencing data
Versions of package poretools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.6.0+dfsg-3 | all |
trixie | 0.6.0+dfsg-7 | all |
stretch | 0.6.0+dfsg-2 | all |
sid | 0.6.0+dfsg-7 | all |
bullseye | 0.6.0+dfsg-5 | all |
bookworm | 0.6.0+dfsg-6 | all |
License: DFSG free
poretools is a flexible toolkit for exploring datasets generated by nanopore
sequencing devices from MinION for the purposes of quality control and
downstream analysis. Poretools operates directly on the native FAST5 (a
variant of the HDF5 standard) file format produced by ONT and provides a
wealth of format conversion utilities and data exploration and visualization
phylogenetic placement and downstream analysis
Versions of package pplacer |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.1~alpha19-8 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.1~alpha19-4 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Pplacer places reads on a phylogenetic tree. guppy (Grand Unified
Phylogenetic Placement Yanalyzer) yanalyzes them. rppr is a helpful tool
for working with reference packages.
Pplacer places query sequences on a fixed reference phylogenetic tree to
maximize phylogenetic likelihood or posterior probability according to a
reference alignment. Pplacer is designed to be fast, to give useful
information about uncertainty, and to offer advanced visualization and
downstream analysis.
toolkit for processing B and T cell sequences
Versions of package presto |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.7.2-2 | all |
bookworm | 0.7.1-1 | all |
bullseye | 0.6.2-1 | all |
trixie | 0.7.2-2 | all |
upstream | 0.7.3 |
License: DFSG free
pRESTO is a toolkit for processing raw reads from high-throughput
sequencing of B cell and T cell repertoires.
Dramatic improvements in high-throughput sequencing technologies now
enable large-scale characterization of lymphocyte repertoires, defined
as the collection of trans-membrane antigen-receptor proteins located on
the surface of B cells and T cells. The REpertoire Sequencing TOolkit
(pRESTO) is composed of a suite of utilities to handle all stages
of sequence processing prior to germline segment assignment. pRESTO
is designed to handle either single reads or paired-end reads. It
includes features for quality control, primer masking, annotation of
reads with sequence embedded barcodes, generation of unique molecular
identifier (UMI) consensus sequences, assembly of paired-end reads and
identification of duplicate sequences. Numerous options for sequence
sorting, sampling and conversion operations are also included.
PReprocessing and INformation of SEQuence data (lite version)
Versions of package prinseq-lite |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.20.4-6 | all |
bookworm | 0.20.4-6 | all |
bullseye | 0.20.4-6 | all |
trixie | 0.20.4-6 | all |
License: DFSG free
PRINSEQ will help you to preprocess your genomic or metagenomic sequence data
in FASTA or FASTQ format. It is a tool that generates summary statistics of
sequence and quality data and that is used to filter, reformat and trim
next-generation sequence data. It is particular designed for 454/Roche data,
but can also be used for other types of sequence data. The standalone version
is primarily designed for data preprocessing and does not generate summary
statistics in graphical form.
rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes
Versions of package prokka |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.14.6+dfsg-6 | all |
bookworm | 1.14.6+dfsg-4 | amd64 |
sid | 1.14.6+dfsg-6 | all |
bullseye | 1.14.6+dfsg-3 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
A typical 4 Mbp genome can be fully annotated in less than 10 minutes on a
quad-core computer, and scales well to 32 core SMP systems. It produces GFF3,
GBK and SQN files that are ready for editing in Sequin and ultimately submitted
to Genbank/DDJB/ENA.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Detection of (Co-)orthologs in large-scale protein analysis
Versions of package proteinortho |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 5.15+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 6.0.28+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 6.1.7+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 6.3.1+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 6.3.1+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 5.16.b+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
Proteinortho is a stand-alone tool that is geared towards large datasets
and makes use of distributed computing techniques when run on multi-core
hardware. It implements an extended version of the reciprocal best
alignment heuristic. Proteinortho was applied to compute orthologous
proteins in the complete set of all 717 eubacterial genomes available at
NCBI at the beginning of 2009. Authors succeeded identifying thirty
proteins present in 99% of all bacterial proteomes.
Scripts produced for pybedtools
Versions of package pybedtools-bin |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.10.0-4 | all |
bookworm | 0.9.0-4 | all |
bullseye | 0.8.0-5 | all |
trixie | 0.10.0-4 | all |
buster | 0.8.0-1 | all |
upstream | 0.11.0 |
License: DFSG free
The BEDTools suite of programs is widely used for genomic interval
manipulation or “genome algebra”. pybedtools wraps and extends BEDTools and
offers feature-level manipulations from within Python.
This package provides scripts that are executable with the
Python 3 version of this package.
calcul de métriques et génération de tracés interactifs de chimie quantique
Versions of package pycoqc |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.5.2+dfsg-3 | all |
trixie | 2.5.2+dfsg-4 | all |
sid | 2.5.2+dfsg-4 | all |
bullseye | 2.5.2+dfsg-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
PycoQC calcule des métriques et génère des tracés interactifs de chimie
quantique pour les données de séquençage de « Oxford Nanopore technologies ».
PycoQC repose sur le fichier sequencing_summary.txt généré par Albacore et
Guppy, mais, si nécessaire, il peut aussi générer un fichier de synthèse basé
sur des fichiers fast5 « basecalled ». Ce paquet prend en charge les exécutions
1D et 1D2 générées avec les appareils Minion, Gridion et « basecalled » avec
Albacore 1.2.1+ ou Guppy 2.1.3+
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
format de matrice d'observation biologique (BIOM) – Python 3
Versions of package python3-biom-format |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 2.1.5+dfsg-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
sid | 2.1.16-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.1.16-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.1.12-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.1.10-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
buster | 2.1.7+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
Le format de fichiers BIOM (prononcé biome) est conçu pour être un format
d'usage général pour représenter un échantillon biologique avec des tables
de contingence d'observations. BIOM est un standard reconnu pour le projet
Earth Microbiome et est un projet candidat du Genomics Standards Consortium.
Le format BIOM est conçu pour une utilisation générale dans de vastes
disciplines de -omique comparative. Par exemple, dans les études de gènes
marqueurs, l'utilisation principale de ce format est de représenter des
tables OTU : dans ce cas, les observations sont des OTU et la matrice
contient les comptes correspondant au nombre de fois que chaque OTU est
observé dans chaque échantillon. Par rapport aux données de métagénomes, ce
format servirait à représenter les tables de métagénomes : dans ce cas, les
observations pourraient correspondre aux sous-systèmes SEED et la matrice
contiendrait les comptes correspondant au nombre de fois que chaque
sous-système est observé dans chaque métagénome. De même, pour les données
de génome, ce format pourrait servir à représenter un ensemble de génomes :
dans ce cas, les observations pourraient à nouveau correspondre aux
sous-systèmes SEED et les comptes pourraient correspondre au nombre de fois
que chaque sous-système est observé dans chaque génome.
Ce paquet fournit la bibliothèque du format BIOM pour l'interpréteur Python 3.
Please cite:
Daniel McDonald, Jose C. Clemente, Justin Kuczynski, Jai R. Rideout, Jesse Stombaugh, Doug Wendel, Andreas Wilke, Susan Huse, John Hufnagle, Folker Meyer, Rob Knight and J. G. Caporaso:
The Biological Observation Matrix (BIOM) format or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the ome-ome.
bibliothèque de Python 3 pour la bio-informatique
Versions of package python3-biopython |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.68+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.64+dfsg-5 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.78+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.85+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.73+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.80+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.85+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Le projet Biopython est une association internationale de programmeurs
d'outils libres en Python pour la bio-informatique.
C'est une initiative collaborative distribuée pour le développement de
bibliothèques et d'applications en Python 3 pour répondre aux besoins des
travaux actuels et futurs en bio-informatique. Le code source est disponible
sous la licence Biopython qui est extrêmement libérale et compatible avec
presque toutes les licences au monde. Le projet travaille avec la Open
Bioinformatics Foundation qui fournit généreusement au projet un espace web et
Please cite:
Peter J. A. Cock, Tiago Antao, Jeffrey T. Chang, Brad A. Chapman, Cymon J. Cox, Andrew Dalke, Iddo Friedberg, Thomas Hamelryck, Frank Kauff, Bartek Wilczynski and Michiel J. L. de Hoon:
Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and bioinformatics.
library to manage genomic data and its alignment
Versions of package python3-bx |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.8.9-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.13.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.8.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.13.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.9.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
The bx-python project is a Python3 library and associated set of scripts to
allow for rapid implementation of genome scale analyses. The library contains
a variety of useful modules, but the particular strengths are:
- Classes for reading and working with genome-scale multiple local
alignments (in MAF, AXT, and LAV formats)
- Generic data structure for indexing on disk files that contain blocks of
data associated with intervals on various sequences (used, for example, to
provide random access to individual alignments in huge files; optimized
for use over network filesystems)
- Data structures for working with intervals on sequences
- "Binned bitsets" which act just like chromosome sized bit arrays, but
lazily allocate regions and allow large blocks of all set or all unset
bits to be stored compactly
- "Intersecter" for performing fast intersection tests that preserve both
query and target intervals and associated annotation
Python3 module for the Center for Genomic Epidemiology
Versions of package python3-cgecore |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.5.6+ds-2 | all |
trixie | 1.5.6+ds-2 | all |
bookworm | 1.5.6+ds-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.5.6+ds-1 | all |
upstream | 2.0.0 |
License: DFSG free
This Python3 module contains classes and functions needed to run the
service wrappers and pipeline scripts developed by the Center for
Genomic Epidemiology.
framework pour la biologie du génome
Versions of package python3-cogent3 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2023.2.12a1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2020.12.21a+dfsg-4+deb11u1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2024.5.7a1+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
sid | 2023.12.15a1+dfsg-1 | s390x |
upstream | 2024.12.19a2 |
License: DFSG free
PyCogent est une bibliothèque pour la biologie du génome. C'est un
framework complètement intégré et testé en profondeur pour :
- le pilotage d'applications tierces ;
- la conception de workflows ; l'interrogation des bases de données ;
- la conduite de nouvelles analyses probabilistes de l'évolution de
séquences biologiques ;
- la génération de publications avec des graphismes de qualité.
Il se distingue par de nombreuses fonctionnalités uniques intégrées (telles
que l'alignement de codons véritables) et l'ajout fréquent de méthodes
complètement nouvelles pour l'analyse de données de génomes.
Please cite:
Rob Knight, Peter Maxwell, Amanda Birmingham, Jason Carnes, J Gregory Caporaso, Brett C Easton, Michael Eaton, Micah Hamady, Helen Lindsay, Zongzhi Liu, Catherine Lozupone, Daniel McDonald, Michael Robeson, Raymond Sammut, Sandra Smit, Matthew J Wakefield, Jeremy Widmann, Shandy Wikman, Stephanie Wilson, Hua Ying and Gavin A Huttley:
PyCogent: a toolkit for making sense from sequence.
Genome Biology
library for a sparse, compressed, binary persistent storage
Versions of package python3-cooler |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.9.1-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
trixie | 0.10.3-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
sid | 0.10.3-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
License: DFSG free
Cooler is a support library for a sparse, compressed, binary persistent
storage format, also called cooler, used to store genomic interaction
data, such as Hi-C contact matrices.
The cooler file format is an implementation of a genomic matrix data
model using HDF5 as the container format. The cooler package includes a
suite of command line tools and a Python API to facilitate creating,
querying and manipulating cooler files.
VCF parser based on htslib (Python 3)
Versions of package python3-cyvcf2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.30.18-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.10.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.31.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.31.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.30.4-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
This modules allows fast parsing of VCF and BCF including region-queries
with Python. This is essential for efficient analyses of nucleotide
variation with Python on high-throughput sequencing data.
cyvcf2 is a cython wrapper around htslib. Attributes like
variant.gt_ref_depths return a numpy array directly so they are
immediately ready for downstream use.
This package installs the library for Python 3.
retrieve and print Python 3 package dependencies
Versions of package python3-depinfo |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.2.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.6.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.4.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 2.2.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.2.0-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | 2.2.0rc3 |
License: DFSG free
This is a utility Python package intended for other library packages.
It provides a function that when called with your package name,
will print platform and dependency information.
interface pour des systèmes de gestion de ressources distribuées conformes au DRMAA
Versions of package python3-drmaa |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.7.9-3 | all |
bookworm | 0.7.9-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit d’une mise en œuvre en Python de DRMAA (Distributed Resource
Management Application API). Il fournit toutes les fonctionnalités de haut
niveau nécessaires pour confier une tâche à un système DRM (Distributed
Resource Management), par exemple Sun Gridengine, incluant les opérations
courantes de tâche, telles que la finition ou la suspension.
lightweight Python3 client to communicate with the etelemetry server
Versions of package python3-etelemetry |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.2.0-4 | all |
bookworm | 0.3.0-3 | all |
trixie | 0.3.1-1 | all |
sid | 0.3.1-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
This Python3 package provides a lightweight Python3 client interface to
communicate with the etelemetry server. It can be used for nipy or
Work with GFF and GTF files in a flexible database framework
Versions of package python3-gffutils |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.9-1 | all |
bullseye | 0.10.1-2 | all |
sid | 0.13-2 | all |
trixie | 0.13-2 | all |
bookworm | 0.11.1-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
A Python package for working with and manipulating the GFF and GTF format
files typically used for genomic annotations. Files are loaded into a
sqlite3 database, allowing much more complex manipulation of hierarchical
features (e.g., genes, transcripts, and exons) than is possible with
plain-text methods alone.
Python3 high-throughput genome sequencing read analysis utilities
Versions of package python3-htseq |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.0.9+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
buster | 0.11.2-1 | amd64,arm64 |
bookworm | 1.99.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
trixie | 2.0.9+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 0.13.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
License: DFSG free
HTSeq can be used to performing a number of common analysis tasks
when working with high-throughput genome sequencing reads:
- Getting statistical summaries about the base-call quality scores to
study the data quality.
- Calculating a coverage vector and exporting it for visualization in
a genome browser.
- Reading in annotation data from a GFF file.
- Assigning aligned reads from an RNA-Seq experiments to exons and
extract information from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments
Versions of package python3-nanoget |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.12.2-4 | all |
bookworm | 1.16.1-2 | all |
sid | 1.19.3-1 | all |
trixie | 1.19.3-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
The Python3 module nanoget provides functions to extract useful metrics
from Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads and alignments.
Data can be presented in the following formats, using the following functions:
- sorted bam file process_bam(bamfile, threads)
- standard fastq file process_fastq_plain(fastqfile, 'threads')
- fastq file with metadata from MinKNOW or Albacore
- sequencing_summary file generated by Albacore
process_summary(sequencing_summary.txt, 'readtype')
Fastq files can be compressed using gzip, bzip2 or bgzip. The data is
returned as a pandas DataFrame with standardized headernames for
convenient extraction. The functions perform logging while being called
and extracting data.
simple math function for other Oxford Nanopore processing scripts
Versions of package python3-nanomath |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.2.1+ds-1 | all |
bookworm | 1.2.1+ds-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.2.0+ds-1 | all |
sid | 1.2.1+ds-1 | all |
upstream | 1.4.0 |
License: DFSG free
This Python3 module provides a few simple math and statistics functions for
other scripts processing Oxford Nanopore sequencing data.
- Calculate read N50 from a set of lengths get_N50(readlenghts)
- Remove extreme length outliers from a dataset
remove_length_outliers(dataframe, columname)
- Calculate the average Phred quality of a read ave_qual(qualscores)
- Write out the statistics report after calling readstats function
write_stats(dataframe, outputname)
- Compute a number of statistics, return a dictionary
1D/2D indexing and querying with a pair of genomic coordinates
Versions of package python3-pairix |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.3.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 0.3.7-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
sid | 0.3.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 0.3.7-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
upstream | 0.3.9 |
License: DFSG free
Pairix is a tool for indexing and querying on a block-compressed text
file containing pairs of genomic coordinates.
Pairix is a stand-alone C program that was written on top of tabix as a
tool for the 4DN-standard pairs file format describing Hi-C data:
However, Pairix can be used as a generic tool for indexing and querying
any bgzipped text file containing genomic coordinates, for either 2D- or
1D- indexing and querying.
For example: given the custom text file below, you want to extract
specific lines from the Pairs file further below. An awk command would
read the Pairs file from beginning to end. Pairix creates an index and
uses it to access the file from a relevant position by taking advantage
of bgzf compression, allowing for a fast query on large files.
Framework to process sequencing data from a Hi-C experiment
Versions of package python3-pairtools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
bullseye | 0.3.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.1.3-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
License: DFSG free
Simple and fast command-line framework to process sequencing data from a Hi-C
Process pair-end sequence alignments and perform the following operations:
- Detect ligation junctions (a.k.a. Hi-C pairs) in aligned paired-end
sequences of Hi-C DNA molecules
- Sort .pairs files for downstream analyses
- Detect, tag and remove PCR/optical duplicates
- Generate extensive statistics of Hi-C datasets
- Select Hi-C pairs given flexibly defined criteria
- Restore .sam alignments from Hi-C pairs
QC and genome browser plotting Oxford Nanopore and PacBio long reads
Versions of package python3-pauvre |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.2.3-2 | all |
sid | 0.2.3-4 | all |
trixie | 0.2.3-4 | all |
bullseye | 0.2.2-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
Pauvre is a plotting package designed for nanopore and PacBio long reads.
This package currently hosts four scripts for plotting and/or printing stats.
pauvre marginplot
Takes a fastq file as input and outputs a marginal histogram with a
pauvre stats
Takes a fastq file as input and prints out a table of stats, including
how many basepairs/reads there are for a length/mean quality cutoff.
This is also automagically called when using pauvre marginplot
pauvre redwood
Method of representing circular genomes. A redwood plot contains long
reads as "rings" on the inside, a gene annotation "cambrium/phloem",
and a RNAseq "bark". The input is .bam files for the long reads and
RNAseq data, and a .gff file for the annotation.
pauvre synteny
Makes a synteny plot of circular genomes. Finds the most parsimonius
rotation to display the synteny of all the input genomes with the
fewest crossings-over. Input is one .gff file per circular genome
and one directory of gene alignments.
common command-line interface for Pacific Biosciences analysis modules
Versions of package python3-pbcommand |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.1.1+git20201023.cc0ed3d-1 | all |
trixie | 2.1.1+git20231020.28d1635-1 | all |
bookworm | 2.1.1+git20220616.3f2e6c2-2 | all |
sid | 2.1.1+git20231020.28d1635-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
To integrate with the pbsmrtpipe workflow engine, one must to be able to
generate a Tool Contract and to be able to run from a Resolved Tool Contract.
A Tool Contract contains the metadata of the exe, such as the file types of
inputs, outputs and options.
There are two principal use cases, first wrapping/calling Python functions that
have been defined in external Python 3 packages, or scripts. Second, creating a
CLI tool that supports emitting tool contracts, running resolved tool contracts
and complete argparse-style CLI.
bibliothèque de Python 3 pour traiter les fichiers de données de PacBio
Versions of package python3-pbcore |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.1.2+dfsg-5 | all |
bullseye | 1.7.1+git20200430.a127b1e+dfsg-1 | all |
trixie | 2.1.2+dfsg-11 | all |
sid | 2.1.2+dfsg-11 | all |
License: DFSG free
Le paquet pbcore fournit des modules de Python pour traiter les fichiers
de données de Pacific Biosciences et construire des applications
bioinformatiques PacBio. Ces modules incluent des outils pour lire et
écrire aux formats de données de PacBio, des fichiers de données
d’échantillons pour le test et le débogage, des classes basiques et des
utilitaires pour construire des applications bioinformatiques.
Ce paquet fait partie de la suite SMRTAnalysis.
Ce paquet fournit le module en Python 3.
module de Python 3 pour les analyses de l’identité moyenne des nucléotides
Versions of package python3-pyani |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.2.12-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.2.12-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.2.12-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.2.10-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | |
License: DFSG free
Pyani est un module de Python 3 et un script qui fournit une prise en charge du
calcul de l’identité moyenne des nucléotides (ANI – Average Nucleotide Identity)
et des mesures relatives pour des comparaisons du génome entier et le rendu
d’une sortie de résumé graphique. Lorsque disponibles, il exploite les capacités
de systèmes multicœurs et peut s’intégrer avec des organisateurs de tâches de
type SGE/OGE pour les comparaisons de séquence.
identify, orient and trim full-length Nanopore cDNA reads
Versions of package python3-pychopper |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.7.2-1 | all |
bullseye | 2.5.0-1 | all |
sid | 2.7.10-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Pychopper v2 is a Python module to identify, orient and trim full-length
Nanopore cDNA reads. It is also able to rescue fused reads and provides
the script ''. The general approach of Pychopper v2
is the following:
- Pychopper first identifies alignment hits of the primers across the
length of the sequence. The default method for doing this is using
nhmmscan with the pre-trained strand specific profile HMMs, included
with the package. Alternatively, one can use the edlib backend,
which uses a combination of global and local alignment to identify
the primers within the read.
- After identifying the primer hits by either of the backends, the
reads are divided into segments defined by two consecutive primer
hits. The score of a segment is its length if the configuration of
the flanking primer hits is valid (such as SPP,-VNP for forward reads)
or zero otherwise.
- The segments are assigned to rescued reads using a dynamic programming
algorithm maximizing the sum of used segment scores (hence the amount
of rescued bases). A crucial observation about the algorithm is that
if a segment is included as a rescued read, then the next segment
must be excluded as one of the primer hits defining it was "used
up" by the previous segment. This put constraints on the dynamic
programming graph. The arrows in read define the optimal path for
rescuing two fused reads with the a total score of l1 + l3.
A crucial parameter of Pychopper v2 is -q, which determines the
stringency of primer alignment (E-value in the case of the pHMM
backend). This can be explicitly specified by the user, however by
default it is optimized on a random sample of input reads to produce
the maximum number of classified reads.
DICOM medical file reading and writing (Python 3)
Versions of package python3-pydicom |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.4.3-1 | all |
bullseye | 2.0.0-1 | all |
buster | 1.2.1-1 | all |
trixie | 2.4.3-1 | all |
bookworm | 2.3.1-1 | all |
upstream | 3.0.1 |
License: DFSG free
pydicom is a pure Python module for parsing DICOM files. DICOM is a
standard ( for communicating medical images
and related information such as reports and radiotherapy objects.
pydicom makes it easy to read DICOM files into natural pythonic
structures for easy manipulation. Modified datasets can be written
again to DICOM format files.
This package installs the module for Python 3.
efficient random access to fasta subsequences for Python 3
Versions of package python3-pyfaidx |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | | all |
bookworm | 0.7.1-2 | all |
trixie | | all |
bullseye | | all |
buster | | all |
stretch | | all |
License: DFSG free
Samtools provides a function "faidx" (FAsta InDeX), which creates a
small flat index file ".fai" allowing for fast random access to any
subsequence in the indexed FASTA file, while loading a minimal amount of
the file in to memory. This Python module implements pure Python classes
for indexing, retrieval, and in-place modification of FASTA files using
a samtools compatible index. The pyfaidx module is API compatible with
the pygr seqdb module. A command-line script "faidx" is installed
alongside the pyfaidx module, and facilitates complex manipulation of
FASTA files without any programming knowledge.
This package provides the Python 3 modules to access fasta files.
simulator-independent specification of neuronal network models
Versions of package python3-pynn |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.10.1-4 | all |
bookworm | 0.10.1-2 | all |
bullseye | 0.9.6-1 | all |
upstream | 0.12.3 |
License: DFSG free
PyNN allows for coding a model once and run it without modification
on any simulator that PyNN supports (currently NEURON, NEST, PCSIM
and Brian). PyNN translates standard cell-model names and parameter
names into simulator-specific names.
interface for the SAM/BAM sequence alignment and mapping format (Python 3)
Versions of package python3-pysam |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.20.0+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
stretch | 0.10.0+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
sid | 0.23.0+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
trixie | 0.23.0+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
stretch-backports | 0.14+ds-2~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
buster | 0.15.2+ds-2 | amd64,arm64 |
bullseye | 0.15.4+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
License: DFSG free
Pysam is a Python module for reading and manipulating Samfiles. It's a
lightweight wrapper of the samtools C-API. Pysam also includes an interface
for tabix.
This package installs the module for Python 3.
QUEST+ implementation in Python3
Versions of package python3-questplus |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2023.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2019.4-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2023.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2019.4-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
QUEST+ is a Bayesian adaptive psychometric testing method that allows an
arbitrary number of stimulus dimensions, psychometric function
parameters, and trial outcomes.
This package provides an implementation in Python3.
Python3 library to track scientific data
Versions of package python3-scitrack |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2020.6.5-1 | all |
bookworm | 2021.5.3-3 | all |
trixie | 2024.10.8-1 | all |
sid | 2024.10.8-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Scitrack is a library aimed at application developers writing scientific
software to support tracking of scientific computation. The library
provides elementary functionality to support logging. The primary
capabilities concern generating checksums on input and output files and
facilitating logging of the computational environment.
short nucleotide read sequence utils in Python 3
Versions of package python3-screed |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0.9-2 | all |
bullseye | 1.0.5-1 | all |
trixie | 1.1.3-1 | all |
sid | 1.1.3-1 | all |
bookworm | 1.0.5-4 | all |
buster | 1.0-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
Screed parses FASTA and FASTQ files, generates databases, and lets you query
these databases. Values such as sequence name, sequence description, sequence
quality, and the sequence itself can be retrieved from these databases.
Models of SEIRS epidemic dynamics with extensions
Versions of package python3-seirsplus |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0.9-1 | all |
sid | 1.0.9-2 | all |
bullseye | 0.1.4+git20200528.5c04080+ds-2 | all |
trixie | 1.0.9-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
This package implements generalized SEIRS infectious disease
dynamics models with extensions that model the effect of factors
including population structure, social distancing, testing, contact
tracing, and quarantining detected cases.
Notably, this package includes stochastic implementations of these
models on dynamic networks.
construction de pipelines pour gérer des flux ininterrompus de données
Versions of package python3-streamz |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.6.2-1 | all |
sid | 0.6.4-2 | all |
trixie | 0.6.4-2 | all |
bookworm | 0.6.4-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Ce paquet est facile à utiliser dans les cas simples, mais il peut gérer des
pipelines plus complexes se composant de branchements, fusions, contrôles de
flux, rétrocontrôles, contrepression, etc. Facultativement, streamz peut
travailler avec des trames de données de Pandas et cuDF pour fournir des
opérations adaptées de transmission pour des données tabulaires ininterrompues.
numerical representation of differences between strings
Versions of package python3-tinyalign |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.2.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.2.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 0.2.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.2-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
A small Python module providing edit distance (aka Levenshtein distance,
that is, counting insertions, deletions and substitutions) and Hamming
distance computation.
Its main purpose is to speed up computation of edit distance by allowing
to specify a maximum number of differences maxdiff (banding). If that
parameter is provided, the returned edit distance is anly accurate up
to maxdiff. That is, if the actual edit distance is higher than maxdiff,
a value larger than maxdiff is returned, but not necessarily the actual
edit distance.
??? missing short description for package python3-toolz :-(
Versions of package python3-toolz |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.9.0-1 | all |
bookworm | 0.12.0-1 | all |
sid | 1.0.0-2 | all |
trixie | 1.0.0-2 | all |
stretch | 0.8.2-1 | all |
bullseye | 0.9.0-1.1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python (Python Interface)
Versions of package python3-torch |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.13.1+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.7.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.6.0+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.6.0+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
PyTorch is a Python package that provides two high-level features:
(1) Tensor computation (like NumPy) with strong GPU acceleration
(2) Deep neural networks built on a tape-based autograd system
You can reuse your favorite Python packages such as NumPy, SciPy and Cython
to extend PyTorch when needed.
This is the CPU-only version of PyTorch (Python interface).
Please cite:
Adam Paszke, Sam Gross, Francisco Massa, Adam Lerer, James Bradbury, Gregory Chanan, Trevor Killeen, Zeming Lin, Natalia Gimelshein, Luca Antiga, Alban Desmaison, Andreas Kopf, Edward Yang, Zachary DeVito, Martin Raison, Alykhan Tejani, Sasank Chilamkurthy, Benoit Steiner, Lu Fang, Junjie Bai and Soumith Chintala:
outils et serveur web non bloquants dimensionnables – paquet en Python 3
Versions of package python3-tornado |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 5.1.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 3.2.2-1.1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 6.2.0-3+deb12u1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 4.4.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye-security | 6.1.0-1+deb11u1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 6.1.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 6.4.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 6.4.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Tornado est un cadriciel web en Python et une bibliothèque de réseautage
asynchrone, développés à l’origine pour FriendFeed. En utilisant des E/S
non bloquantes, Tornado peut permettre des dizaines de milliers
d’ouvertures de connexion, le rendant idéal pour de longs sondages, des
WebSocket et d’autres applications demandant une connexion de longue durée
pour chaque utilisateur.
Il s'agit de la version Python 3 du paquet.
inférence de phylogénies marquées temporellement et reconstruction ancestrale – Python 3
Versions of package python3-treetime |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.5.3-1 | all |
sid | 0.11.4-1 | all |
trixie | 0.11.4-1 | all |
bookworm | 0.9.4-1 | all |
bullseye | 0.8.1-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
TreeTime fournit des routines pour la reconstruction de séquences ancestrales (ASR) et l’inférence du maximum de vraisemblance de phylogénies selon l’horloge moléculaire, c’est-à-dire un arbre où toutes les branches sont échelonnées de façon que leurs emplacements de nœuds terminaux correspondent à leurs temps d’échantillonnage et les nœuds internes sont placés selon le moment de divergence le plus probable.
TreeTime essaie de trouver un compromis entre les modèles probabilistes sophistiqués de l’évolution et les heuristiques rapides. IL met en œuvre les modèles GTR (Generalised time reversible) d’inférence ancestrale et d’optimisation de longueur de branche, mais prend la topologie de l’arbre telle que donnée. Pour optimiser la vraisemblance de phylogénies échelonnées selon le temps, treetime utilise une approche itérative qui d’abord infère les séquences ancestrales selon la longueur de branche de l’arbre, puis optimise la position des nœuds non contraints sur l’axe de temps, et puis répète ce cycle. La seule optimisation de topologie est la résolution (facultative) des polytomies de façon que cela soit le plus (approximativement) cohérent avec les contraintes d’échantillonnage de temps de l’arbre. Ce paquet est conçu pour être utilisé comme un outil autonome ou comme une bibliothèque utilisée dans une suite d’analyse plus large de phylogénie.
Caractéristiques :
– reconstruction de séquences ancestrale (maximum de vraisemblance marginale et jointe) ;
– inférence d’arbre selon l’horloge moléculaire (maximum de vraisemblance marginale et jointe) ;
– inférence de modèles GTR ;
– changement de racine pour obtenir la meilleure régression racine-extrémité ;
– horloge moléculaire auto-corrélée souple.
Ce paquet fournit le module avec Python 3.
Variant Call Format (VCF) parser for Python 3
Versions of package python3-vcf |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
sid | 0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-11 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-9 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
bullseye | 0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
License: DFSG free
The Variant Call Format (VCF) specifies the format of a text file used
in bioinformatics for storing gene sequence variations. The format has
been developed with the advent of large-scale genotyping and DNA
sequencing projects, such as the 1000 Genomes Project.
The intent of this module is to mimic the csv module in the Python
stdlib, as opposed to more flexible serialization formats like JSON or
YAML. vcf will attempt to parse the content of each record based on
the data types specified in the meta-information lines -- specifically
the ##INFO and
##FORMAT lines. If these lines are missing or incomplete, it will check
against the reserved types mentioned in the spec. Failing that, it will
just return strings.
This package provides the Python 3 modules.
greffon de QIIME 2 pour travailler avec des adaptateurs dans des données de séquence
Versions of package q2-cutadapt |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2022.11.1-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
sid | 2024.5.0-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 2020.11.1-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
upstream | 2024.10.0 |
License: DFSG free
QIIME 2 est un paquet pour l’analyse de microbiome, extensible et
décentralisée avec une attention particulière sur la transparence des
données et analyses. QIIME 2 permet aux chercheurs de commencer une
analyse avec des données de séquences d’ADN et de terminer avec des
figures et des résultats statistiques de qualité professionnelle.
Principales caractéristiques :
— suivi intégré et automatique de la provenance des données ;
— système de type sémantique ;
— système de greffons pour étendre les fonctionnalités d’analyse de
microbiome ;
— prise en charge de plusieurs types d’interface (par exemple, API,
ligne de commande, graphique) ;
QIIME 2 est une nouvelle conception et une réécriture de la tuyauterie
d’analyse de microbiome, QIIME 1. QIIME 2 corrigera la plupart des
limitations de QIIME 1, tout en conservant les fonctions qui font de
QIIME 1 une tuyauterie d’analyse puissante et largement utilisée.
QIIME 2 actuellement prend en charge une première tuyauterie d’analyse de
microbiome de bout en bout. De nouvelles fonctionnalités seront
régulièrement disponibles à travers des greffons de QIIME 2. Une liste de
greffons peut être consultée sur la page de disponibilité de greffons de
QIIME 2. La page des futurs greffons liste les greffons en cours de
Please cite:
Evan Bolyen, Jai Ram Rideout, Matthew R Dillon, Nicholas A Bokulich, Christian Abnet, Gabriel A Al-Ghalith, Harriet Alexander, Eric J Alm, Manimozhiyan Arumugam, Francesco Asnicar, Yang Bai, Jordan E Bisanz, Kyle Bittinger, Asker Brejnrod, Colin J Brislawn, C Titus Brown, Benjamin J Callahan, Andrés Mauricio Caraballo-Rodríguez, John Chase, Emily Cope, Ricardo Da Silva, Pieter C Dorrestein, Gavin M Douglas, Daniel M Durall, Claire Duvallet, Christian F Edwardson, Madeleine Ernst, Mehrbod Estaki, Jennifer Fouquier, Julia M Gauglitz, Deanna L Gibson, Antonio Gonzalez, Kestrel Gorlick, Jiarong Guo, Benjamin Hillmann, Susan Holmes, Hannes Holste, Curtis Huttenhower, Gavin Huttley, Stefan Janssen, Alan K Jarmusch, Lingjing Jiang, Benjamin Kaehler, Kyo Bin Kang, Christopher R Keefe, Paul Keim, Scott T Kelley, Dan Knights, Irina Koester, Tomasz Kosciolek, Jorden Kreps, Morgan GI Langille, Joslynn Lee, Ruth Ley, Yong-Xin Liu, Erikka Loftfield, Catherine Lozupone, Massoud Maher, Clarisse Marotz, Bryan D Martin, Daniel McDonald, Lauren J McIver, Alexey V Melnik, Jessica L Metcalf, Sydney C Morgan, Jamie Morton, Ahmad Turan Naimey, Jose A Navas-Molina, Louis Felix Nothias, Stephanie B Orchanian, Talima Pearson, Samuel L Peoples, Daniel Petras, Mary Lai Preuss, Elmar Pruesse, Lasse Buur Rasmussen, Adam Rivers, Michael S Robeson, Patrick Rosenthal, Nicola Segata, Michael Shaffer, Arron Shiffer, Rashmi Sinha, Se Jin Song, John R Spear, Austin D Swafford, Luke R Thompson, Pedro J Torres, Pauline Trinh, Anupriya Tripathi, Peter J Turnbaugh, Sabah Ul-Hasan, Justin JJ van der Hooft, Fernando Vargas, Yoshiki Vázquez-Baeza, Emily Vogtmann, Max von Hippel, William Walters, Yunhu Wan, Mingxun Wang, Jonathan Warren, Kyle C Weber, Chase HD Williamson, Amy D Willis, Zhenjiang Zech Xu, Jesse R Zaneveld, Yilong Zhang, Qiyun Zhu, Rob Knight and J Gregory Caporaso:
Reproducible, interactive, scalable and extensible microbiome data science using QIIME 2.
Nature Biotechnology
QIIME 2 plugin supporting operations on feature tables
Versions of package q2-feature-table |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2020.11.1+dfsg-1 | all |
bookworm | 2022.11.1+dfsg-2 | all |
sid | 2024.5.0+dfsg-1 | all |
upstream | 2024.10.0 |
License: DFSG free
QIIME 2 is a powerful, extensible, and decentralized microbiome analysis
package with a focus on data and analysis transparency. QIIME 2 enables
researchers to start an analysis with raw DNA sequence data and finish with
publication-quality figures and statistical results.
Key features:
- Integrated and automatic tracking of data provenance
- Semantic type system
- Plugin system for extending microbiome analysis functionality
- Support for multiple types of user interfaces (e.g. API, command line,
QIIME 2 is a complete redesign and rewrite of the QIIME 1 microbiome analysis
pipeline. QIIME 2 will address many of the limitations of QIIME 1, while
retaining the features that makes QIIME 1 a powerful and widely-used analysis
QIIME 2 currently supports an initial end-to-end microbiome analysis pipeline.
New functionality will regularly become available through QIIME 2 plugins. You
can view a list of plugins that are currently available on the QIIME 2 plugin
availability page. The future plugins page lists plugins that are being
Please cite:
Evan Bolyen, Jai Ram Rideout, Matthew R Dillon, Nicholas A Bokulich, Christian Abnet, Gabriel A Al-Ghalith, Harriet Alexander, Eric J Alm, Manimozhiyan Arumugam, Francesco Asnicar, Yang Bai, Jordan E Bisanz, Kyle Bittinger, Asker Brejnrod, Colin J Brislawn, C Titus Brown, Benjamin J Callahan, Andrés Mauricio Caraballo-Rodríguez, John Chase, Emily Cope, Ricardo Da Silva, Pieter C Dorrestein, Gavin M Douglas, Daniel M Durall, Claire Duvallet, Christian F Edwardson, Madeleine Ernst, Mehrbod Estaki, Jennifer Fouquier, Julia M Gauglitz, Deanna L Gibson, Antonio Gonzalez, Kestrel Gorlick, Jiarong Guo, Benjamin Hillmann, Susan Holmes, Hannes Holste, Curtis Huttenhower, Gavin Huttley, Stefan Janssen, Alan K Jarmusch, Lingjing Jiang, Benjamin Kaehler, Kyo Bin Kang, Christopher R Keefe, Paul Keim, Scott T Kelley, Dan Knights, Irina Koester, Tomasz Kosciolek, Jorden Kreps, Morgan GI Langille, Joslynn Lee, Ruth Ley, Yong-Xin Liu, Erikka Loftfield, Catherine Lozupone, Massoud Maher, Clarisse Marotz, Bryan D Martin, Daniel McDonald, Lauren J McIver, Alexey V Melnik, Jessica L Metcalf, Sydney C Morgan, Jamie Morton, Ahmad Turan Naimey, Jose A Navas-Molina, Louis Felix Nothias, Stephanie B Orchanian, Talima Pearson, Samuel L Peoples, Daniel Petras, Mary Lai Preuss, Elmar Pruesse, Lasse Buur Rasmussen, Adam Rivers, Michael S Robeson, Patrick Rosenthal, Nicola Segata, Michael Shaffer, Arron Shiffer, Rashmi Sinha, Se Jin Song, John R Spear, Austin D Swafford, Luke R Thompson, Pedro J Torres, Pauline Trinh, Anupriya Tripathi, Peter J Turnbaugh, Sabah Ul-Hasan, Justin JJ van der Hooft, Fernando Vargas, Yoshiki Vázquez-Baeza, Emily Vogtmann, Max von Hippel, William Walters, Yunhu Wan, Mingxun Wang, Jonathan Warren, Kyle C Weber, Chase HD Williamson, Amy D Willis, Zhenjiang Zech Xu, Jesse R Zaneveld, Yilong Zhang, Qiyun Zhu, Rob Knight and J Gregory Caporaso:
Reproducible, interactive, scalable and extensible microbiome data science using QIIME 2.
Nature Biotechnology
QIIME2 plugin for PHRED-based filtering and trimming
Versions of package q2-quality-filter |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2022.11.1-2 | all |
bullseye | 2020.11.1-2 | all |
sid | 2024.5.0-1 | all |
upstream | 2024.10.0 |
License: DFSG free
QIIME 2 is a powerful, extensible, and decentralized microbiome analysis
package with a focus on data and analysis transparency. QIIME 2 enables
researchers to start an analysis with raw DNA sequence data and finish with
publication-quality figures and statistical results.
Key features:
- Integrated and automatic tracking of data provenance
- Semantic type system
- Plugin system for extending microbiome analysis functionality
- Support for multiple types of user interfaces (e.g. API, command line,
QIIME 2 is a complete redesign and rewrite of the QIIME 1 microbiome analysis
pipeline. QIIME 2 will address many of the limitations of QIIME 1, while
retaining the features that makes QIIME 1 a powerful and widely-used analysis
QIIME 2 currently supports an initial end-to-end microbiome analysis pipeline.
New functionality will regularly become available through QIIME 2 plugins. You
can view a list of plugins that are currently available on the QIIME 2 plugin
availability page. The future plugins page lists plugins that are being
Please cite:
Evan Bolyen, Jai Ram Rideout, Matthew R Dillon, Nicholas A Bokulich, Christian Abnet, Gabriel A Al-Ghalith, Harriet Alexander, Eric J Alm, Manimozhiyan Arumugam, Francesco Asnicar, Yang Bai, Jordan E Bisanz, Kyle Bittinger, Asker Brejnrod, Colin J Brislawn, C Titus Brown, Benjamin J Callahan, Andrés Mauricio Caraballo-Rodríguez, John Chase, Emily Cope, Ricardo Da Silva, Pieter C Dorrestein, Gavin M Douglas, Daniel M Durall, Claire Duvallet, Christian F Edwardson, Madeleine Ernst, Mehrbod Estaki, Jennifer Fouquier, Julia M Gauglitz, Deanna L Gibson, Antonio Gonzalez, Kestrel Gorlick, Jiarong Guo, Benjamin Hillmann, Susan Holmes, Hannes Holste, Curtis Huttenhower, Gavin Huttley, Stefan Janssen, Alan K Jarmusch, Lingjing Jiang, Benjamin Kaehler, Kyo Bin Kang, Christopher R Keefe, Paul Keim, Scott T Kelley, Dan Knights, Irina Koester, Tomasz Kosciolek, Jorden Kreps, Morgan GI Langille, Joslynn Lee, Ruth Ley, Yong-Xin Liu, Erikka Loftfield, Catherine Lozupone, Massoud Maher, Clarisse Marotz, Bryan D Martin, Daniel McDonald, Lauren J McIver, Alexey V Melnik, Jessica L Metcalf, Sydney C Morgan, Jamie Morton, Ahmad Turan Naimey, Jose A Navas-Molina, Louis Felix Nothias, Stephanie B Orchanian, Talima Pearson, Samuel L Peoples, Daniel Petras, Mary Lai Preuss, Elmar Pruesse, Lasse Buur Rasmussen, Adam Rivers, Michael S Robeson, Patrick Rosenthal, Nicola Segata, Michael Shaffer, Arron Shiffer, Rashmi Sinha, Se Jin Song, John R Spear, Austin D Swafford, Luke R Thompson, Pedro J Torres, Pauline Trinh, Anupriya Tripathi, Peter J Turnbaugh, Sabah Ul-Hasan, Justin JJ van der Hooft, Fernando Vargas, Yoshiki Vázquez-Baeza, Emily Vogtmann, Max von Hippel, William Walters, Yunhu Wan, Mingxun Wang, Jonathan Warren, Kyle C Weber, Chase HD Williamson, Amy D Willis, Zhenjiang Zech Xu, Jesse R Zaneveld, Yilong Zhang, Qiyun Zhu, Rob Knight and J Gregory Caporaso:
Reproducible, interactive, scalable and extensible microbiome data science using QIIME 2.
Nature Biotechnology
demultiplexing Oxford Nanopore reads from FASTQ files
Versions of package qcat |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.1.0-7 | all |
bookworm | 1.1.0-6 | all |
sid | 1.1.0-7 | all |
bullseye | 1.1.0-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
Qcat is a command-line tool for demultiplexing Oxford Nanopore reads
from FASTQ files. It accepts basecalled FASTQ files and splits the reads
into separate FASTQ files based on their barcode. Qcat makes the
demultiplexing algorithms used in albacore/guppy and EPI2ME available to
be used locally with FASTQ files. Currently qcat implements the EPI2ME
algorithme Neighbor-Joining pour les phylogénies
Versions of package quicktree |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.5-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.5-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.5-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.5-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
QuickTree est une mise en œuvre efficace de l’algorithme Neighbor-Joining
(PMID : 3447015), qui peut reconstruire des phylogénies à partir
de grandes quantités d’alignements pour des temps inférieurs à l’âge de
QuickTree accepte comme entrées des matrices de distance ou des
alignements multiples de séquence. Les matrices doivent être au format
PHYLIP. Les alignements doivent être au format Stockholm qui est le format
natif d’alignement pour la base de données Pfam. Les alignements de
formats différents peuvent être convertis au format Stockholm avec le
programme sreformat qui fait partie du paquet HMMer (
Les arbres sont écrits sur la sortie standard, au format
Newick/New-Hampshire utilisé par PHYLIP et beaucoup d’autres programmes.
GNU R filter replicated high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data
Versions of package r-bioc-htsfilter |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.46.0+dfsg-2 | all |
trixie | 1.46.0+dfsg-2 | all |
bullseye | 1.30.1+dfsg-1 | all |
bookworm | 1.38.0+dfsg-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
This package implements a filtering procedure for
replicated transcriptome sequencing data based on a global
Jaccard similarity index in order to identify genes with low,
constant levels of expression across one or more experimental
modèles linéaires pour des données de biopuce (microarray)
Versions of package r-bioc-limma |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 3.62.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 3.62.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.54.1+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 3.46.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 3.38.3+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 3.30.8+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 3.22.1+dfsg-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
Les biopuces (puces à gènes) sont des plaques microscopiques de brins de
courtes séquences d’ADN soigneusement arrangées ou des surfaces préparées
chimiquement auxquelles d’autres ADN se lient de préférence. Le montant
des liaisons d’ADN dans des emplacements différents de ces puces,
déterminé classiquement par un colorant fluorescent, est à déterminer. La
technologie est utilisée habituellement avec de l’ADN dérivant d’ARN,
c'est-à-dire pour déterminer l’activité d’un gène ou des variantes
d’épissage. Mais la technologie est aussi utilisée pour déterminer les
variations de séquence dans l’ADN génomique.
Le paquet Bioconductor prend en charge l’analyse de données d’expression
de biopuces (microarray), particulièrement l’utilisation de modèles
linéaires pour l’analyse d’expériences imaginées et l’évaluation
d’expression différentielle. Le paquet fournit des possibilités de pré-
traitement pour les puces décolorées en deux couleurs. Les méthodes
d’expression différentielle s’appliquent à toutes les plateformes de puce
et traitent les expérimentations simple canal et double canaux
d’Affymetrix, de manière unifiée.
GNU R comprehensive genome-wide analysis of mutational processes
Versions of package r-bioc-mutationalpatterns |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 3.0.1+dfsg-2 | all |
bookworm | 3.8.1+dfsg-1 | all |
trixie | 3.16.0+dfsg-2 | all |
sid | 3.16.0+dfsg-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
This BioConductor package provides an extensive toolset for the
characterization and visualization of a wide range of mutational patterns
in base substitution catalogs.
Versions of package r-bioc-pwmenrich |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 4.26.0-1 | all |
sid | 4.42.0-2 | all |
trixie | 4.42.0-2 | all |
bookworm | 4.34.0-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
A toolkit of high-level functions for DNA motif scanning
and enrichment analysis built upon Biostrings. The main
functionality is PWM enrichment analysis of already known PWMs
(e.g. from databases such as MotifDb), but the package also
implements high-level functions for PWM scanning and
visualisation. The package does not perform "de novo" motif
discovery, but is instead focused on using motifs that are
either experimentally derived or computationally constructed by
other tools.
molecular informatics toolkit for compound-protein interaction
Versions of package r-bioc-rcpi |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.42.0+ds-2 | all |
bookworm | 1.34.0+ds-1 | all |
trixie | 1.42.0+ds-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
Rcpi offers a molecular informatics toolkit with a
comprehensive integration of bioinformatics and
chemoinformatics tools for drug discovery.
GNU R gene set enrichment / projection displays
Versions of package r-bioc-rgsepd |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.22.0-1 | all |
sid | 1.38.0-2 | all |
bookworm | 1.30.0-1 | all |
trixie | 1.38.0-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
R/GSEPD is a bioinformatics package for R to help
disambiguate transcriptome samples (a matrix of RNA-Seq counts
at transcript IDs) by automating differential expression (with
DESeq2), then gene set enrichment (with GOSeq), and finally a
N-dimensional projection to quantify in which ways each sample
is like either treatment group.
importation de fichiers BAM, BCF et tabix pour GNU R
Versions of package r-bioc-rsamtools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2.22.0+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.16.1-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.22.0+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.6.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.34.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.26.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.14.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Ce paquet fournit une interface pour les utilitaires samtools, bcftools
et tabix pour la manipulation de fichiers SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map),
BCF (binary variant call) et tabix compressés (indexed tab-delimited).
paquet de GNU R/Bioconductor pour l’analyse intégrative avec des données du GDC
Versions of package r-bioc-tcgabiolinks |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.25.3+dfsg-1 | all |
sid | 2.34.0+dfsg-2 | all |
bullseye | 2.18.0+dfsg-1 | all |
trixie | 2.34.0+dfsg-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
The aim of TCGAbiolinks is:
1) facilitate the GDC open-access data retrieval,
2) prepare the data using the appropriate pre-processing strategies,
3) provide the means to carry out different standard analyses and
4) to easily reproduce earlier research results.
In more detail, the package provides multiple methods for analysis (e.g.,
differential expression analysis, identifying differentially methylated
regions) and methods for visualization (e.g., survival plots, volcano plots,
starburst plots) in order to easily develop complete analysis pipelines.
lignage clonal d’immunoglobuline et analyse de diversité
Versions of package r-cran-alakazam |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.3.0-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.2.11-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
experimental | 1.3.0-2~0exp0 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.1.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.2.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.3.0-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Alakazam is part of the Immcantation analysis framework for Adaptive
Immune Receptor Repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) and provides a set of
tools to investigate lymphocyte receptor clonal lineages, diversity,
gene usage, and other repertoire level properties, with a focus on
high-throughput immunoglobulin (Ig) sequencing.
Alakazam serves five main purposes:
- Providing core functionality for other R packages in the Immcantation
framework. This includes common tasks such as file I/O, basic DNA
sequence manipulation, and interacting with V(D)J segment and gene
- Providing an R interface for interacting with the output of the
pRESTO and Change-O tool suites.
- Performing lineage reconstruction on clonal populations of Ig
sequences and analyzing the topology of the resultant lineage trees.
- Performing clonal abundance and diversity analysis on lymphocyte
- Performing physicochemical property analyses of lymphocyte receptor
cases of COVID-19 in the United States prepared for GNU R
Versions of package r-cran-covid19us |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.1.9-1 | all |
trixie | 0.1.9-1 | all |
bookworm | 0.1.9-1 | all |
bullseye | 0.1.7-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
This package provides a GNU R wrapper around the 'COVID Tracking Project API' providing data on cases of COVID-19
in the US.
ensemble d'outils pour diagnostic médical et tests de santé
Versions of package r-cran-diagnosismed |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.2.3-6 | all |
sid | 0.2.3-7 | all |
bullseye | 0.2.3-7 | all |
stretch | 0.2.3-4 | all |
jessie | 0.2.3-3 | all |
trixie | 0.2.3-7 | all |
bookworm | 0.2.3-7 | all |
Debtags of package r-cran-diagnosismed: |
devel | lang:r |
field | medicine |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
use | analysing |
License: DFSG free
DiagnosisMed est un paquet GNU R pour analyser des donnés de santé provenant
d'examen de l'état de santé. Il a été conçu pour êtr utilisé par des
professionnels de santé. Ce paquet permet de tster la sensibilité et la
spécificité à partir de résultats de tests catégoriels et continus et inlcuant
des examens aux résultats indéterminés, ou de comparer différents tsts
catégoriels pour estimer les limites raisonnables des tests et les afficher
de manière exploitable par les professionnels de santé. Il n'y a pas encore
d'interface graphique disponible.
analyse épidémiologique GNU R
Versions of package r-cran-epi |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.43-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 2.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 2.32-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
jessie | 1.1.67-4 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
sid | 2.59-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.59-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.47-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package r-cran-epi: |
field | medicine |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
Fonctions pour analyses démographiques et épidémiologiques dans le
diagramme Lexis, c'est-à-dire des données de suivi de cohorte ou
d'enregistrement, ce qui inclut des données censurées par intervalles et
des représentations de données de différents états. Ce paquet contient
également des fonctions utiles pour la classification et le tracé de
courbes. Il contient des séries de données épidémiologiques.
Le paquet Epi se concentre principalement sur l'épidémiologie
« classique » des maladies chroniques. Le paquet a grandi hors des cours
de pratique statistique en épidémiologie en utilisant R. (pour plus
d'info :
Une introduction rapide à R pour l'épidémiologie est disponible ici :
Attention, les pages 38 à 120 correspondent aux pages de manuels pour le
paquet Epi.
Epi n'est pas le seul paquet R pour l'analyse épidémiologique, un paquet
ayant plus d'affinité avec l'épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses est
le paquet epitools, qui est aussi disponible dans Debian.
Epi est utilisé par de département de biostatistique de l'université de
fonctions élémentaires d’épidémiologie de GNU R
Versions of package r-cran-epibasix |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.5-2 | all |
trixie | 1.5-2 | all |
sid | 1.5-2 | all |
jessie | 1.3-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.5-2 | all |
buster | 1.5-1 | all |
Debtags of package r-cran-epibasix: |
field | medicine |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit de fonctions élémentaires d’épidémiologie pour des cours de
licence d’épidémiologie et biostatistique.
Ce paquet fournit des outils élémentaires pour l’analyse de problèmes
épidémiologiques, allant de l’estimation de taille d’échantillon jusqu’à
l’analyse de tableau de contingence 2x2 et de mesures basiques de
concordance (kappa, sensibilité/spécificité). La publication appropriée et
les énoncés sommaires sont aussi produits pour faciliter l’interprétation
partout où cela est possible. Ce paquet est un travail en cours, aussi
tout commentaire ou suggestion sera apprécié. Le code source est partout
commenté pour faciliter les modifications. L’audience visée est les cours
d’épidémiologie et biostatistique pour le cycle d’enseignement supérieur.
calculs épidémiologiques avec GNU R
Versions of package r-cran-epicalc |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | | all |
bullseye | | all |
jessie | | all |
stretch | | all |
trixie | | all |
sid | | all |
bookworm | | all |
Debtags of package r-cran-epicalc: |
devel | lang:r |
field | medicine, statistics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit de fonctions qui facilitent l’utilisation de R pour des
calculs épidémiologiques.
Des ensembles de données de formats Dbase (.dbf), Stata (.dta), SPSS
(.sav), EpiInfo (.rec) et valeurs séparées par des virgules (.csv)
ainsi que des données orientées cadre de R peuvent être traités
pour réaliser plusieurs calculs épidémiologiques.
GNU R estimate time varying reproduction numbers from rpidemic curves
Versions of package r-cran-epiestim |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.2-4+dfsg-1 | all |
bullseye | 2.2-4+dfsg-1 | all |
bookworm | 2.2-4+dfsg-1 | all |
buster-backports | 2.2-4+dfsg-1~bpo10+1 | all |
trixie | 2.2-4+dfsg-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Tools to quantify transmissibility throughout
an epidemic from the analysis of time series of incidence as described in
Cori et al. (2013) and Wallinga and Teunis (2004)
fonctions de GNU R pour l’analyse de données épidémiologiques
Versions of package r-cran-epir |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.9-99-1 | all |
sid | 2.0.80+dfsg-1 | all |
trixie | 2.0.80+dfsg-1 | all |
bookworm | 2.0.57+dfsg-1 | all |
bullseye | 2.0.19-1 | all |
jessie | 0.9-59-1 | all |
stretch | 0.9-79-1 | all |
Debtags of package r-cran-epir: |
devel | lang:r |
field | medicine |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
use | analysing |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit d’un paquet pour l’analyse de données épidémiologiques. Il
contient des fonctions pour directement ou indirectement ajuster les
fréquences de maladies, quantifier les mesures d’association sur la base
d’une ou plusieurs couches de données de comptage présentées dans un
tableau de contingence, et calculer l’intervalle de confiance entre le
risque d’incidence et le taux d’incidence estimés. Il fournit aussi
diverses fonctions pour la méta-analyse, l’interprétation de diagnostics et
le calcul de taille d’échantillon.
outils GNU R d’épidémiologie pour les données et graphiques
Versions of package r-cran-epitools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.5-10.1-2 | all |
bookworm | 0.5-10.1-2 | all |
bullseye | 0.5-10.1-2 | all |
jessie | 0.5-7-1 | all |
stretch | 0.5-7-1 | all |
buster | 0.5-10-2 | all |
sid | 0.5-10.1-2 | all |
Debtags of package r-cran-epitools: |
field | medicine |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit d’outils de GNU R pour l’épidémiologie de santé publique et
l’analyse de données. Epitools fournit des outils numériques et des
solutions de programmation qui ont été utilisées et testées, en situation
réelle, dans des applications d’épidémiologie.
Beaucoup de problèmes pratiques dans l’analyse de données de santé publique
ont besoin de programmation ou des logiciels particuliers, et les
chercheurs pourraient faire de la programmation en double. Souvent, des
analyses simples, telles que la construction d’intervalles de confiance, ne
sont pas calculées et par conséquent compliquent les inférences
statistiques appropriées pour de petites aires géographiques. Il existe de
nombreux exemples où des outils numériques simples et utiles qui
amélioreraient le travail d’épidémiologistes dans des départements locaux
ne sont pas facilement disponibles pour le problème à résoudre. La
disponibilité de ces outils encouragerait une plus large utilisation des
méthodes appropriées et promouvrait les pratiques de santé publique basées
sur des éléments probants.
Versions of package r-cran-hms |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.1.3-1 | all |
buster | 0.4.2-2 | all |
stretch-backports | 0.4.2-1~bpo9+1 | all |
trixie | 1.1.3-1 | all |
bookworm | 1.1.2-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.0.0-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
This GNU R package implements an S3 class for storing and formatting
time-of-day values, based on the 'difftime' class.
GNU R compute, handle, plot and model incidence of dated events
Versions of package r-cran-incidence |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster-backports | 1.7.3-1~bpo10+1 | all |
trixie | 1.7.5-1 | all |
bookworm | 1.7.3-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.7.3-1 | all |
sid | 1.7.5-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Provides functions and classes to compute, handle and visualise
incidence from dated events for a defined time interval. Dates can be
provided in various standard formats. The class 'incidence' is used to
store computed incidence and can be easily manipulated, subsetted, and
plotted. In addition, log-linear models can be fitted to 'incidence'
objects using 'fit'. This package is part of the RECON
( toolkit for outbreak analysis.
GNU R kernel density estimation for heaped and rounded data
Versions of package r-cran-kernelheaping |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 2.3.0-1 | all |
sid | 2.3.0-1 | all |
trixie | 2.3.0-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
In self-reported or anonymised data the user often encounters heaped
data, i.e. data which are rounded (to a possibly different degree of
coarseness). While this is mostly a minor problem in parametric density
estimation the bias can be very large for non-parametric methods such as
kernel density estimation. This package implements a partly Bayesian
algorithm treating the true unknown values as additional parameters and
estimates the rounding parameters to give a corrected kernel density
estimate. It supports various standard bandwidth selection methods.
Varying rounding probabilities (depending on the true value) and
asymmetric rounding is estimable as well: Gross, M. and Rendtel, U.
(2016) (). Additionally, bivariate non-
parametric density estimation for rounded data, Gross, M. et al. (2016)
(), as well as data aggregated on areas is
résumé de texte extractif avec l’algorithme LexRank
Versions of package r-cran-lexrankr |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.5.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.5.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.5.2-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.5.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.5.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit d’une implémentation pour R de l’algorithme LexRank mettant en œuvre la méthode stochastique basée sur un graphe pour calculer l’importance d’unités textuelles dans le traitement du langage naturel. La technique du problème de résumé de texte est testée. Le résumé de texte extractif repose sur le concept de l’importance relative de la phrase pour identifier les plus importantes dans un document ou un ensemble de documents. L’importance relative est typiquement définie selon la présence de certains mots importants ou selon la similarité avec une pseudo-phrase centroïde.
clinical trial simulations
Versions of package r-cran-mediana |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.0.8-3 | all |
sid | 1.0.8-3 | all |
bullseye | 1.0.8-3 | all |
bookworm | 1.0.8-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
Provides a general framework for clinical trial simulations based on the
Clinical Scenario Evaluation (CSE) approach. The package supports a
broad class of data models (including clinical trials with continuous,
binary, survival-type and count-type endpoints as well as multivariate
outcomes that are based on combinations of different endpoints),
analysis strategies and commonly used evaluation criteria.
modèles de Markov multi-état et caché en temps continu
Versions of package r-cran-msm |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.4-2 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.6.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.6.6-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.6.8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.8.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.8.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package r-cran-msm: |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
Fonctions pour adapter des modèles de Markov temporels cachés et continus à
des données longitudinales. Les taux de transitions de Markov et le
processus de sortie de Markov caché peuvent être modélisés en terme de co-
variables. Une variété de schémas d'observation sont permis, qui
comprennent une surveillance des processus à des temps arbitraires, une
observation complète des processus, et des états censurés.
paquet de GNU R d’analyse de liaisons de marqueurs génétiques
Versions of package r-cran-qtl |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.33-7-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.40-8-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.44-9-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.47-9-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.58-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.70-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.70-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package r-cran-qtl: |
devel | lang:r, library |
field | biology, statistics |
role | app-data |
suite | gnu |
License: DFSG free
R/qtl est un environnement interactif et extensible pour cartographier les
QTL (locus de caractères quantitatifs) dans des croisements expérimentaux.
Il est
implanté comme un module complémentaire pour le langage/logiciel de
statistiques libre et largement utilisé « R » (voir http://www.r-
Le développement de ce logiciel comme extension de R permet de profiter
des fonctions mathématiques et statistiques basiques ainsi que des
capacités graphiques puissantes fournies avec R. De plus, l’utilisateur
bénéficie de l’intégration transparente du logiciel de cartographie QTL
dans le programme d’analyse statistique générale. Le but est rendre les
méthodes complexes de mappage de QTL très accessibles et de permettre aux
utilisateurs de se concentrer plutôt sur la modélisation que sur le
Un composant clef des méthodes de calcul pour le mappage QTL est la
technologie du modèle de Markov caché (MMC/HMM) pour composer avec les
données de génotype manquantes. Les algorithmes MMC principaux, avec
compensation de la présence d’erreurs de génotypage, pour rétrocroisement,
intercroisement, croisement « four-way » à phases connues ont été
La version actuelle de R/qtl inclut des structures pour estimer les cartes
génétiques, identifier les erreurs du génotype, lancer des recherches de
QTL simple et QTL double, des recherches bi-dimensionnelles, par
correspondance d’intervalle (avec l’algorithme EM), la régression de
Haley-Knott, et l’imputation multiple. Tout cela peut être réalisé en la
présence de covariantes (comme le sexe, l’âge ou le traitement). Il est
aussi possible de faire correspondre des modèles de QTL d’ordre plus élevé
par imputation multiple.
calculatrice de séroincidence pour GNU R
Versions of package r-cran-seroincidence |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.0.0-2 | all |
buster | 2.0.0-1 | all |
sid | 2.0.0-3 | all |
trixie | 2.0.0-3 | all |
stretch | 1.0.5-1 | all |
bookworm | 2.0.0-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
Les niveaux d'anticorps mesurés dans des échantillons transversaux de
population peuvent être traduits en estimations de la fréquence à laquelle
les séroconversions (nouvelles infections) se produisent. Afin
d'interpréter les niveaux transversaux d'anticorps mesurés, les paramètres
qui prédisent la décomposition des anticorps doivent être connus. Dans les
articles publiés précédemment (Simonsen et al. 2009 et Versteegh et al.
2005), cette information s'obtenait à partir d'études longitudinales sur
des sujets dans lesquels est confirmé par des cultures une infection de
Salmonelle ou de Campylobacter. Un modèle de rétrocalcul bayésien était
utilisé pour convertir les mesures d'anticorps en estimation de temps
depuis l'infection. Cela peut être utilisé pour estimer la séroincidence
dans un échantillon transversal de population. Pour des mesures
longitudinales et des mesures transversales de concentration d'anticorps,
l'ELISA indirecte était utilisé. Les modèles ne sont valables que pour des
personnes de plus de 18 ans. Les estimations de séroincidence conviennent
pour surveiller l'effet des programmes de contrôle quand des échantillons
transversaux représentatifs de sérum sont analysables. Cela fournit des
informations plus précises sur le taux d'infection de populations dans les
Versions of package r-cran-sf |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.0-9+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0-19+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 0.9-7+dfsg-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.0-19+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 0.7-2+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch-backports | 0.6-3+dfsg-1~bpo9+1 | arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch-backports | 0.7-2+dfsg-1~bpo9+1 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
Support for simple features, a standardized way to encode spatial vector
data. Binds to 'GDAL' for reading and writing data, to 'GEOS' for
geometrical operations, and to 'PROJ' for projection conversions and
datum transformations.
Immunoglobulin Somatic Hypermutation Analysis
Versions of package r-cran-shazam |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.1.2-1 | all |
trixie | 1.2.0-1 | all |
sid | 1.2.0-1 | all |
buster | 0.1.11-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.0.2-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Provides a computational framework for Bayesian estimation of
antigen-driven selection in immunoglobulin (Ig) sequences, providing an
intuitive means of analyzing selection by quantifying the degree of
selective pressure. Also provides tools to profile mutations in Ig
sequences, build models of somatic hypermutation (SHM) in Ig sequences,
and make model-dependent distance comparisons of Ig repertoires.
SHazaM is part of the Immcantation analysis framework for Adaptive
Immune Receptor Repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) and provides tools for
advanced analysis of somatic hypermutation (SHM) in immunoglobulin (Ig)
sequences. Shazam focuses on the following analysis topics:
- Quantification of mutational load
SHazaM includes methods for determine the rate of observed and
expected mutations under various criteria. Mutational profiling
criteria include rates under SHM targeting models, mutations specific
to CDR and FWR regions, and physicochemical property dependent
substitution rates.
- Statistical models of SHM targeting patterns
Models of SHM may be divided into two independent components:
1) a mutability model that defines where mutations occur and
2) a nucleotide substitution model that defines the resulting mutation.
Collectively these two components define an SHM targeting
model. SHazaM provides empirically derived SHM 5-mer context mutation
models for both humans and mice, as well tools to build SHM targeting
models from data.
- Analysis of selection pressure using BASELINe
The Bayesian Estimation of Antigen-driven Selection in Ig Sequences
(BASELINe) method is a novel method for quantifying antigen-driven
selection in high-throughput Ig sequence data. BASELINe uses SHM
targeting models can be used to estimate the null distribution of
expected mutation frequencies, and provide measures of selection
pressure informed by known AID targeting biases.
- Model-dependent distance calculations
SHazaM provides methods to compute evolutionary distances between
sequences or set of sequences based on SHM targeting models. This
information is particularly useful in understanding and defining
clonal relationships.
GNU R data visualization for statistics in social science
Versions of package r-cran-sjplot |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch-backports | 2.6.2-1~bpo9+1 | all |
bookworm | 2.8.12+dfsg-1 | all |
sid | 2.8.16+dfsg-2 | all |
bullseye | 2.8.7-1 | all |
buster | 2.6.2-1 | all |
upstream | 2.8.17 |
License: DFSG free
Collection of plotting and table output functions for data
visualization. Results of various statistical analyses (that are
commonly used in social sciences) can be visualized using this package,
including simple and cross tabulated frequencies, histograms, box plots,
(generalized) linear models, mixed effects models, principal component
analysis and correlation matrices, cluster analyses, scatter plots,
stacked scales, effects plots of regression models (including
interaction terms) and much more. This package supports labelled data.
GNU R ChIP-seq processing pipeline
Versions of package r-cran-spp |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.16.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.15.5-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.16.0-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.16.0-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.16.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
R package for anlaysis of ChIP-seq and other functional sequencing data
- Assess overall DNA-binding signals in the data and select appropriate
quality of tag alignment.
- Discard or restrict positions with abnormally high number of tags.
- Calculate genome-wide profiles of smoothed tag density and save them
in WIG files for viewing in other browsers.
- Calculate genome-wide profiles providing conservative statistical
estimates of fold enrichment ratios along the genome. These can be
exported for browser viewing, or thresholded to determine regions of
significant enrichment/depletion.
- Determine statistically significant point binding positions
- Assess whether the set of point binding positions detected at a
current sequencing depth meets saturation criteria, and if does not,
estimate what sequencing depth would be required to do so.
utilitaires de traitement de chaines de caractères pour GNU R
Versions of package r-cran-stringi |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.2.4-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.8.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch-backports | 1.2.4-2~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.8.4-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.7.12-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.5.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.1.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Ce paquet permet le traitement de chaine de caractères ou de texte de
façon rapide, juste, cohérente, portable et pratique dans n’importe quel
langage régional et n’importe quel encodage natif. À cause de
l’utilisation de la bibliothèque ICU, le paquet fournit aux utilisateurs
de R des fonctions connues indépendantes de la plateforme pour les
programmeurs en Java, Perl, Python, PHP et Ruby. Parmi les fonctions
disponibles, il y a la correspondance de modèle (par exemple, à l’aide
d’expressions rationnelles), la génération de chaine aléatoire, la
récupération de chaine, la translittération, la concaténation, le
formatage et l’analyse de date ou d’heure, etc.
paquet de GNU R pour la modélisation et la surveillance de phénomènes épidémiques
Versions of package r-cran-surveillance |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 1.16.2-1 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 1.24.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
jessie | 1.8-0-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
trixie | 1.24.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch | 1.13.0-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.20.3-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.19.0-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
Debtags of package r-cran-surveillance: |
field | medicine |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit de la mise en œuvre de méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation et la supervision de séries temporelles de données de comptage, proportion et catégorie, ainsi que la modélisation de processus ponctuels de phénomènes épidémiques en temps continu.
Les méthodes de surveillance se concentrent sur les aberrations de détection dans les relevés de séries temporelles provenant de surveillance de santé publique de maladies transmissibles, mais les applications peuvent aussi bien se servir de métriques d’environnement, d’ingénierie de fiabilité, d’économie ou de sciences sociales. Le paquet implémente beaucoup de procédure de détection classiques d’épidémies telles que l’algorithme (amélioré) de Farrington ou la méthode binomiale négative GLR-CUSUM de Höhle et Paul (2008) . Une nouvelle approche CUSUM combinant logistique et modélisation multinomiale de logistique est aussi fournie. Le paquet contient plusieurs données du monde réel, la possibilité de simuler des données d’épidémie, de visualiser les résultats de surveillance de manière temporelle, spatiale ou spatio-temporelle. Un aperçu des procédures de surveillance est fourni par Salmon et al. (2016) .
Pour l’analyse rétrospective de la propagation d’épidémie, ce paquet fournit trois cadriciels de modélisation endémique-épidémique avec des outils pour la visualisation, l’inférence de vraisemblance et la simulation. hhh4() estime les modèles pour des séries temporelles selon Paul et Held (2011) et Meyer et Held (2014) . twinSIR() modélise l’historique d’évènements SIR (Susceptible, Infectious, Recovered) d’une population fixe, par exemple, des épidémies dans des fermes ou des réseaux, en tant que processus ponctuels multivariés comme proposé par Höhle (2009) . twinstim() estime les modèles de processus ponctuels auto-excités pour un patron de processus spatio-temporel d’évènements infectieux, par exemple, données temporelles géo-référencées de surveillance comme proposé par Meyer et al. (2012) . Un récent aperçu des cadriciels de modèle spatio-temporel implémentés pour les phénomènes épidémiques a été publié par Meyer et al. (2017) .
Infers new Immunoglobulin alleles from Rep-Seq Data
Versions of package r-cran-tigger |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.3.1-1 | all |
trixie | 1.1.0-1 | all |
sid | 1.1.0-1 | all |
bookworm | 1.0.1-1 | all |
bullseye | 1.0.0-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
Summary: Infers the V genotype of an individual from immunoglobulin (Ig)
repertoire-sequencing (Rep-Seq) data, including detection of any novel
alleles. This information is then used to correct existing V allele calls
from among the sample sequences.
High-throughput sequencing of B cell immunoglobulin receptors is
providing unprecedented insight into adaptive immunity. A key step in
analyzing these data involves assignment of the germline V, D and J gene
segment alleles that comprise each immunoglobulin sequence by matching
them against a database of known V(D)J alleles. However, this process
will fail for sequences that utilize previously undetected alleles,
whose frequency in the population is unclear.
TIgGER is a computational method that significantly improves V(D)J
allele assignments by first determining the complete set of gene segments
carried by an individual (including novel alleles) from V(D)J-rearrange
sequences. TIgGER can then infer a subject’s genotype from these
sequences, and use this genotype to correct the initial V(D)J allele
The application of TIgGER continues to identify a surprisingly high
frequency of novel alleles in humans, highlighting the critical need
for this approach. TIgGER, however, can and has been used with data
from other species.
Core Abilities:
- Detecting novel alleles
- Inferring a subject’s genotype
- Correcting preliminary allele calls
Required Input
- A table of sequences from a single individual, with columns containing
the following:
- V(D)J-rearranged nucleotide sequence (in IMGT-gapped format)
- Preliminary V allele calls
- Preliminary J allele calls
- Length of the junction region
- Germline Ig sequences in IMGT-gapped fasta format (e.g., as those
downloaded from IMGT/GENE-DB)
The former can be created through the use of IMGT/HighV-QUEST and
Allele-Specific Copy Number Analysis of Tumours
Versions of package r-other-ascat |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 3.1.1-1 | all |
trixie | 3.1.2-1 | all |
sid | 3.1.2-1 | all |
bullseye | 2.5.2-3 | all |
upstream | 3.2.0 |
License: DFSG free
ASCAT (allele-specific copy number analysis of tumors) is a allele-
specific copy number analysis of the in vivo breast cancer genome. It
can be used to accurately dissect the allele-specific copy number of
solid tumors, simultaneously estimating and adjusting for both tumor
ploidy and nonaberrant cell admixture.
Please cite:
Peter Van Loo, Silje H Nordgard, Ole Christian Lingjærde, Hege G Russnes, Inga H Rye, Wei Sun, Victor J Weigman, Peter Marynen, Anders Zetterberg, Bjørn Naume, Charles M Perou, Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale and Vessela N Kristensen:
Allele-specific Copy Number Analysis of Tumors.
Reference-Assisted Genome Ordering UTility
Versions of package ragout |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.3-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.3-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.3-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.3-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Ragout (Reference-Assisted Genome Ordering UTility) is a tool for
chromosome-level scaffolding using multiple references. Given initial
assembly fragments (contigs/scaffolds) and one or multiple related
references (complete or draft), it produces a chromosome-scale assembly
(as a set of scaffolds).
The approach is based on the analysis of genome rearrangements (like
inversions or chromosomal translocations) between the input genomes and
reconstructing the most parsimonious structure of the target genome.
Ragout now supports both small and large genomes (of mammalian scale
and complexity). The assembly of highly polymorphic genomes is
currently limited.
Please cite:
Mikhail Kolmogorov, Joel Armstrong, Brian J. Raney, Ian Streeter, Matthew Dunn, Fengtang Yang, Duncan Odom, Paul Flicek, Thomas M. Keane, David Thybert, Benedict Paten and Son Pham:
Chromosome assembly of large and complex genomes using multiple references.
Genome Research
Nanopore read de-multiplexer (read demux -> readux -> readucks, innit)
Versions of package readucks |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.0.3-5 | all |
bullseye | 0.0.3-2 | all |
sid | 0.0.3-6 | all |
License: DFSG free
This package is inspired by the demultiplexing options in
porechop but without the adapter trimming options - it just demuxes.
It uses the parasail library with its Python bindings to do
pairwise alignment which provides a considerable speed up over
the seqan library used by porechop due to its low-level use
of vector processor instructions.
tracé de distances génétiques l’analyse de recombinaison d’évènements
Versions of package recan |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.5+dfsg-1 | all |
sid | 0.5+dfsg-1 | all |
bullseye | 0.1.2-2 | all |
bookworm | 0.1.5+dfsg-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
recan est un paquet de Python permettant de construire des tracés de
distance génétique pour découvrir et explorer des évènements de
recombinaison dans des génomes de virus.
Cette méthode a été précédemment mise en œuvre dans des outils logiciels :
RAT, Simplot et RDP4.
aligneur universel et ultra-rapide de RNA-seq
Versions of package rna-star |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 2.5.2b+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
stretch-backports | 2.7.0a+dfsg-1~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
buster | 2.7.0a+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64 |
bullseye | 2.7.8a+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
bookworm | 2.7.10b+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el |
trixie | 2.7.11b+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
sid | 2.7.11b+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
License: DFSG free
Il s’agit du logiciel STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference)
basé sur un algorithme, non décrit auparavant, d'alignement de RNA-seq qui
utilise la recherche séquentielle de « graines » pour une cartographie
maximale dans des tableaux de suffixes non compressés suivis par le
regroupement de graines (seed clustering) et la procédure de ligature
(stitching). STAR surpasse les autres aligneurs d’un facteur supérieur à
cinquante dans la vitesse de cartographie, alignant pour le génome humain
550 millions de lectures « paired-end » 2 × 76 pb par heure sur un modeste
serveur de douze cœurs, tout en améliorant la sensibilité et la précision. En
plus de la détection de novo neutre de jonctions canoniques, STAR peut
découvrir les transcriptions de ligature non canonique et de fusion, et il
peut aussi réaliser une cartographie des séquences d’ARN complètes. En
le séquençage Roche 454 d’amplicons de réaction en chaîne par polymérase et
transcription inverse, les auteurs ont validé expérimentalement 1960
nouvelles jonctions de ligature intergénique avec un taux de succès de 80-
90 %, corroborant la précision élevée de la stratégie de cartographie de
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Topics: Sequence analysis
RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization
Versions of package rsem |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.2.31+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.3.1+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64 |
bullseye | 1.3.3+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.3.3+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.3.3+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.3.3+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
RSEM is a software package for estimating gene and isoform expression
levels from RNA-Seq data. The RSEM package provides an user-friendly
interface, supports threads for parallel computation of the EM
algorithm, single-end and paired-end read data, quality scores,
variable-length reads and RSPD estimation. In addition, it provides
posterior mean and 95% credibility interval estimates for expression
levels. For visualization, It can generate BAM and Wiggle files in both
transcript-coordinate and genomic-coordinate. Genomic-coordinate files
can be visualized by both UCSC Genome browser and Broad Institute’s
Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV). Transcript-coordinate files can be
visualized by IGV. RSEM also has its own scripts to generate transcript
read depth plots in pdf format. The unique feature of RSEM is, the read
depth plots can be stacked, with read depth contributed to unique reads
shown in black and contributed to multi-reads shown in red. In addition,
models learned from data can also be visualized. Last but not least,
RSEM contains a simulator.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Ruby tools for computational molecular biology
Versions of package ruby-bio |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.0.1-2 | all |
jessie | | all |
stretch | 1.5.0-2 | all |
buster | 1.5.2-1 | all |
sid | 2.0.5-1 | all |
trixie | 2.0.5-1 | all |
bookworm | 2.0.4-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
BioRuby project aims to implement an integrated environment for
Bioinformatics with Ruby language. Design philosophy of the BioRuby library
is KISS (keep it simple, stupid) to maximize the usability and the
efficiency for biologists as a daily tool. The project was started in Japan
and supported by University of Tokyo (Human Genome Center), Kyoto University
(Bioinformatics Center) and the Open Bio Foundation.
wicked-fast transcript quantification from RNA-seq data
Versions of package salmon |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.4.0+ds1-1 | amd64,arm64 |
trixie | 1.10.2+ds1-1 | amd64,arm64 |
bookworm | 1.10.1+ds1-1 | amd64,arm64 |
stretch | 0.7.2+ds1-2 | amd64 |
buster | 0.12.0+ds1-1 | amd64 |
sid | 1.10.2+ds1-1 | amd64,arm64 |
upstream | 1.10.3 |
License: DFSG free
Salmon is a wicked-fast program to produce a highly-accurate, transcript-level
quantification estimates from RNA-seq data. Salmon achieves is accuracy and
speed via a number of different innovations, including the use of lightweight
alignments (accurate but fast-to-compute proxies for traditional read
alignments) and massively-parallel stochastic collapsed variational inference.
The result is a versatile tool that fits nicely into many different pipelines.
For example, you can choose to make use of the lightweight alignments by
providing Salmon with raw sequencing reads, or, if it is more convenient, you
can provide Salmon with regular alignments (e.g. computed with your favorite
aligner), and it will use the same wicked-fast, state-of-the-art inference
algorithm to estimate transcript-level abundances for your experiment.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
marks duplicates, extracts discordant/split reads
Versions of package samblaster |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.1.26-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 0.1.26-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.1.26-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 0.1.24-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
sid | 0.1.26-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Current "next-generation" sequencing technologies cannot tell what
exact sequence they will be reading. They take what is available. And
if some sequences are read very often, then this needs some extra
biomedical thinking. The genome could for instance be duplicated.
samblaster is a fast and flexible program for marking duplicates in
read-id grouped paired-end SAM files. It can also optionally output
discordant read pairs and/or split read mappings to separate SAM files,
and/or unmapped/clipped reads to a separate FASTQ file. When marking
duplicates, samblaster will require approximately 20MB of memory per
1M read pairs.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
filter SAM file for soft and hard clipped alignments
Versions of package samclip |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.4.0-4 | all |
trixie | 0.4.0-4 | all |
bullseye | 0.4.0-2 | all |
sid | 0.4.0-4 | all |
License: DFSG free
Most short read aligners perform local alignment of reads to the
reference genome. Examples includes bwa mem, minimap2, and bowtie2
(unless in --end-to-end mode). This means the ends of the read may not
be part of the best alignment.
This can be caused by:
- adapter sequences (aren't in the reference)
- poor quality bases (mismatches only make the alignment score worse)
- structural variation in your sample compared to the reference
- reads overlapping the start and end of contigs (including
circular genomes)
Read aligners output a SAM file. Column 6 in this format stores the
CIGAR string. which describes which parts of the read aligned and which
didn't. The unaligned ends of the read can be "soft" or "hard" clipped,
denoted with S and H at each end of the CIGAR string. It is possible for
both types to be present, but that is not common. Soft and hard don't
mean anything biologically, they just refer to whether the full read
sequence is in the SAM file or not.
traitement d'alignements de séquence pour les formats SAM et BAM et CRAM
Versions of package samtools |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 1.3.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
jessie | 0.1.19-1 | amd64,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.11-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.21-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.21-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
stretch-backports | 1.7-2~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.16.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.9-4 | amd64,arm64,armhf |
Debtags of package samtools: |
field | biology |
interface | commandline |
network | client |
role | program |
scope | utility |
uitoolkit | ncurses |
use | analysing, calculating, filtering |
works-with | biological-sequence |
License: DFSG free
Samtools est un ensemble d'utilitaires qui manipulent les alignements de
séquence de nucléotides dans le format binaire BAM. Il est capable
d'importer et d'exporter à partir des formats ASCII SAM (Sequence
Alignment/Map) et CRAM, de trier, de fusionner, d'indexer et de récupérer
des enregistrements dans n'importe quelle région facilement. Il est conçu
pour travailler sur un flux de données et est capable d'ouvrir un fichier
BAM ou CRAM (mais pas SAM) sur un serveur HTTP ou FTP distant.
basecaller for Nanopore sequencer
Versions of package scrappie |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.4.2-7 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
experimental | 1.4.2-9~0exp0simde | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.4.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 1.4.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.4.2-8 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
The Nanopore is a device for DNA/RNA sequencing that does
not require an amplification of the material. The polynucleotides
are threaded through a pore and while these pass through,
the change in the electrostatic potential allows one to
identify ("call") the actual base that resides in the pore.
Scrappie goes a step further and also attempts to describe
modifications to the nucleic acid.
phylogeny with ensembles of Hidden Markov Models
Versions of package sepp |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 4.5.5+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64 |
bullseye | 4.3.10+dfsg-5 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
The tool SEPP implementing these methods uses ensembles of Hidden Markov
Models (HMMs) in different ways, each focusing on a different problem.
SEPP stands for "SATe-enabled Phylogenetic Placement", and addresses the
problem of phylogenetic placement of short reads into reference
alignments and trees.
cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulation
Versions of package seqkit |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.15.0+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 2.9.0+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.3.1+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.9.0+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
SeqKit describes a cross-platform ultrafast comprehensive toolkit for
FASTA/Q processing. SeqKit provides executable binary files for all
major operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, and can
be directly used without any dependencies or pre-configurations. SeqKit
demonstrates competitive performance in execution time and memory usage
compared to similar tools. The efficiency and usability of SeqKit enable
researchers to rapidly accomplish common FASTA/Q file manipulations.
imagemagick-like frontend to Biopython SeqIO
Versions of package seqmagick |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 0.8.4-3 | all |
trixie | 0.8.6-3 | all |
bullseye | 0.8.4-1 | all |
buster | 0.7.0-1 | all |
sid | 0.8.6-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
Seqmagick is a little utility to expose the file format conversion
in BioPython in a convenient way.
Features include:
- Modifying sequences:
- Remove gaps
- Reverse & reverse complement
- Trim to a range of residues
- Change case
- Sort by length or ID
- Displaying information about sequence files
- Subsetting sequence files by:
- Position
- ID
- Deduplication
- Filtering sequences by quality score
- Trimming alignments to a region of interest defined by the forward
and reverse primers
fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes (phasing)
Versions of package shapeit4 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 4.2.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 4.2.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 4.2.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 4.2.0+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Segmented HAPlotype Estimation and Imputation Tools version 4 (SHAPEIT4).
SHAPEIT4 is a fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes (aka
phasing) for SNP array and sequencing data.
put Shiny web apps online
Versions of package shiny-server |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | |
License: DFSG free
Shiny Server lets you put shiny web applications and interactive
documents online. Take your Shiny apps and share them with your
organization or the world.
Shiny Server lets you go beyond static charts, and lets you manipulate
the data. Users can sort, filter, or change assumptions in real-time.
Shiny server empower your users to customize your analysis for their
specific needs and extract more insight from the data.
assemblage de génomes d’isolats bactériens à partir de lectures paired-end Illumina
Versions of package shovill |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.1.0-4 | amd64 |
sid | 1.1.0-9 | amd64 |
trixie | 1.1.0-9 | amd64 |
bookworm | 1.1.0-9 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
Shovill est un pipeline qui utilise SPAdes comme cœur, mais qui modifie
les étapes avant et après la première étape d’assemblage pour obtenir des
résultats similaires en moins de temps. Shovill prend en charge d’autres
assembleurs tels que SKESA, Velvet et Megahit, aussi il est possible avec
ceux-ci de profiter des avantages de pré et post-traitement
fournis par Shovill.
software suite for single molecule, real-time sequencing
Versions of package smrtanalysis |
Release | Version | Architectures |
stretch | 0~20161126 | all |
trixie | 0~20210112 | all |
bookworm | 0~20210112 | all |
sid | 0~20210112 | all |
bullseye | 0~20210111 | all |
License: DFSG free
SMRT® Analysis is a powerful, open-source bioinformatics software suite
available for analysis of DNA sequencing data from Pacific Biosciences’
SMRT technology. Users can choose from a variety of analysis protocols that
utilize PacBio® and third-party tools. Analysis protocols include de novo
genome assembly, cDNA mapping, DNA base-modification detection, and
long-amplicon analysis to determine phased consensus sequences.
This is a metapackage that depends on the components of SMRT Analysis.
pythonic workflow management system
Versions of package snakemake |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 5.24.1-2 | all |
trixie | 7.32.4-7 | all |
sid | 7.32.4-7 | all |
buster | 5.4.0-1 | all |
stretch | 3.10.0-1 | all |
bookworm | 7.21.0-1 | all |
upstream | 8.29.2 |
License: DFSG free
Build systems like GNU Make are frequently used to create complicated
workflows, e.g. in bioinformatics. This project aims to reduce the
complexity of creating workflows by providing a clean and modern domain
specific language (DSL) in Python style, together with a fast and
comfortable execution environment.
genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox - tool
Versions of package snpeff |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 5.2.f+dfsg-1 | all |
trixie | 5.2.f+dfsg-1 | all |
bookworm | 5.1+d+dfsg-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
"We are all different!" Geneticists agree to this.
Even twins, who are said to be identical are on a molecular
level only "mostly" identical. And even within the exact same individual,
healthy cells acquire mutations such that we are all genetic mosaics.
Changes to individual cells may be induced by environmental factors,
e.g. like UV light, or happen sporadically as mishaps during cellular
Because there are so many genetic differences, and most have just no
particular meaning for the development of a phenotype, i.e. most have no
effect, it would be nice to have heuristics implemented that direct the
researcher towards single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are most
likely to be relevant. This identifies the gene that causes or contributes
to, e.g, an illness, and possibly also genes that are affected by that
change. Such mechanistic understanding of a disease, particularly when
multiple genes and multiple genetic variants are contributing to the
then "polygenic" phenotype, is at the onset of drug development and
increasingly also for selecting individualized therapies in the clinic.
SnpEff is a variant annotation and effect prediction tool. It annotates
and predicts the effects of variants on genes (such as amino acid
The inputs are predicted variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions and
MNPs). The input file is usually obtained as a result of a sequencing
experiment, and it is usually in variant call format (VCF).
SnpEff analyzes the input variants. It annotates the variants and
calculates the effects they produce on known genes (e.g. amino acid
This package contains the command line tool.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
outil d’annotation et de manipulation de variations génomiques – outil
Versions of package snpsift |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 5.1+dfsg2-2 | all |
trixie | 5.2.e+dfsg-2 | all |
sid | 5.2.e+dfsg-2 | all |
upstream | 5.2.f |
License: DFSG free
SnpSift est une boîte à outils qui permet de filtrer et de manipuler des
fichiers annotés. Une fois que les variations génomiques ont été annotées, il
est nécessaire de les filtrer pour trouver les « variations intéressantes ou
pertinentes ». Étant donné l’importance des fichiers de données, cela n’est pas
une tache triviale (par exemple, il n’est pas possible de charger toutes les
variations dans une feuille de calcul XLS). SnpSift facilite cette manipulation
de fichier VCF (Variant Call Format) et le filtrage nécessaire à cette étape
dans les pipelines de traitement de données.
Ce paquet fournit l'outil en ligne de commande.
assembleur génomique pour des ensembles de données de « single-cell » et « isolates »
Versions of package spades |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 3.13.0+dfsg2-2 | amd64 |
trixie | 3.15.5+dfsg-8 | amd64 |
bookworm | 3.15.5+dfsg-2 | amd64 |
bullseye | 3.13.1+dfsg-2 | amd64 |
stretch-backports-sloppy | 3.13.1+dfsg-2~bpo9+1 | amd64 |
stretch-backports | 3.12.0+dfsg-1~bpo9+1 | amd64 |
stretch | 3.9.1+dfsg-1 | amd64 |
sid | 4.0.0+dfsg1-2 | amd64 |
upstream | 4.1.0 |
License: DFSG free
SPAdes (assembleur de génome de Saint-Pétersbourg) est conçu pour à la fois
les assemblages de MDA bactériens isolés standard et ceux de cellule unique.
Il fonctionne avec les lectures d’Illumina ou IonTorrent et peut fournir des
assemblages hybrides en utilisant des lectures de PacBio ou Sanger. Des
contigs supplémentaires peuvent être fournis pour être utilisés comme
lectures longues.
Ce paquet fournit aussi les tuyauteries supplémentaires suivantes :
– metaSPAdes, tuyauterie pour des ensembles de données métagénomiques ;
– plasmidSPAdes, tuyauterie pour l’extraction et l’assemblage de
plasmides à partir d’ensembles de données WGS ;
– metaplasmidSPAdes, tuyauterie pour l’extraction et l’assemblage de
plasmides à partir d’ensembles de données métagénomiques ;
– rnaSPAdes, assembleur de novo de transcriptome à partir le données de
séquençages d’ARN ;
– truSPAdes, module pour l’assemblage de codages à barres TruSeq ;
– biosyntheticSPAdes, module pour l’assemblage de groupes de gènes
biosynthétique avec des lectures appariés.
SPAdes fournit plusieurs exécutables autonomes avec une interface en ligne
de commande relativement simple : comptage k-mer (spades-kmercounter),
construction de graphe d’assemblages (spades-gbuilder) et lectures longues
vers un alignement de graphe (spades-gmapper).
Please cite:
Anton Bankevich, Sergey Nurk, Dmitry Antipov, Alexey A. Gurevich, Mikhail Dvorkin, Alexander S. Kulikov, Valery M. Lesin, Sergey I. Nikolenko, Son Pham, Andrey D. Prjibelski, Alexey V. Pyshkin, Alexander V. Sirotkin, Nikolay Vyahhi, Glenn Tesler, Max A. Alekseyev and Pavel A. Pevzner:
SPAdes: A New Genome Assembly Algorithm and Its Applications to Single-Cell Sequencing.
Journal of Computational Biology
alignement de transcriptions selon les épissures pour l’ADN génomique
Versions of package spaln |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 3.0.2+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 3.0.2+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.4.1+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.4.13f+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 3.0.6d |
License: DFSG free
Spaln (space-efficient spliced alignment) est un programme autonome qui
cartographie et aligne un ensemble de séquences d’ADNc ou de protéines
en une séquence générale en une seule passe. Il réalise aussi des
alignements épissés ou ordinaires après une recherche rapide de
similarité par rapport à une base de données de séquences de protéines
si un segment génomique ou une séquence d’acides aminés est fourni en
Spaln gère la combinaison de base de données de séquences de protéines
et d’un segment génomique et réalise des recherches rapides de
similarité et des alignements (semi)-globaux d’un ensemble de requêtes
de séquences de protéines par rapport à une base de données de séquences
de protéines. Spaln adopte une heuristique multiphase rendant le
travail possible sur un ordinateur personnel conventionnel.
programs for manipulating DNA sequencing files
Versions of package staden-io-lib-utils |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bookworm | 1.14.15-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.14.11-6 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.14.8-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
jessie | 1.13.7-1 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bullseye | 1.14.13-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.15.0-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.15.0-1.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package staden-io-lib-utils: |
biology | nuceleic-acids, peptidic |
field | biology, biology:bioinformatics |
interface | commandline |
role | program |
scope | utility |
use | analysing |
License: DFSG free
The io_lib from the Staden package is a library of file reading and writing
code to provide a general purpose trace file (and Experiment File) reading
interface. It has been compiled and tested on a variety of unix systems,
MacOS X and MS Windows.
This package contains the programs that are distributed with the Staden io_lib
for manipulating and converting sequencing data files, and in particular files
to manipulate short reads generated by second and third generation sequencers
and stored in SRF format.
assemble short RNAseq reads to transcripts
Versions of package stringtie |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.2.1+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.1.4+ds-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.2.1+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.2.1+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
upstream | 3.0.0 |
License: DFSG free
The abundance of transcripts in a human tissue sample
can be determined by RNA sequencing. The exact sequence
sampled may be random, depending on the technology used.
And it may be short, i.e. shorter than the transcript.
At some point, many shorter reads need to be assembled
to the model the complete transcripts.
StringTie knows how to assemble of RNA-Seq into potential
transcripts without the need of a reference genome and
provides a quantification also of the splice variants.
fast and exact clustering of genomic sequences
Versions of package sumaclust |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.0.36+ds-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.0.36+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.0.36+ds-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 1.0.36+ds-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
stretch | 1.0.20-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
buster | 1.0.31-2 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
License: DFSG free
With the development of next-generation sequencing, efficient tools are
needed to handle millions of sequences in reasonable amounts of time.
Sumaclust is a program developed by the LECA. Sumaclust aims to cluster
sequences in a way that is fast and exact at the same time. This tool
has been developed to be adapted to the type of data generated by DNA
metabarcoding, i.e. entirely sequenced, short markers. Sumaclust
clusters sequences using the same clustering algorithm as UCLUST and CD-
HIT. This algorithm is mainly useful to detect the 'erroneous' sequences
created during amplification and sequencing protocols, deriving from
'true' sequences.
??? missing short description for package texlive-science :-(
Versions of package texlive-science |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 2024.20250114-1 | all |
bullseye | 2020.20210202-3 | all |
buster | 2018.20190227-2 | all |
stretch | 2016.20170123-5 | all |
bookworm | 2022.20230122-4 | all |
jessie | 2014.20141024-1 | all |
sid | 2024.20250114-1 | all |
Debtags of package texlive-science: |
field | biology, chemistry, electronics, mathematics, physics |
made-of | tex |
role | app-data |
science | publishing |
use | typesetting |
works-with | graphs, text |
works-with-format | tex |
License: DFSG free
Testing Haplotype Effects In Association Studies
Versions of package thesias |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster-backports | 3.1.1-1~bpo10+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 3.1.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 3.1.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 3.1.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 3.1.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
The objectif of the THESIAS program is to performed haplotype-based
association analysis in unrelated individuals. This program is based
on the maximum likelihood model described in Tregouet et al. 2002
(Hum Mol Genet 2002,11: 2015-2023) and is linked to the SEM algorithm
(Tregouet et al. Ann Hum Genet 2004,68: 165-177).
THESIAS allows one to simultaneous estimate haplotype frequencies
and their associate effects on the phenotype of interest.
In this new THESIAS release, quantitative, qualitative (logistic
and matched-pair analysis), categorical and survival outcomes can be
studied. X-linked haplotype analysis is also feasible.
Covariate-adjusted haplotype effects as well as haplotype x covariate
interactions can also be investigated.
structural variant calling
Versions of package tiddit |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 3.6.1+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 2.12.0+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 3.6.1+dfsg-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 3.5.2+dfsg-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
upstream | 3.9.2 |
License: DFSG free
TIDDIT is a tool to used to identify chromosomal rearrangements using
Mate Pair or Paired End sequencing data. TIDDIT identifies intra and inter-
chromosomal translocations, deletions, tandem-duplications and
inversions, using supplementary alignments as well as discordant pairs.
TIDDIT has two analysis modules. The sv mode, which is used to search
for structural variants. And the cov mode that analyse the read depth of
a bam file and generates a coverage report.
tool for Taxonomic Identification and Phylogenetic Profiling
Versions of package tipp |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.0+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64 |
License: DFSG free
TIPP is a modification of SEPP for classifying query sequences (i.e. reads)
using phylogenetic placement.
TIPP inserts each read into a taxonomic tree and uses the insertion location
to identify the taxonomic lineage of the read. The novel idea behind TIPP is
that rather than using the single best alignment and placement for taxonomic
identification, it uses a collection of alignments and placements and
considers statistical support for each alignment and placement.
TIPP can also be used for abundance estimation by computing an abundance
profile on the reads binned to marker genes in a reference dataset.
statistical calculations of essentiality of genes or genomic regions
Versions of package tnseq-transit |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 2.3.4-1 | amd64 |
stretch-backports | 2.2.1-2~bpo9+1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 3.3.12-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 3.3.12-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 3.2.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 3.2.1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
upstream | 3.3.19 |
License: DFSG free
This is a software that can be used to analyze Tn-Seq datasets. It
includes various statistical calculations of essentiality of genes or
genomic regions (including conditional essentiality between 2
conditions). These methods were developed and tested as a collaboration
between the Sassetti lab (UMass) and the Ioerger lab (Texas A&M)
TRANSIT is capable of analyzing TnSeq libraries constructed with Himar1
or Tn5 datasets.
TRANSIT assumes you have already done pre-processing of raw sequencing
files (.fastq) and extracted read counts into a .wig formatted file.
The .wig file should contain the counts at all sites where an insertion
could take place (including sites with no reads). For Himar1 datasets
this is all TA sites in the genome. For Tn5 datasets this would be all
nucleotides in the genome.
cross-platform workflow engine
Versions of package toil |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 6.1.0-4 | all |
bullseye | 5.2.0-5 | all |
bookworm | 5.9.2-2+deb12u1 | all |
buster | 3.18.0-2 | all |
upstream | 8.0.0 |
License: DFSG free
Toil is a scalable, efficient, cross-platform and easy-to-use workflow
engine in pure Python. It works with several well established load
balancers like Slurm or the Sun Grid Engine. Toil is also compatible with
the Common Workflow Language (CWL) via the "toil-cwl-runner" interface, which
this package make available via the Debian alternativess system under the
alias "cwl-runner".
Please cite:
John Vivian, Arjun Arkal Rao, Frank Austin Nothaft, Christopher Ketchum, Joel Armstrong, Adam Novak, Jacob Pfeil, Jake Narkizian Alden D. Deran, Audrey Musselman-Brown, Hannes Schmidt, Peter Amstutz, Brian Craft, Mary Goldman, Kate Rosenbloom, Melissa Cline, Brian O'Connor, Megan Hanna, Chet Birger, W. James Kent David A. Patterson, Anthony D. Joseph, Jingchun Zhu, Sasha Zaranek, Gad Getz, David Haussler and Benedict Paten:
Toil enables reproducible, open source, big biomedical data analyses.
Nature Biotechnology
identification of modified nucleotides from raw nanopore sequencing data
Versions of package tombo |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.5.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 1.5.1-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 1.5.1-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 1.5.1-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Tombo is a suite of tools primarily for the identification of modified
nucleotides from nanopore sequencing data. Tombo also provides tools for
the analysis and visualization of raw nanopore signal.
post-processor for TopHat unmapped reads
Versions of package tophat-recondition |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.4-3 | all |
sid | 1.4-3 | all |
trixie | 1.4-3 | all |
bookworm | 1.4-3 | all |
License: DFSG free
tophat-recondition is a post-processor for TopHat unmapped reads
(contained in unmapped.bam), making them compatible with downstream
tools (e.g., the Picard suite, samtools, GATK) (TopHat issue #17). It
also works around bugs in TopHat:
- the "mate is unmapped" SAM flag is not set on any reads in the
unmapped.bam file (TopHat issue #3)
- the mapped mate of an unmapped read can be absent from
accepted_hits.bam, creating a mismatch between the file and the unmapped
read's flags (TopHat issue #16)
toolkit to carry out genetic association for multi-category phenotypes
Versions of package trinculo |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 0.96+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.96+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 0.96+dfsg-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.96+dfsg-4 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
An efficient toolkit for carrying out genetic association for multi-category
phenotypes. Implements multinomial and ordinal association incorporating
covariates, conditional analysis, empirical and non-emperical priors and
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
Versions of package umap-learn |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.5.4+dfsg-1 | all |
bookworm | 0.5.3+dfsg-2 | all |
bullseye | 0.4.5+dfsg-2 | all |
License: DFSG free
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) is a dimension
reduction technique that can be used for visualisation similarly to t-
SNE, but also for general non-linear dimension reduction. The algorithm
is founded on three assumptions about the data:
1. The data is uniformly distributed on a Riemannian manifold;
2. The Riemannian metric is locally constant (or can be
approximated as such);
3. The manifold is locally connected.
From these assumptions it is possible to model the manifold with a fuzzy
topological structure. The embedding is found by searching for a low
dimensional projection of the data that has the closest possible
equivalent fuzzy topological structure.
tools for processing UMI RNA-tag data
Versions of package umis |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.0.9-2 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bookworm | 1.0.8-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
bullseye | 1.0.7-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
License: DFSG free
Umis provides tools for estimating expression in RNA-Seq data which
performs sequencing of end tags of transcript, and incorporate molecular
tags to correct for amplification bias.
There are four steps in this process.
1. Formatting reads
2. Filtering noisy cellular barcodes
3. Pseudo-mapping to cDNAs
4. Counting molecular identifiers
Utility for Nanopore Current Alignment to Large Expanses of DNA
Versions of package uncalled |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.2+ds-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bookworm | 2.2+ds1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.3+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
sid | 2.3+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Streaming algorithm for mapping raw nanopore signal to DNA references
Enables real-time enrichment or depletion on Oxford Nanopore Technologies
(ONT) MinION runs via ReadUntil.
Also supports standalone signal mapping of fast5 reads
hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes
Versions of package unicycler |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 0.4.7+dfsg-2 | amd64 |
stretch-backports-sloppy | 0.4.8+dfsg-1~bpo9+1 | amd64 |
bookworm | 0.5.0+dfsg-1 | amd64 |
bullseye | 0.4.8+dfsg-2 | amd64 |
trixie | 0.5.1+dfsg-3 | amd64 |
sid | 0.5.1+dfsg-3 | amd64 |
stretch-backports | 0.4.7+dfsg-1~bpo9+1 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
Unicycler is an assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes. It can assemble
Illumina-only read sets where it functions as a SPAdes-optimiser. It can
also assembly long-read-only sets (PacBio or Nanopore) where it runs a
miniasm+Racon pipeline. For the best possible assemblies, give it both
Illumina reads and long reads, and it will conduct a hybrid assembly.
tools for working with genome variation graphs
Versions of package vg |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.30.0+ds-1 | amd64,mips64el |
sid | 1.59.0+ds-0.1 | amd64,arm64 |
upstream | 1.63.1 |
License: DFSG free
variation graph data structures, interchange formats, alignment, genotyping,
and variant calling methods
Variation graphs provide a succinct encoding of the sequences of many genomes.
A variation graph (in particular as implemented in vg) is composed of:
- nodes, which are labeled by sequences and ids
- edges, which connect two nodes via either of their respective ends
- paths, describe genomes, sequence alignments, and annotations (such as gene
models and transcripts) as walks through nodes connected by edges
This model is similar to a number of sequence graphs that have been used in
assembly and multiple sequence alignment. Paths provide coordinate systems
relative to genomes encoded in the graph, allowing stable mappings to be
produced even if the structure of the graph is changed.
Please cite:
Erik Garrison, Jouni Sirén, Adam M Novak, Glenn Hickey, Jordan M Eizenga, Eric T Dawson, William Jones, Shilpa Garg, Charles Markello, Michael F Lin, Benedict Paten and Richard Durbin:
Variation graph toolkit improves read mapping by representing genetic variation in the reference.
Nature Biotechnology
tool for processing metagenomic sequences
Versions of package vsearch |
Release | Version | Architectures |
buster | 2.10.4-1 | amd64 |
stretch | 2.3.4-1 | amd64 |
bookworm | 2.22.1-1 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el |
sid | 2.30.0-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
trixie | 2.30.0-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
bullseye | 2.15.2-3 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el |
License: DFSG free
Versatile 64-bit multithreaded tool for processing metagenomic sequences,
including searching, clustering, chimera detection, dereplication, sorting,
masking and shuffling
The aim of this project is to create an alternative to the USEARCH tool
developed by Robert C. Edgar (2010). The new tool should:
- have a 64-bit design that handles very large databases and much more
than 4GB of memory
- be as accurate or more accurate than usearch
- be as fast or faster than usearch
toolset for short variant discovery in genetic sequence data
Versions of package vt |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.57721+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 0.57721+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 0.57721+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.57721+ds-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
vt is a variant tool set that discovers short variants from Next Generation
Sequencing data.
Vt-normalize is a tool to normalize representation of genetic variants in
the VCF. Variant normalization is formally defined as the consistent
representation of genetic variants in an unambiguous and concise way. In
vt a simple general algorithm to enforce this is implemented.
The package is enhanced by the following packages:
Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool
Versions of package workrave |
Release | Version | Architectures |
jessie | 1.10.4-3 | amd64,armel,armhf,i386 |
bookworm | 1.10.50-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 1.10.44-7.1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
sid | 1.10.53-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
buster | 1.10.23-5 | amd64,arm64,armhf,i386 |
stretch | 1.10.16-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 1.10.53-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
Debtags of package workrave: |
hardware | input |
interface | x11 |
role | program |
scope | utility |
suite | gnome |
uitoolkit | gtk |
use | monitor |
x11 | applet, application |
License: DFSG free
Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to
take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit.
It includes a system tray applet that works with GNOME and KDE
and has network capabilities to monitor your activity even if
switching back and forth between different computers is part of your
Workrave offers many more configuration options than other similar
de novo sequence assembler for long noisy reads
Versions of package wtdbg2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.5-7 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.5-10 | amd64 |
sid | 2.5-10 | amd64 |
bookworm | 2.5-9 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
Wtdbg2 is a de novo sequence assembler for long noisy reads produced by
PacBio or Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). It assembles raw reads
without error correction and then builds the consensus from intermediate
assembly output. Wtdbg2 is able to assemble the human and even the 32Gb
Axolotl genome at a speed tens of times faster than CANU and FALCON
while producing contigs of comparable base accuracy.
During assembly, wtdbg2 chops reads into 1024bp segments, merges similar
segments into a vertex and connects vertices based on the segment
adjacency on reads. The resulting graph is called fuzzy Bruijn graph
(FBG). It is akin to De Bruijn graph but permits mismatches/gaps and
keeps read paths when collapsing k-mers. The use of FBG distinguishes
wtdbg2 from the majority of long-read assemblers.
filter low quality Oxford Nanopore reads basecalled with Albacore
Versions of package yanagiba |
Release | Version | Architectures |
trixie | 1.0.0-5 | all |
bullseye | 1.0.0-2 | all |
bookworm | 1.0.0-5 | all |
sid | 1.0.0-5 | all |
License: DFSG free
Yanagiba is used to filter short or low quality Oxford Nanopore reads
which have been basecalled with Albacore. It takes fastq.gz and an
Albacore summary file as input. If no Albacore summary file is provided
attempt to calculate mean qscore from directly from fastq file using
NanoMath. Note: Calculated quality scores appear to be lower for reads
called with Metrichor, you may need to lower your minqual setting in
this case.
read simulator nanopore DRS datasets
Versions of package yanosim |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 0.1-3 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
bookworm | 0.1-5 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
trixie | 0.1-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
sid | 0.1-6 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64 |
License: DFSG free
Yanosim has three options:
yanosim model:
Creates an model of mismatches, insertions and deletions
based on an alignment of nanopore DRS reads to a
reference. Reads should be aligned to a transcriptome
i.e. without spliced alignment, using minimap2. They
should have the cs tag.
2. yanosim quantify:
Quantify the number of reads mapping to each
transcript in a reference, so that the right number
of reads can be simulated.
3. yanosim simulate:
Given a model created using yanosim model, and
per-transcript read counts created using yanosim
simulate, simulate error-prone long-reads from the
given fasta file.
Official Debian packages with lower relevance
Implementations of SIMD instructions for all systems
Versions of package libsimde-dev |
Release | Version | Architectures |
experimental | 0.8.2~rc1-1 | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,i386,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 0.7.4~rc2-2 | all |
trixie | 0.8.2-2 | all |
sid | 0.8.2-2 | all |
bullseye | 0.7.2-4 | all |
upstream | 0.8.4~rc1 |
License: DFSG free
SIMDe provides fast, portable implementations of SIMD intrinsics on hardware
which doesn't natively support them, such as calling SSE functions on ARM.
There is no performance penalty if the hardware supports the native
implementation (e.g., SSE/AVX runs at full speed on x86, NEON on ARM, etc.).
This makes porting code to other architectures much easier in a few key ways:
First, instead of forcing you to rewrite everything for each architecture,
SIMDe lets you get a port up and running almost effortlessly. You can then
start working on switching the most performance-critical sections to native
intrinsics, improving performance gradually. SIMDe lets (for example) SSE/AVX
and NEON code exist side-by-side, in the same implementation.
Second, SIMDe makes it easier to write code targeting ISA extensions you don't
have convenient access to. You can run NEON code on your x86 machine without an
emulator. Obviously you'll eventually want to test on the actual hardware
you're targeting, but for most development, SIMDe can provide a much easier
SIMDe takes a very different approach from most other SIMD abstraction layers
in that it aims to expose the entire functionality of the underlying
instruction set. Instead of limiting functionality to the lowest common
denominator, SIMDe tries to minimize the amount of effort required to port
while still allowing you the space to optimize as needed.
The current focus is on writing complete portable implementations, though a
large number of functions already have accelerated implementations using one
(or more) of the following:
SIMD intrinsics from other ISA extensions (e.g., using NEON to implement
Compiler-specific vector extensions and built-ins such as
__builtin_shufflevector and __builtin_convertvector
Compiler auto-vectorization hints, using:
Cilk Plus
GCC loop-specific pragmas
clang pragma loop hint directives
annotated gene by sample numpy matrix
Versions of package python3-anndata |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 0.10.6-1 | all |
bookworm | 0.8.0-4 | all |
bullseye | 0.7.5+ds-3 | all |
upstream | 0.11.3 |
License: DFSG free
AnnData provides a scalable way of keeping track of data together
with learned annotations. It is used within Scanpy, for which it was
initially developed. Both packages have been introduced in Genome
Biology (2018).
encodage binaire de structures biologiques – Python 3
Versions of package python3-mmtf |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.1.2-3 | all |
sid | 1.1.3-1 | all |
trixie | 1.1.3-1 | all |
bookworm | 1.1.3-1 | all |
License: DFSG free
MMTF (macromolecular transmission format) est un encodage binaire de structures
Ce paquet installe la bibliothèque pour Python 3.
Subread Sequence Alignment and Counting for R
Versions of package r-bioc-rsubread |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.20.0-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
trixie | 2.20.0-2 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.12.2-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
bullseye | 2.4.2-1 | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
License: DFSG free
Alignment, quantification and analysis of second and third generation
sequencing data. Includes functionality for read mapping, read counting,
SNP calling, structural variant detection and gene fusion discovery.
Can be applied to all major sequencing techologies and to both short
and long sequence reads.
Debian packages in contrib or non-free
toolkit for analysing high-throughput sequencing data
Versions of package bcbio |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 1.2.9-3 (contrib) | all |
buster | 1.1.2-3 | all |
bullseye | 1.2.5-1 (contrib) | all |
bookworm | 1.2.9-2 (contrib) | all |
License: DFSG free, but needs non-free components
This package installs the command line tools of the bcbio-nextgen
toolkit implementing best-practice pipelines for fully automated high
throughput sequencing analysis.
A high-level configuration file specifies inputs and analysis parameters
to drive a parallel pipeline that handles distributed execution,
idempotent processing restarts and safe transactional steps. The project
contributes a shared community resource that handles the data processing
component of sequencing analysis, providing researchers with more time
to focus on the downstream biology.
This package builds and having it in Debian unstable helps the Debian
developers to synchronize their efforts. But unless a series of external
dependencies are not installed manually, the functionality of bcbio in
Debian is only a shadow of itself. Please use the official distribution
of bcbio for the time being, which means "use conda". The TODO file in
the Debian directory should give an overview on progress for Debian
analysis of small RNA in NGS data
Versions of package python3-seqcluster |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 1.2.7+ds-1 (contrib) | all |
trixie | 1.2.9+ds-4 (contrib) | all |
sid | 1.2.9+ds-4 (contrib) | all |
bookworm | 1.2.9+ds-3 (contrib) | all |
License: DFSG free, but needs non-free components
Identifies small RNA sequences of all sorts in RNA sequencing data. This is
especially helpful for the identification of RNA that is neither coding nor
belonging to the already well-established group of miRNA, towards many tools
feel constrained to.
This package provides the Python module. For executables see the package
variant detection in next-generation sequencing data
Versions of package varscan |
Release | Version | Architectures |
bullseye | 2.4.3+dfsg-3 (non-free) | amd64 |
jessie | 2.3.7+dfsg-1 (non-free) | amd64 |
stretch | 2.4.3+dfsg-1 (non-free) | amd64 |
sid | 2.4.3+dfsg-4 (non-free) | amd64 |
trixie | 2.4.3+dfsg-4 (non-free) | amd64 |
bookworm | 2.4.3+dfsg-4 (non-free) | amd64 |
buster | 2.4.3+dfsg-3 (non-free) | amd64 |
License: non-free
Variant detection in massively parallel sequencing. For one sample,
calls SNPs, indels, and consensus genotypes. For tumor-normal pairs,
further classifies each variant as Germline, Somatic, or LOH, and also
detects somatic copy number changes.
Versions of package vienna-rna |
Release | Version | Architectures |
sid | 2.6.4+dfsg-1 (non-free) | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bookworm | 2.5.1+dfsg-1 (non-free) | amd64,arm64,mips64el,ppc64el,s390x |
trixie | 2.6.4+dfsg-1 (non-free) | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,mips64el,ppc64el,riscv64,s390x |
bullseye | 2.4.17+dfsg-2 (non-free) | amd64,arm64,armel,armhf,mips64el,mipsel,ppc64el |
upstream | 2.7.0 |
License: non-free
The Vienna RNA Package consists of a C code library and several
stand-alone programs for the prediction and comparison of RNA secondary
structures. It is developed and maintained by the group of Ivo Hofacker
in Vienna.
RNA secondary structure prediction through energy minimization is the
most used function in the package. It provides three kinds of dynamic
programming algorithms for structure prediction:
- the minimum free energy algorithm of (Zuker & Stiegler 1981) which
yields a single optimal structure,
- the partition function algorithm of (McCaskill 1990) which calculates
base pair probabilities in the thermodynamic ensemble, and the
suboptimal folding algorithm of (Wuchty 1999) which generates
all suboptimal structures within a given energy range of the optimal
For secondary structure comparison, the package contains several
measures of distance (dissimilarities) using either string alignment or
tree-editing (Shapiro & Zhang 1990). Finally, is provided an algorithm
to design sequences with a predefined structure (inverse folding).
The RNAforester package is a tool for aligning RNA secondary structures
and it's user interface integrates to those of the tools of the
Vienna RNA package.
Please cite:
Ronny Lorenz, Stephan H. Bernhart, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen, Hakim Tafer, Christoph Flamm, Peter F. Stadler and Ivo L. Hofacker:
ViennaRNA Package 2.0.
Algorithms for Molecular Biology
Debian packages in experimental
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
Versions of package libtensorflow-framework2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
experimental | 2.3.1-1 | amd64 |
License: DFSG free
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation
using data flow graphs. The graph nodes represent mathematical operations,
while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors)
that flow between them. This flexible architecture enables you to deploy
computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile
device without rewriting code.
This package ships shared object
A shared object which includes registration mechanisms for ops and
kernels. Does not include the implementations of any ops or kernels.
Instead, the library which loads
(e.g. for Python, for the C
API) is responsible for registering ops with In
addition to this core set of ops, user libraries which are loaded (via
TF_LoadLibrary/tf.load_op_library) register their ops and kernels with this
shared object directly.
For example, from Python tf.load_op_library loads a custom op library (via
dlopen() on Linux), the library finds (no
filesystem search takes place, since has already
been loaded by pywrap_tensorflow) and registers its ops and kernels via
REGISTER_OP and REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER (which use symbols from, and pywrap_tensorflow can then use these
ops. Since other languages use the same, op
libraries are language agnostic.
Please cite:
Martín Abadi, Ashish Agarwal, Paul Barham, Eugene Brevdo, Zhifeng Chen, Craig Citro, Greg S. Corrado, Andy Davis, Jeffrey Dean, Matthieu Devin, Sanjay Ghemawat, Ian Goodfellow, Andrew Harp, Geoffrey Irving, Michael Isard, Rafal Jozefowicz, Yangqing Jia, Lukasz Kaiser, Manjunath Kudlur, Josh Levenberg, Dan Mané, Mike Schuster, Rajat Monga, Sherry Moore, Derek Murray, Chris Olah, Jonathon Shlens, Benoit Steiner, Ilya Sutskever, Kunal Talwar, Paul Tucker, Vincent Vanhoucke, Vijay Vasudevan, Fernanda Viégas, Oriol Vinyals, Pete Warden, Martin Wattenberg, Martin Wicke, Yuan Yu and and Xiaoqiang Zheng:
TensorFlow: Large-scale machine learning on heterogeneous systems..
Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS
managing and analyzing biomedical big data
Versions of package arvados |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 2.0.3-1 | all |
License: Apache-2.0 #FIXME
Debian package not available
Version: 2.0.3-1
Arvados is an open source platform for managing, processing, and sharing
genomic and other large scientific and biomedical data. With Arvados,
bioinformaticians run and scale compute-intensive workflows, developers
create biomedical applications, and IT administrators manage large
compute and storage resources.
web app for visualizing pathogen evolution
Versions of package auspice |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 2.10.0-1 | all |
License: AGPL-3
Debian package not available
Version: 2.10.0-1
Nextstrain is an open-source project to harness the scientific and
public health potential of pathogen genome data. We provide a continually-
updated view of publicly available data with powerful analytics and
visualizations showing pathogen evolution and epidemic spread. Our goal
is to aid epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak response.
BLAST-Like Alignment Tool
Versions of package blat |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 35-1 | all |
License: FreeForScientificUse
Debian package not available
Version: 35-1
BLAT on DNA is designed to quickly find sequences of 95% and greater
similarity of length 25 bases or more. It may miss more divergent or shorter
sequence alignments. It will find perfect sequence matches of 25 bases, and
sometimes find them down to 20 bases. BLAT on proteins finds sequences of 80%
and greater similarity of length 20 amino acids or more. In practice DNA BLAT
works well on primates, and protein blat on land vertebrates.
BLAT is not BLAST. DNA BLAT works by keeping an index of the entire genome in
memory. The index consists of all non-overlapping 11-mers except for those
heavily involved in repeats. The index takes up a bit less than a gigabyte of
RAM. The genome itself is not kept in memory, allowing BLAT to deliver high
performance on a reasonably priced Linux box. The index is used to find areas
of probable homology, which are then loaded into memory for a detailed
alignment. Protein BLAT works in a similar manner, except with 4-mers rather
than 11-mers. The protein index takes a little more than 2 gigabytes.
COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics
Versions of package chime |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.2.1-1 | all |
License: MIT
Debian package not available
Version: 0.2.1-1
Penn Medicine - COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics
This tool was developed by the Predictive Healthcare team at Penn
Medicine. For questions and comments please see our contact page. Code
can be found on Github. Join our Slack channel if you would like to
get involved!
The estimated number of currently infected individuals is 533. The 91
confirmed cases in the region imply a 17% rate of detection. This is
based on current inputs for Hospitalizations (4), Hospitalization rate
(5%), Region size (4119405), and Hospital market share (15%).
An initial doubling time of 6 days and a recovery time of 14.0 days
imply an R_0 of 2.71.
Mitigation: A 0% reduction in social contact after the onset of the
outbreak reduces the doubling time to 6.0 days, implying an effective
R_t of 2.712.712.71.
pipeline to generate consensus sequences from NGS reads
Versions of package covpipe |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 3.0.6-1 | all |
License: GPL-3+
Debian package not available
Version: 3.0.6-1
CovPipe is a pipeline to generate consensus sequences from NGS reads
based on a reference sequence. The pipeline is tailored to be used for
SARS-CoV-2 data, but may be used for other viruses.
Genomic variants of your NGS data in comparison to a reference will be
determined. These variants will be included into the reference and form
the consensus sequences. See below for further details on the determined
set of consensus sequences.
Variant Effect Predictor predicting the functional effects of genomic variants
Versions of package ensembl-vep |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 100.2-1 | all |
License: Apache-2.0
Debian package not available
Version: 100.2-1
The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor predicts the functional effects of
genomic variants. It has three components:
- VEP (Variant Effect Predictor) predicts the functional effects of
genomic variants.
- Haplosaurus uses phased genotype data to predict whole-transcript
haplotype sequences.
- Variant Recoder translates between different variant encodings.
pipeline with virus identification with Nanopore sequencer
Versions of package fieldbioinformatics |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.1.3-1 | all |
License: MIT
Debian package not available
Version: 1.1.3-1
This is the ARTIC bioinformatics pipeline for working with virus sequencing
data, sequenced with nanopore. It implements a complete bioinformatics
protocol to take the output from the Nanopore sequencer and determine consensus
genome sequences. Includes basecalling, de-multiplexing, mapping, polishing
and consensus generation.
An outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, Ebola, ... something unknown? This
software is field-proven.
flip-flop basecaller for Oxford Nanopore reads
Versions of package flappie |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 2.1.3+ds-1 | all |
License: Oxford-Nanopore-PL-1.0
Debian package not available
Version: 2.1.3+ds-1
Basecall Fast5 reads using flip-flop basecalling.
highly sensitive and accurate mapper for long, error-prone reads
Versions of package graphmap2 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.6.4-1 | all |
License: MIT
Debian package not available
Version: 0.6.4-1
GraphMap2 is a highly sensitive and accurate mapper for long, error-
prone reads. The mapping algorithm is designed to analyse nanopore
sequencing reads, which progressively refines candidate alignments to
robustly handle potentially high-error rates and a fast graph traversal
to align long reads with speed and high precision (>95%). Evaluation on
MinION sequencing data sets against short- and long-read mappers
indicates that GraphMap increases mapping sensitivity by 10–80% and maps
95% of bases. GraphMap alignments enabled single-nucleotide variant
calling on the human genome with increased sensitivity (15%) over the
next best mapper, precise detection of structural variants from length
100 bp to 4 kbp, and species and strain-specific identification of
pathogens using MinION reads.
structural variant and indel caller for mapped sequencing data
Versions of package manta |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.6.0+dfsg-1 | all |
License: GPL-3+
Debian package not available
Version: 1.6.0+dfsg-1
Manta calls structural variants (SVs) and indels from mapped paired-end
sequencing reads. It is optimized for analysis of germline variation in
small sets of individuals and somatic variation in tumor/normal sample
pairs. Manta discovers, assembles and scores large-scale SVs, medium-
sized indels and large insertions within a single efficient workflow.
The method is designed for rapid analysis on standard compute hardware:
NA12878 at 50x genomic coverage is analyzed in less than 20 minutes on a
20 core server, and most WGS tumor/normal analyses can be completed
within 2 hours. Manta combines paired and split-read evidence during SV
discovery and scoring to improve accuracy, but does not require split-
reads or successful breakpoint assemblies to report a variant in cases
where there is strong evidence otherwise. It provides scoring models for
germline variants in small sets of diploid samples and somatic variants
in matched tumor/normal sample pairs. There is experimental support for
analysis of unmatched tumor samples as well. Manta accepts input read
mappings from BAM or CRAM files and reports all SV and indel inferences
in VCF 4.1 format.
sequence correction provided by ONT Research
Versions of package medaka |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.0.3+dfsg-1 | all |
License: MPL-2.0
Debian package not available
Version: 1.0.3+dfsg-1
Medaka is a tool to create a consensus sequence from nanopore sequencing
data. This task is performed using neural networks applied from a pileup
of individual sequencing reads against a draft assembly. It outperforms
graph-based methods operating on basecalled data, and can be competitive
with state-of-the-art signal-based methods, whilst being much faster.
- Requires only basecalled data. (.fasta or .fastq)
- Improved accurary over graph-based methods (e.g. Racon).
- 50X faster than Nanopolish (and can run on GPUs).
- Methylation aggregation from Guppy .fast5 files.
- Benchmarks are provided here.
- Includes extras for implementing and training bespoke
correction networks.
plotting scripts for long read sequencing data
Versions of package nanoplot |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.36.2-1 | all |
License: MIT
Debian package not available
Version: 1.36.2-1
NanoPlot provides plotting scripts for long read sequencing data.
These scripts perform data extraction from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data
in the following formats:
- fastq files (optionally compressed)
- fastq files generated by albacore, guppy or MinKNOW containing additional
information (optionally compressed)
- sorted bam files
- sequencing_summary.txt output table generated by albacore, guppy or
MinKnow basecalling (optionally compressed)
- fasta files (optionally compressed)
- multiple files of the same type can be offered simultaneously
Versions of package ncbi-magicblast |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.5.0+ds-1 | all |
License: PD
Debian package not available
Version: 1.5.0+ds-1
Magic-BLAST is a tool for mapping large next-generation RNA or DNA
sequencing runs against a whole genome or transcriptome. Each alignment
optimizes a composite score, taking into account simultaneously the two
reads of a pair, and in case of RNA-seq, locating the candidate introns
and adding up the score of all exons. This is very different from other
versions of BLAST, where each exon is scored as a separate hit and read-
pairing is ignored.
DSL for data-driven computational pipelines
Versions of package nextflow |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 23.10.1+dfsg-1 | all |
License: Apache-2.0
Debian package not available
Version: 23.10.1+dfsg-1
Nextflow is a bioinformatics workflow manager that enables the
development of portable and reproducible workflows. It supports
deploying workflows on a variety of execution platforms including local,
HPC schedulers, AWS Batch, Google Genomics Pipelines, and Kubernetes.
Additionally, it provides support for manage your workflow dependencies
through built-in support for Conda, Docker, Singularity, and Modules.
Nextstrain build for novel coronavirus (nCoV)
Versions of package nextstrain-ncov |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.0+git20200320.392dc1c-1 | all |
License: MIT
Debian package not available
Version: 0.0+git20200320.392dc1c-1
This is a Nextstrain build for novel coronavirus, alternately known as
hCoV-19 or SARS-CoV-2, visible at .
nf-core ARTIC field bioinformatics viral genome pipeline
Versions of package nf-core-artic |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.0+git20200324.9edd884-1 | all |
License: free
Debian package not available
Version: 0.0+git20200324.9edd884-1
RNA-seq workflow for nextflow, meant to form a a bioinformatics pipeline
for working with virus sequencing data sequenced with nanopore. This is
a reimplementation for the nextflow workflow suite of the ARTIC
fieldbioinformatics protocol.
This package at the very moment is not much more than a technical exercise.
Upstream tagged it as "under development" - and that is what it is here,
predicting oncogenic potential of gene fusions
Versions of package oncofuse |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.1.1-1 | all |
License: Apache-2.0
Debian package not available
Version: 1.1.1-1
Oncofuse is a framework designed to estimate the oncogenic potential of
de-novo discovered gene fusions. It uses several hallmark features and
employs a bayesian classifier to provide the probability of a given gene
fusion being a driver mutation.
precision HLA typing from next-generation sequencing data
Versions of package optitype |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.3.2-1 | all |
License: <license>
Debian package not available
Version: 1.3.2-1
OptiType is a novel HLA genotyping algorithm based on integer linear
programming, capable of producing accurate 4-digit HLA genotyping
predictions from NGS data by simultaneously selecting all major and
minor HLA Class I alleles.
Phylogenetic Assignment of Named Global Outbreak LINeages
Versions of package pangolin |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 4.3.1-1 | all |
License: GPL-3+
Debian package not available
Version: 4.3.1-1
Pangolin runs a multinomial logistic regression model trained against
lineage assignments based on GISAID data.
Legacy pangolin runs using a guide tree and alignment hosted at
cov-lineages/lineages. Some of this data is sourced from GISAID, but
anonymised and encrypted to fit with guidelines. Appropriate permissions
have been given and acknowledgements for the teams that have worked to
provide the original SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences to GISAID are also
hosted here.
analysis components from Oxford Nanopore Research
Versions of package pomoxis |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.3.4-1 | all |
License: MPL-2.0
Debian package not available
Version: 0.3.4-1
Pomoxis comprises a set of basic bioinformatic tools tailored to
nanopore sequencing. Notably tools are included for generating and
analysing draft assemblies. Many of these tools are used by the research
data analysis group at Oxford Nanopore Technologies.
- Wraps third party tools with known good default parameters and
methods of use.
- Creates an isolated environment with all third-party tools.
- Streamlines common short analysis chains.
- Integrates into katuali for performing more complex analysis
Pipeline engine for IDseq (Python 3)
Versions of package python3-idseq-dag |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 4.2.3-1 | all |
License: MIT
Debian package not available
Version: 4.2.3-1
Idseq_dag is the pipeline execution engine for idseq
(see It is a pipelining system that implements
a directed acyclic graph (DAG) where the nodes (steps)
correspond to individual python classes. The graph is
defined using JSON.
The pipeline would be executed locally with local machine
resources. idseq-dag could be installed inside a docker
container and run inside the container.
This package installs the library for Python 3.
Single-Cell Analysis in Python
Versions of package python3-scanpy |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.9.6-1 | all |
License: BSD-3-Clause
Debian package not available
Version: 1.9.6-1
Scanpy is a scalable toolkit for analyzing single-cell gene expression
data built jointly with anndata. It includes preprocessing,
visualization, clustering, trajectory inference and differential
expression testing. The Python-based implementation efficiently deals
with datasets of more than one million cells.
evaluating next generation sequencing alignment data
Versions of package qualimap |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 2.2.1+dfsg-1 | all |
License: GPL-2+
Debian package not available
Version: 2.2.1+dfsg-1
Qualimap 2 provides both a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a
command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment
sequencing data and its derivatives like feature counts.
Supported types of experiments include:
- Whole-genome sequencing
- Whole-exome sequencing
- RNA-seq (speical mode available)
- ChIP-seq
Qualimap examines sequencing alignment data in SAM/BAM files according
to the features of the mapped reads and provides an overall view of the
data that helps to the detect biases in the sequencing and/or mapping of
the data and eases decision-making for further analysis.
Qualimap provides multi-sample comparison of alignment and counts data.
- Fast analysis accross the reference of genome coverage and nucleotide
- Easy to interpret summary of the main properties of the
alignment data;
- Analysis of the reads mapped inside/outside of the regions provided
in GFF format;
- Computation and analysis of read counts obtained from intersectition
of read alignments with genomic features;
- Analysis of the adequasy of the sequencing depth in RNA-seq
- Multi-sample comparison of alignment and counts data;
- Clustering of epigenomic profiles.
Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies
Versions of package quast |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 5.0.2+dfsg-1 | all |
License: GPL-2
Debian package not available
Version: 5.0.2+dfsg-1
QUAST evaluates genome assemblies. For metagenomes, please see MetaQUAST
project. It works both with and without a given reference genome.
The tool accepts multiple assemblies, thus it allows for comparisons.
GNU R Coronavirus COVID-19 data acquisition and visualization
Versions of package r-cran-covid19 |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.2.1-1 | all |
License: GPL-3
Debian package not available
Version: 0.2.1-1
This GNU R package provides pre-processed, ready-to-use, tidy format
datasets of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic. The
latest data are downloaded in real-time, processed and merged with
demographic indicators from several trusted sources. The package
implements advanced data visualization across the space and time
dimensions by means of animated mapping. Besides worldwide data,
the package includes granular data for Italy, Switzerland and the
Diamond Princess.
A fast genetic clustering algorithm that approximates a Dirichlet Process Mixture model
Versions of package r-other-fastbaps |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.0.4-1 | all |
License: MIT
Debian package not available
Version: 1.0.4-1
Takes a multiple sequence alignment as input and clusters according to the 'no-admixture' model.
It combines ideas from the Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering algorithm of Heller et al.
and hierBAPS to produce a rapid and accurate clustering algorithm.
Removal of Spurious Antisense in biological RNA sequences
Versions of package rosa |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.0-1 | all |
License: GPL-3.0+
Debian package not available
Version: 1.0-1
In stranded RNA-Seq experiments it is possible to detect and
measure antisense transcription, important since antisense transcripts
impact gene transcription in several different ways. Stranded RNA-Seq
determines the strand from which an RNA fragment originates, and so can
be used to identify where antisense transcription may be implicated in
gene regulation.
However, spurious antisense reads are often present in experiments, and
can manifest at levels greater than 1% of sense transcript levels. This
is enough to disrupt analyses by causing false antisense counts to
dominate the set of genes with high antisense transcription levels.
The RoSA (Removal of Spurious Antisense) tool detects the presence of
high levels of spurious antisense transcripts, by:
- analysing ERCC spike-in data to find the ratio of antisense:sense
transcripts in the spike-ins; or
- using antisense and sense counts around splice sites to provide a
set of gene-specific estimates; or
- both.
Once RoSA has an estimate of the spurious antisense, expressed as a
ratio of antisense:sense counts, RoSA will calculate a correction to
the antisense counts based on the ratio. Where a gene-specific estimate
is available for a gene, it will be used in preference to the global
estimate obtained from either spike-ins or spliced reads.
This package provides the library for the statistics suite R.
RNA-seq expression estimation
Versions of package sailfish |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.10.1+dfsg-1 | all |
License: GPL-3.0+
Debian package not available
Version: 0.10.1+dfsg-1
RNA-seq is a technology to read at least parts of individual RNA
sequences of a tissue sample. After assigning these reads to genes
that are likely responsible to have coded for them (mapping), this
gives an insight (estimate) about how much these genes have been
active (expressed) in that sample. The trickier bits in that process
to address is the similarity of genes and the genes being capable to
variably but deterministically skip parts of their sequence to be read
(introns). A single variantly spliced gene may then yield different
sequences (isoforms) and the RNA-seq evaluation better informs about
this. It may be relevant for a disease.
Sailfish is particularly good (efficient) in this process. It tricks
the complexity by introducing an intermediate level of artificial very
short reads to which the alternative splicing is of no concern. That
can then be addressed by "telephone-book"-like hashing techniques that
are easy and lightning fast. The final presentation is then found to
be competitive with established mappers like eXpress and Cufflinks.
alignment to variation graph inducer
Versions of package seqwish |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.7.1-1 | all |
License: MIT
Debian package not available
Version: 0.7.1-1
Seqwish implements a lossless conversion from pairwise alignments
between sequences to a variation graph encoding the sequences and their
alignments. As input we typically take all-versus-all alignments, but
the exact structure of the alignment set may be defined in an
application specific way. This algorithm uses a series of disk-backed
sorts and passes over the alignment and sequence inputs to allow the
graph to be constructed from very large inputs that are commonly
encountered when working with large numbers of noisy input sequences.
Memory usage during construction and traversal is limited by the use of
sorted disk-backed arrays and succinct rank/select dictionaries to
record a queryable version of the graph.
HMM-HDP models for MinION signal alignments
Versions of package signalalign |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.0+git20170131.3293fad+dfsg-1 | all |
License: MIT
Debian package not available
Version: 0.0+git20170131.3293fad+dfsg-1
MinION signal-level alignment and methylation detection using hidden
Markov Models with hierarchical Dirichlet process kmer learning.
Nanopore sequencing is based on the principal of isolating a nanopore in
a membrane separating buffered salt solutions, then applying a voltage
across the membrane and monitoring the ionic current through the
nanopore. The Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) MinION sequences DNA by
recording the ionic current as DNA strands are enzymatically guided
through the nanopore. SignalAlign will align the ionic current from the
MinION to a reference sequence using a trainable hidden Markov model
(HMM). The emissions model for the HMM can either be the table of
parametric normal distributions provided by ONT or a hierarchical
Dirichlet process (HDP) mixture of normal distributions. The HDP models
enable mapping of methylated bases to your reference sequence.
fast way to build custom ML tools
Versions of package streamlit |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.56.0-1 | all |
License: Apache-2.0
Debian package not available
Version: 0.56.0-1
Streamlit lets you create apps for your machine learning projects with
deceptively simple Python scripts. It supports hot-reloading, so your
app updates live as you edit and save your file. No need to mess with
HTTP requests, HTML, JavaScript, etc. All you need is your favorite
editor and a browser.
strelka2 germline and somatic small variant caller
Versions of package strelka |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 2.9.10+dfsg-1 | all |
License: GPL-3+
Debian package not available
Version: 2.9.10+dfsg-1
Strelka2 is a fast and accurate small variant caller optimized for
analysis of germline variation in small cohorts and somatic variation in
tumor/normal sample pairs. The germline caller employs an efficient
tiered haplotype model to improve accuracy and provide read-backed
phasing, adaptively selecting between assembly and a faster alignment-
based haplotyping approach at each variant locus. The germline caller
also analyzes input sequencing data using a mixture-model indel error
estimation method to improve robustness to indel noise. The somatic
calling model improves on the original Strelka method for liquid and late-
stage tumor analysis by accounting for possible tumor cell contamination
in the normal sample. A final empirical variant re-scoring step using
random forest models trained on various call quality features has been
added to both callers to further improve precision.
utility to manipulate fasta files
Versions of package ufasta |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 0.0.3+git20190131.85d60d1-1 | all |
License: to_be_clarified
Debian package not available
Version: 0.0.3+git20190131.85d60d1-1
Description of ufasta subcommands:
- one: remove the new lines in the data section. Hence, all the
sequences are written on one line. In some sense, it is the opposite
of the format subcommand.
- format: reformat the data sections. The data is written in lines of
the same length, it can changes the content in upper/lower case.
- sizes: print the amount of sequence in each section
- head: like UNIX head. Display the first 10 sequences
- tail: like UNIX tail. Display the last 10 sequences
- rc: reverse complement every sequence
- n50, stats: display stats about the sequences: N50, E size, total
size, etc.
- extract: extract a sequence whose header match given names
- hsort, sort: sort file based on header content
- dsort: sort the data sections
- hgreap: output sequences whose header match the regular expression
- dgresp: output sequences whose sequence match the regular expression
- split: split a fasta file into many files
classification and annotation of viral sequences
Versions of package vadr |
Release | Version | Architectures |
VCS | 1.2.1-1 | all |
License: public_domain
Debian package not available
Version: 1.2.1-1
VADR (Viral Annotation DefineR) is a suite of tools for classifying and
analyzing sequences homologous to a set of reference models of viral
genomes or gene families. It has been mainly tested for analysis of
Norovirus and Dengue virus sequences in preparation for submission to
the GenBank database and finds its application also for the ongoing